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Hey all! 

Here's a quick peek behind the curtain. I've been spending a bunch of time hashing out the physics for a proper breast expansion animation, and I think I've come up with a more or less usable basis. The main issues that I've been running in to is that it's difficult for the simulation to maintain a certain volume, making it difficult for the breast to squish and squoosh when it comes in contact with say a hand or a cylindrical-shaped object. I'd hoped to make a breast mesh that I could bind to a particular body and have it work for any scenario, but it's proven a bit difficult to get everything working right. In this case, the breasts are a bit too jittery and have a more 'bolt-on' look since when they get big their overall properties change. I think that I'll need to experiment with driving tension+pressure simulation values based on overall size, but that could be a whole nother can of worms. 

At any rate, I've been blocking out a few shorter scenes (the gif above was just a short test), and I'm hoping to have a bit of time this weekend/holiday to dial in the physics. Even if the initial result isn't perfect, having a short animation to test physics settings with would be useful for future tests. I'll be posting more WIPS as the animations get more blocked out, and I'll be trying different simulations to see what gives the best result. Ideally, once I dial in the breast physics I'll be able to apply something similar for ass physics, and with any luck I'll have a more or less fully functional expansion rig for any occasion! 




Super exciting! This is an awesome update✨️✨️✨️👍


Thanks! I'm trying to split work between refining/redoing the expansion rig and actual animation, and I'm hoping to hone in on something that looks/feels realistic as the animation takes shape!