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“Mornin’ love! I’ll have the usual!”

“Sure thing cutie! Dark espresso with double cream, double sugar…annnd one honey biscuit, hot and fresh!”

Sombra groaned. It’s every day with these two. Every morning that bothersome Brit saunters into Sombra’s favorite coffee shop just for an excuse to chat up the cute barista. Though she couldn’t blame her, Hana looked cute in the uniform. Even still, why can’t the most competent hacker in the world, who could topple an entire country with a single keystroke, just enjoy her coffee in peace without the incessant bubbling conversation?

Sombra hunched down and glared at her phone, trying to tune out the flirtatious banter. It was painfully obvious that they liked each other, but neither was willing to outright admit it. She’d seen the way Hana’s eyes would linger on Tracer’s subtle curves, and Tracer played coy with her skintight exercise outfit. Sombra rolled her eyes as a bright laugh bubbled from the counter. If only they’d fuck and get this over with, maybe she’d finally have a moment of peace.

“By the way, I love the new ponytail, it’s real cute!” Tracer remarked.

“Thanks, I didn’t have the time to style it, so I figured ‘eh, why not?” Hana replied. She smiled warmly, scribbling ‘cutie’ on Tracer’s cup.

Dios mío, would they ever shut up? Sombra tried to concentrate, but every thought was jarred by the invasive gossipping of the two silly girls who clearly had no regard for anyone else. Her frustration building, Sombra set her phone down firmly and turned toward the source of her annoyance. As expected, Tracer was wearing her trademark leggings coupled with an orange sports bra. Hana was in her typical uniform, but Sombra noticed the short cut skirt peeking out from behind her apron, revealing a generous amount of thigh. As Tracer turned to look at the daily specials, Sombra saw Hana steal a longing glance at Tracer’s sculpted ass, the skintight fabric leaving little to imagination but much to desire.

Sombra smirked. Maybe they just need a push, or slide, in the right direction. With a flourish of her fingers, Sombra hacked Tracer. Overwatch had been working on an experimental hardlight prosthetic, a collaboration between the Vishkar Corporation and Dr. Ziegler, but it had never been approved past test stages due to shortcomings with the organic surfacing. In theory, the hard light would serve as a base skeleton and connect the severed nerve endings to an organic skin, essentially restoring functionality and feeling to the missing limb. But with Overwatch’s ethical restrictions preventing human testing, the project was vaulted, that is, until Sombra uncovered it. It took several months working with Moira to test drive a proper controller, but with Moira’s extensive experience in gene manipulation, she was able to control the very cells of a target. What was once the hard light skeleton was now a light-generated synthetic cell, capable of reproducing at blistering rates, effectively allowing for procedural body modifications. These synthetic cells could transfer nervous signals to and from organic cells, resulting in a net zero in effective nerve damage. For Overwatch, this could mean the beginning of a new age in prosthetics and the potential for proper synthetic organs. But for Talon, the emergence of this new technology had many…unorthodox applications.

Sombra’s controller was a holographic interface that reacted to her touch. She’d toiled long nights to generate specific presets, but it would all soon be worth it. In reality, this was only the second time she’d used the program, and what could be a better guinea pig than that pain-in-the-ass Brit?

Her connection stable, she could feel the hard light tugging at Tracer’s cells, and with a flick of her fingers, Sombra slid the ‘Butt’ slider to 70%. Tracer’s ass eagerly swelled in response, growing from a modest muffin to a monstrous cake. Her leggings screamed in protest as the elastic fibers struggled to contain the swelling heft, and the sudden weight buckled her knees. With a yelp, Tracer leaned on the counter to keep herself up, and Hana, turning back to her favorite customer, stumbled backwards in shock at the sudden transformation. The cup labeled ‘cutie’ clattered to the floor, and Hana pressed herself against the back counter, eyes wide and mouth agape in surprise.

With considerable effort, Tracer heaved herself upright, her swollen ass jiggling in protest. She craned her neck around and gasped in shock at her bulging booty. She could feel her leggings digging into every crevice as her ass consumed the fabric, and her titanic thighs bulged in protest of the elastic prison. Tearing her eyes from the wobbling mass, she saw Sombra out of the corner of her eye, an evil glint shining in the hacker’s purple irises.

With another flourish, Sombra slid the ‘Breast’ slider, and Tracer’s body eagerly complied. The bottom-heavy Brit soon found herself toppling forward as her breasts swelled from tennis balls, to basket balls, and finally to beach balls. Her breasts sloshed as her puppeted body filled with milk, and her nipples pressed hard against her strained sports bra. Feeling her body swell and filled with fluid sent her mind in a tailspin of shock and pleasure, and she fell to on the counter for support, her chest heaving with labored breaths. Hana’s eyes widened as she stared at Tracer’s engorged tits, her gaze locked on Tracer’s valley of cleavage. With a heave, Tracer tried to heft herself upright, but the sloshing weights pinned to her chest took her off balance and she spun to lean with her back on the counter. Each breast must have weighed several kilograms, and she could feel them sloshing with every motion. Hana’s expression of shock softened into intrigue as she stared at the hourglass-shaped girl. Even from behind, Hana could clearly see Tracer’s swollen breasts, which were only matched by her eclipsing ass.

Taking a few moments to steady herself, Tracer tried to take in her new figure. Her cleavage seemed to go on forever, and with the way her ass was pressing into the counter, she knew that she wouldn’t be able to sleep on her back ever again. She straightened her back, trying to settle her tits on her belly, but suddenly remembered the hacker seated across from her. Eyes wide, Tracer’s gaze snapped up to see Sombra with her fingers on a final slider.

With a wink, Sombra flung the ‘Futa’ slider as far as it would go, and Tracer’s vision exploded in light and pleasure. Tracer’s clit doubled, then tripled in size as her body was infused with unfamiliar cells and transformed. She felt two swelling lumps push past her nether regions’ folds, her vagina stretching and fusing into smooth skin. Her back arched as a shaft erupted from her tender flesh, the new nerve endings flooding her with stimulating sensations. Her eyes rolled back in her head as her new dick swelled and lengthened, begging to be free. With a decisive surge, her cock burst past her leggings’ waistline, nearly burying itself in her heaving tits. Her body jerked as her cock continued to grow, eager for more. Free from the elastic prison, her cock grew bigger and heavier, stretching her leggings down. Her balls were tightly bound in her leggings, but still pulsed and swelled with her rapid heartbeat as her balls filled with cum. When the spots finally cleared from her vision, Tracer leaned forward, and craned her neck over her heavy tits to gaze at her enormous cock.

Even though Sombra had seen the body modification sliders in action before, it seemed that people’s bodies reacted to it differently. She smirked as she remembered Widowmaker trapped under her new massive ass, and concluded that she could use more test data. In Tracer’s case, her breasts and ass were equally swollen, a near perfect, if not ironic, hourglass for the time-traveling fighter pilot. However, her cock was enormous, hanging down to her knees and with a girth as wide as her waist. Her veined shaft and balls twitched as she tried to resist the urge to grasp hold, and Sombra watched as Tracer swayed side to side, her cock heavy like a pendulum. Behind the now buxom Brit, the lone barista’s eyes were aflame with lustful desire, biting her lip to keep from squealing out loud.

Satisfied, if not a little flustered herself, Sombra ran her fingers over her holographic console, logging the results and forwarding the data back to Moira. Once sent, a final dialogue box appeared with the words ‘Apply Changes’, accompanied with a glowing green ‘Yes’ and a glowing red ‘No’. With a side eye gaze, Sombra glanced over at the curiosity-gripped Tracer, whose knees trembled under both weight and anticipation, then to the lustful Hana, whose eyes were locked on the voluptuous figure, fingers discreetly slipping underneath her skirt. With a smile, Sombra caught Tracer’s eye and lifted a deliberate finger.



Well I did it. For those out of the loop, I wanted to give myself 24 hours to create a full animation, and by golly I did it. Granted I was up at 3am trying to figure out why TF the physics weren't working, and I had to skimp on cloth physics, but we got there in the end. Originally I was going to make a short 10-15 second butt expansion/loop, but once the animation got rolling I kind of kept adding things, and suddenly it was three times as long with BE and Futa because scope creep is a biatch and I have no self control. Not gonna lie, there's a lot of hacky bits that I'm surprised worked, and there's parts that aren't as smooth as I'd like, but for a short timeline I'm really pleased with how much I was able to turned out, and I was able to learn/troubleshoot a lot. I also rendered this at 2048x2048 as opposed to the usual 1024x1024, and the extra detail is definitely worth the render time. Unfortunately, this also makes the .GIF preview extra compressed and honestly not worth watching, so I made a bit nicer looking splashcard/thumbnail, and you should be able to view/download the video from the link. 

I was actually planning on adding sound to the animation, but I ran short on time and wanted to get it rendered. If I delayed the animation then it would pretty much void the whole 24 Hour Challenge, and I wanted to stay true to that promise. Hopefully the story fills in for the lack of audio, and if I have the time I may add it for the public release! 

Finally, I want to give a huge thanks to everyone who had submitted suggestions! I always look forward to seeing you all come up with ideas, and I have taken a lot of inspiration from them. I hope you all enjoyed the animation and story, and thanks again for all the support over the past few months! 

Thank you! 


Tracer+Dva+Sombra Models by Arhoangel/Dreamrider

Tracer Leggings by @ForceballFX


Story by Haptick (Look ma, it's me! Actually, don't look.) 
