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After a late night study session, you offered to walk Dva home. She refused, saying she'd stay a bit longer, but as you began to walk out the door, she caught up with you. She grasped your hand and pulled you toward the courtyard, a ways away from her dorm, but you followed without protest. After all, it was a nice night. The clouds were obscuring the moon, and the two of you sat on the old fountain, watching the stars come to life under the shifting cloud cover. 

She seemed anxious, as if she wanted to tell you something, but couldn't bring herself to say it. But as moonlight seeped between a break in the clouds, she yelped and stood up quickly. In the light of the full moon, she began to transform. Her shirt split open with a sudden swell, buttons ricocheting off the stonework. Her stockings strained to contain her thickening thighs, and her skirt shortened as her ass ballooned. With a moan, she thrust her hips forward, her cock breaking free and swelling with unrestrained vigor. She doubled over, breathing heavy, until she suddenly began to grow. The muscles in her arms and back thickened and strained the remains of her uniform. She quickly passed your height, and gasped as she continued to grow. It was only after she reached nearly 12 feet tall did the swelling finally cease. She was breathing heavy, and as you began to back away, she quickly turned, flashing a pointed set of fangs, and your vision went dark. 

You woke up late next morning with a pounding headache, unsure whether or not you dreamt the encounter. It was only when you saw the two pricks on your neck did you remember what happened, and with a small smile you mark next month's full moon in your calendar. 


After a long wait, here's the finished Dva animation that I've been working on! This animation was done as part of a commission for DUxMORTEM, and I'm pretty happy with how it turned out! Night scenes are a bit harder to light, but I hope it turned out well enough for you guys to enjoy it. I've got a bunch of new projects in the pipeline, and I'll be sure to share the progress as I go. Till then, take care, and I'll catch you all later! 




actually insanely well done, always glad to see your work. improving as always :-o


Absolutely fantastic.


Probably not at the moment. Maybe I'll go back through at some point when I start learning sound design, but I don't have the resources that other people have :(


Yep this turned out fantastic! Excellent job on how to show characters growth!