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Now of all times? Tracer and I tried to take a flank route, but they were ready for us. We managed to get away, but my MEKA was scrapped and I had to eject. Now we're pinned down behind a supply truck and I'm the hardest I've ever been. Until now, I'd been able to keep it more or less under control, but now even smallest movement makes me get so hard that I can't even bend down. I can feel it throbbing, straining against the fibers of my jumpsuit. With each throb my entire body seizes and quivers as I try my hardest to keep from cumming, and the feeling of my swelling cock is almost too much to handle. 

After what seemed like an eternity, the lust subsided and I was able to breathe out a shaky breath. That was way too close, and if I'm going to make it through this month without cumming, I'm going to need some help. And I know just who to talk to."


Day 13, and DVa has a close call! Unlike last year, DVa wanted to try getting through this month without a locking collar, but almost two weeks in she's already starting to regret her decision. She needs someone who can help keep her from cumming no mater what, and trust me, she's going to need it. 




Absolutely love the writing in this one and great render! Wonder if she’ll be bigger then last years NNN!


Her hubris will be the end of her. Better get help soon. And if this help just so happens to ramp up the growth rate, well, whatever it takes, right? 😉