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Dva seems pretty pleased with her recent purchase, but Sombra is less convinced.

Hey all! Here's a quick WIP of one of the animations I've been working on. The main focus of this animation was to get some practice working with cloth physics, and I think I've ironed out enough issues to make headway on the actual animation part. 

Most of the issues stemmed from the cloth collision simply being too large given the original size of the meshes. Even if you set the collision distances as low as they can go, Blender has a built-in resolution 'limit' that soft-locks physics from operating at lower distances. This tends to simplify the collision events and keep the program from nuking your CPU, but the downside is that any cloth that starts in and/or is moved into the collision box of another mesh can cause the mesh to 'bubble' and explode. Additionally, the lower the collision level is the more likely it is for objects to phase through the collision wall and explode. Given the base size of the character models, it can be really easy to trigger these exploding events and it's really hard to troubleshoot the cloth simulation. I spent a long time trying to find alternate ways to control close-contact collisions, from pinned groups, hooked meshes, surface deforms, etc., but the best solution I've found so far is to simply make the models larger. By scaling the entire scene by 10x, there's a lot more space for the cloth to move and I can keep the object collision distances to a reasonable number that doesn't come close to Blender's resolution limit. To keep things moving and reacting correctly, I've also increased gravity by 10x, and the resulting motion is almost exactly the same as the normal sized version. Increasing the models' sizes does create a few other problems with lighting and other physics, but those problems are a lot easier to troubleshoot than getting clothing to react properly.

With these initial physics issues out of the way, I'll be focusing mainly on the actual animation. I'll try to update you all again when I make some more meaningful progress, and I'm excited to have gotten most of the physics shiz out of the way so I can focus more on the animation itself. See you all soon!




Ah yes this meme XD. This going be super cute.