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Mei had to take the day off so I was stuck behind the bar all day today. Luckily, the lunch crowd was slow today and I got a chance to take these! Even though it's only been a couple days since the subathon started, I'm started to notice some changes. On top of being extra horny, I've already grown several inches and I can feel the weight shift as I move around. When I get really hard, I can thankfully hide it all under my apron, but bending down is becoming more of a challenge. Maybe a day off will help me focus up, otherwise it'll a long month. See you later!


Day 5, and here's a little peek behind the coffee bar! I actually spent a good amount of time today pulling and rigging a bunch of new outfits for DVa to wear. Several of them came from PharahBestGirls' Pharah model, and let's just say that there's a couple more...interesting options that'll come in play later in the month. I'm hoping to get a little ahead of the day-by-day and give myself some wiggle room when it comes to blocking out time to make the pin-up, so I've been taking time to optimize my workflow and prep the scenes best I can to cut down on wasted time. It's definitely been a learning process, and finding out ways to cut corners has been a fun challenge to getting these renders out. 




Part of me wishes we could get measurements with each pic to see how she's "handling" the challenge as the days go by.


That's probably a good idea, I was just a bit wary about tacking on a number without a good way to measure. I'll look into doing that for future updates!