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"Hey Spidey, nice spot you picked out. Here, lemme get your back for you!" 

Widowmaker sighed. Two miles of clear coastline, and SHE manages to find her. 

"Lay a finger on me, and you'll regret I didn't kill you in London."

"Aw come on, even a blueberry like you are gonna get burnt in this sun. I'll just dab a bit on your back and you can go on ignoring me." 

"Fine, make it quick, and leave me be."

"That's the spirit! I used a bit of Mercy's earlier, I'm sure she won't mind if I use a bit more." Tracer knelt down and laid a hand on Widowmaker's thigh. "Sheesh, even now you're still freezing."

Widowmaker jerked her leg and turned to give Tracer an icy glare. "If you'd like to keep that hand, I'd suggest you get finished quickly," Widowmaker said coldly.

"Oh lighten up, we're on vacation! Hey, I gotta ask love, when you tan, do you turn red or do you start turning pur-"

"Quiet!" Widowmaker snarled, "It's hard enough to relax, I don't need to listen to your prattling."

"Oh sorry," Tracer whispered, squirting the lotion in to her hand, "Quiet game it is."

Tracer gently rubbed the lotion on to Widowmaker's shoulders and back. Widow stiffened at Tracer's touch and gritted her teeth as the Brit pulled her swimsuit straps to rub underneath, but resigned let Tracer continue her task. The sunblock tingled a bit, but it the sensation disappeared as Tracer rubbed it in. Tracer's hands moved lower and lower as she smeared the sunblock on Widow's lower back. Tracer's hands lingered on the small of Widow's back, gently squeezing her abdomen. 

"You know what, how about I get a bit on your legs? Otherwise you'll have one helluva tan." Widow turned to glare at Tracer. "Oh relax, it'll only take a second!" Widow grunted and turned back to watch the ocean. Tracer smiled and squirted another blob of sunblock in to her hand. She gingerly rubbed the lotion on Widowmaker's cold thighs, biting her lip as she caressed the sniper's muscles. She moved upward, letting her fingers run over Widowmaker's ample figure, the cold skin in contrast to the soft flesh. 

With feigned carelessness, Tracer squeezed a large dollop of sunblock on to Widowmaker's backside. "Sorry love, it came out a bit fast! Let me rub that in..." Tracer pressed both hands on to Widowmaker's voluptuous ass, letting her fingers glide along the now slick figure. She tenderly massaged the lotion in to Widow's skin, and despite Widow's protests, fished her fingers underneath Widow's swimsuit band to spread the extra lotion. 

"Hey! What do you think you're do-" Widow began, but her words were quickly cut off as her ass began to swell. Her hips bloated and her thighs surged to match as her ass ballooned to the size of beach balls below Tracer's hands. Tracer gasped, having not expecting the lotion to work as well as it had. As if in response, Tracer's breasts swelled, her swim top straining to contain the soft but growing heft. Widow let out an involuntary moan as her ass continued to inflate, the flesh jiggling as she struggled to sit up. Tracer gasped in short breaths, her top constricting her still-growing breasts. Her nipples pressed through the sheer fabric until her top finally snapped, allowing her tits to grow un-impeded. Growing heavier by the second, Tracer leaned over Widowmaker's ass, allowing the weight of her breasts to rest on the distraught sniper's back, pinning Widow to the ground. Throughout this fiasco, Widow's ass continued to inflate, slowly enveloping Tracer in a soft and jiggly prison. 

With a final orgasmic shudder, Tracer and Widow's bodies finally ceased growing. The weight of their figures kept them pinned to the ground and, conveniently, each other. Widowmaker bristled with rage, but before she could utter a word, Mercy knelt down next to her. 

"And here I thought I'd only get to test the formula on Tracer. Next time, use your own sunblock."  


Here's this month's Pin-Up, suggested by Des24242424! This was a fun one to make, and I really like how all the colors came out. With the Zelda animation completely finished, I'm going to turn back to doing some more short-style animations using the expansion rig I've been working on. I've gotten most of the issues ironed out, but I think it'll be best to see how it works in practice and improve on it from there. I'll be looking to drop a few more WIP updates as that progresses, and I'll try to keep yall in the loop! Have a great summer, and I'll see you soon!
