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Hey guys! Most of my time this week has been focused on getting the Brig animation in a more stable state, and I'm happy to say that the intro is pretty much done, and the animation is (for the most part) timed out! It's looking to be in the 2-3 minute range, but with dialogue, looping, camera shifts, etc, the final time will probably vary. With the intro mostly done, I'm getting more into the actual expansion parts, so the future WIPs will almost definitely have more expansion-based content in it. I'll be taking a short break this weekend on the Brig animation to finish up the Pharah hot spring one, and I'm aiming to have that rendered and posted come Monday or Tuesday so you all have an animation to see this month. Once that's finished, I'll be full focused on getting the Brig animation to a completely animated state to nail down a final timing, and in the meantime look for VA's who might be able to voice Brig and Tracer. I'll keep you all posted on that front, but if it looks like it'll take even longer to get dialogue incorporated, I'll plan to release the less dialogue-heavy expansion+growth sequence as a standalone and add dialogue to the full release after. 

Come April, I'll be doing another set of the pin-up polls (hopefully 2 this time), and I've got a bunch of shorts that I want to make once the Brig animation wraps up. Alternatively, I'm toying with the idea of doing a 24hr animation challenge to see how fast I can make a short animation, and I think it'd be fun to get suggestions from you all similar to the pin-up poll. Still a big maybe, but I definitely want to do more Patreon-inspired content going forward. 
