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Oh my god, I can't take it anymore! I just want to cum already! I can't stop thinking about my enormous cock. Veins as thick as my arm run its length, pumping in sync to my fluttering heart. The shaft is as thicker than a tree trunk and just as heavy. What's more, despite it's gargantuan size I can still feel the lightest brush of fingertips, the ebb and flow of the breeze, and most recently the roughness of the stone ceilings. The combination of all these sensations with the inability to cum is driving me crazy. I tried to sleep, but I couldn't calm the pounding in my chest (or the throbbing between my legs). After what seemed like forever, I finally nodded off and managed to snatch a few hours of sleep.

I woke in a start to a gurgle as my balls began fill with renewed vigor. I could feel myself expanding, and the grand archways began to look small. If I didn't get outside now, I could be stuck in here until I outgrow the stonework. I called my MEKA and rammed my cock into the aptly named cockpit. The thrusters helped to ease the burden, but even now I heard them sputter and whine under the weight of my cock. It was slow work, and I could feel my balls gaining mass by the second. I'd nearly cleared the archway to the courtyard when I got stuck, my balls pressing against the cool stone walls. I tried to heave myself forward, relying on the weight of my member to pull me forward, but to no avail. I could feel the pressure building, and the timbers began to crack. I could feel my balls seizing and convulsing as I desperately tried to cum, but it was no use against the kitsune magic. My balls grew beneath me, and I was soon lifted into the air supported on a quivering water bed. My cock grew skyward and rose above the courtyard statue, easily 30 feet into the air. I gripped my shaft and gritted my teeth as I continued to swell, cursing myself as I fought the urge to moan. My vision began to blur and I could only hear the throb of my cock in my ears as it continued to swell. I gasped as I rose near level with the treetops, the pressure building between my thighs. I felt so helpless, and tears began to well in my eyes.

In a flash of seafoam light, Kiriko suzu-ed to the tip of my cock. I could barely see her through my tears, and for an instant I felt a flash of anger, until I saw the concern set in her eyes. She clenched her jaw and pulled a roll of spirit tags from her sash and bound them to my tip with a flourish. The foundations of the Chateau groaned as my heft strained against the masonry, and I cried out in pain. Kiriko chanted an incantation, and her eyes shone a brilliant blue. Within seconds I felt the pressure steady itself, and I stopped rising. Kiriko then clapped her hands and thrust them into the sky. With a deep-seated groan, my balls suddenly swelled as cum flooded in. The sudden influx jerked my balls free of the archway, but I continued to grow bigger and bigger. My cock swelled to match, thickening and lengthening, the throb rattling my teeth. I cried out again, but this time it was in sheer pleasure. Each surge was a shot of lust, and I gripped my shaft as I rose higher and higher. My cock soon rose above the Chateau's ramparts, it's surface pulsing as veins pumped furiously to feed the growing mass. The statue which once stood in the center of the courtyard was knocked down and brushed aside by my swelling balls, and I couldn't help but let out another moan as my balls pressed into the columns across the yard. My balls continued to swell and fill, squishing against the stonework like the world's largest stress ball, and my cock's girth swelled to match.

With the cry of a day long awaited, I finally came. My balls convulsed as they pumped cum into my cock, and I could see my shaft bulge as the viscous fluid finally escaped. It was as if a geyser was unplugged, and cum flowed like a river down my quivering cock. Each convulsion sent another gout through the air, coating the Chateau's roof and grounds in a white, shiny goop. I was hit by wave after wave of my cum as it washed down my length, pooling on my balls and running off into the water. Each surge sent me reeling, and I could do little more but grasp my shaft and ride out each soul-wracking orgasm. I can't remember what happened exactly during this time, but in that moment, it was all worth it. All the stress, all the aches, all the pain, all of it.

After what seemed like an eternity in heaven, I finally returned to consciousness. I could hear the gentle breaking of waves and the occasional splat of cum that dripped from the gutters. I scooped the muck out of my eyes and slowly sat up. I was on the ground of the Chateau's courtyard in a pool of my own cum. I blinked in the setting sun, the sunset rays glistening off every glazed surface. Hurried steps snapped me out of my stupor, and I was immediately engulfed by Kiriko. She was wet and sticky all over, and it took me a few moments to realize that she was sobbing. She told me that she was so sorry, that she didn't realize how much danger she put me in. She'd seen the subathon last year, and when she first found out I'd be doing this subathon again this year, curiosity got the better of her. She'd thought about how big I could get, but she never expected this kind of outcome. Kiriko said that the spirit tags she'd given to me earlier this month allowed her to channel kitsune magic through me, and she'd been able to tap into that conduit to keep me from cumming. This exchange wasn't without a cost though, as every time the kitsune prevented me from cumming, I grew a little bit more. This cost grew greater and greater as my horniness ramped during the month, and it soon got out of control. Kiriko burst into tears and told me that it was stupid of her to risk her friend over something so selfish. She'd been so consumed by lust that she didn't realize the danger she'd put me in.

She turned to leave, but I grabbed her hand and pulled her back. I knew that she never meant for me to get hurt, and when things did go wrong, she was there to help. I'm honestly more hurt that she didn't feel comfortable telling me the truth. I took on this challenge knowing that there were risks, and it made me feel better to have her by my side. I went to pull a gob of cum from her ponytail, but our eyes locked, and I pulled her in for a kiss. Her eyes went wide for a moment, but then softened as she returned the favor. We sat and watched as the last light of November faded away, and went up to the bedroom to welcome in the new month.

Thanks everyone for following me this month! We broke last year's subathon record, and I couldn't have asked for better fans! Be sure to like, follow, and subscribe! See you all next year!


Day 30, and that's the end! Thank you all for supporting me throughout this month, it's been a wild ride and I couldn't have done it without you. Big thanks to @Unskilled for hosting this event, it was a lot of fun to try different scenarios and I'm pretty happy with how this event turned out. I'll be putting together a short .MP4 of all the days from the event, and I hope you all enjoyed this final entry for this event. Take care, and I'll see you all soon!




Truly a phenomenal series! Congratulations on its completion and hope you had fun during it! Also nothing like heart felt forgiveness at end for kiriko and dva just being happy it’s over. Will dva do it again who knows XD.


Now that's what you call a finisher! ;) Also, that last pic is *definitely* not back all the way to where it all started. Very interesting. 😈


Awww the ending was cute 💕


Excellent finale! I love how Dva's balls get squished in the arches. A few of the descriptions for the renders mentioned cumflation to a certain degree, do you think this is a topic you'd explore in some future renders/animations?


I enjoyed this series and was looking forward to each day! I think doing more like this would be alsome! Thx for your hard work and time!