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Hey all,

So I realized I was dumb and I had opened the suggestion pool to everyone rather than the usual Patron+ tiers, so I'm going to be having an extra Pin-Up this month! We'll forgo the theme this time around since there's already a holiday poll going on, so have at at, and sorry for the confusion!

For the new faces here, the way this works is that anyone can suggest a Pin-Up over the next 24 hours. At the end of the window, I'll pick 3-4 of your suggestions and set up a poll for you all to decide which suggestion you want to see most. This will be for a single-frame Pin-Up (example), so keep that in mind when you write a suggestion!

For suggestions, please write them below in the post and limit it to 1 per person. The Pin-Up can be pretty much whatever you want, as long as it abides by the commission guidelines and the monthly theme. If you have any questions, feel free to send me a message, but keep the suggestions in this post!



How about this pinup be a continuation of the previous pin-up.


Well if this isn’t any theme go for it then hmmm. Think I will go with Sombraverse enter fortnite. With Raven finding a chug jug. While using it sombra pops out of her inter-dimensional portals and does her thing to the chug jug. Which then causes raven to grow in height, and curves. With raven only realizing after finishing.


Tali, Liara, and Miranda from Mass Effect, growing into giantesses, with breast and ass expansion, all surrounding and cuddling a tiny Sheppard.


Mercy with huge breasts making sure Tracer and Dva have enough milk to drink, so much so that they start inflating with it