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Kiriko seemed a little on edge after our workout session yesterday, so I brought her along with Sombra and I to that underground club from last week. It was really hot on the dancefloor, but to be honest, I loved the feeling of pressing up against people, feeling their heat and dancing through the crowd. All in all, it was a great night, and I think Kiriko was enjoying herself too!


Day 11, and it's getting harder for DVa to keep herself contained. Sometimes you just gotta let loose!




Ok kiriko expression has me laughing XD. Also good to see sombra just having time her life. Finally dva acting like nothing wrong. Truly this series is super fun!


Haha thanks! She's got to be able to let loose at some point, but it's definitely getting harder to ignore her growing size, especially for those around her


Damn, that sucker's gettin' GIRTHY. Might need to start including girth in the stats. XD