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Hey guys!

With October in the rear-view mirror, I wanted to let you know what my plan is for the coming month! 

As some of you might have seen on Twitter, I'm collaborating with Expandinator and Unskilled this month to release a few growth animations as part of this year's Nerf This November. I'm excited to finally collab with another artist, and I hope you all enjoy the series as it plays out! Working on this project was part of the reason I was so busy last month, the other being a huge uptick in work from my day-job. For a few weeks there, I was pretty much stuck in the 'wake up, work, make dinner, sleep' loop, but it looks like I'll have more time to spare in the coming weeks to make proper progress on my own and the collaboration projects.

Content-wise, the monthly poll will be live tomorrow morning with the suggestion phase, and I've got a few commissions in the works. I'll be posting WIPs as those start shaping out, and I'll try to be more communicative as the month goes on! I'll be updating the models I generated in September, and if I have time I'll be doing a bit of housekeeping like finally updating the banner+profile pic. After the slog of October, I'm pretty rev'd to get back in to the swing of things, and I'm happy to bring you all along for the ride!