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Hey all, it's another month! 

For those who haven't seen the WIPs, I've been getting a lot of work done on the Brigitte animation, and I'm looking to finish it this month and get commissions back up and running. March was a good way to get back in the swing of things, and I'm looking to keep that momentum this month. I'm planning on continuing to post WIPs each Friday this month, and we'll be starting the month off with another Pin-Up poll. After giving it some thought, I'm also planning on doing a 24hr animation 'challenge' some time this month, but I'll need to plan a day that I can spend on it. At any rate, I'll be sure to let you all know when I'm planning on doing it, and I'll be asking for basic suggestions from you guys (similar to the pin-up polls, but less complex) when that time comes around. 

March was definitely a marked improvement from February's slog, and I'm looking forward to what the month brings! That being said, if there's anything that you all would like to see changed/improved this month/in the future, I'd love to hear it. I haven't done a Q+A in a while either, so I might end up tossing a quick one up here and on Twitter this month or the next! Either way, thanks for coming by, and have a great weekend!


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