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Well, I'm never doing that again. Pharah asked me to come with her on a "short jog", and apparently we have COMPLETELY different ideas of what a short jog is. After the second mile I was ready to curl up and die right there on the boardwalk, and Pharah wasn't even winded. I couldn't see straight and we ran nearly a mile until I realized I'd bounced right out of my shorts. Now I can barely move my legs, and all that bouncing completely stretched out my gym bottoms. I hope nobody noticed, but I couldn't have cared less at time. I'm definitely going to take a day to relax, and I'll probably stream for a couple hours. That is, if I can even get out of bed. 


Day 8, and DVa's starting to realize first-hand the difficulties of wielding a foot-long dong. Sorry that this one came out so late in the day, I was kept late at work today and didn't have as much time to get ahead of it as I thought! 




If you think you feel bad the day OF exercise, just wait until the day after. ;) But also... that run looked like it was good for making some gains. Might need to do similar more often. :D :D