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Hey all,

Quick update, but it seems that the holidays caught up with me and I have to delay today's NTN update until tomorrow. I'm hoping to have both today's and tomorrow's updates posted tomorrow to get back on track, but I'll keep you guys updated! Don't worry, the event won't be skipping a day, and I'll do my best to get back on track.

Thanks, and I'll see you all soon!



Sad/disappointing news, but it's all good. 25 without fail is a fantastic record! Do what you gotta do, and accomplish what you can. It's already been a success in my book! (Maybe give numbers for days that get missed, if you can, though? I'm totes tracking it and running graphs on different metric because I like analyzing lines.) :D :D :D


The days won't be missed, I just didn't have the time to do the 26th yesterday so I'm going to be working on it today alongside the 27th. Don't worry, there'll still be 30 days