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“So, what is this thing, Liara?”

“I don’t know, it’s unlike anything I’ve seen before. I’m not sure exactly how old it is, but it seems ancient. The records I have here don’t even indicate there ever being a permanent presence on this planet, so whoever is responsible for this structure must have lived here before these records began. It looks to me to be in pretty good condition considering how long it must have been here, but I’m unfamiliar with the design. It doesn’t match any work from any of the ancient civilisations I've studied. This has to be something new.”

“Scans from my omni-tool are not giving me anything useful either. Perhaps it is broken?”

Three women were discussing a discovery they have made. Whilst exploring and searching for mineral resources on the surface of one of the many uninhabited alien planets throughout the galaxy, they had come across a mysterious structure. A tarnished monolith, the structure was shaped like a metallic pillar, and eminnated strange energy signatures. Scanning the signatures was Doctor Liara T’Soni, a striking and highly intelligent Asari archaeologist. Her exhaustive analysis failed to find any similar signatures, and categorizing the origin of the energy had been a fruitless task. This reminded her of when they found Prothean structures on planet surfaces, though this particular structure discovered was definitively not Prothean. Assisting in data acquisition was Tali Zorah Vas Normandy, a brilliant Quarian engineer. Standing near the pillar, Tali uses her omni-tool to scan the material properties, but like Liara her results were inconclusive. A structural scan was able to reveal that the pillar was the top of a buried structure, but the origin of the energy source was still a mystery. Overseeing her partners’ work, Miranda Lawson stood guard, gun at the ready and eyes flitting between the trees. A genetically designed and enhanced Human, Miranda is more than capable of defending her squadron should any hostilities approach.

“Liara, you're the smartest person in the galaxy when it comes to ancient civilizations. If even you don’t know what this is then, I doubt anyone else will. This may be a very big discovery!” Tali said to Liara, eyes glowing behind her enviro-suit’s helmet.

“Indeed!” Liara responded excitedly. “There could be more buried underground on this planet, maybe more artifacts! We may have just discovered the remnants of a whole new civilisation... A whole new species!”

“Who were destroyed by the Reapers,” Miranda added, ice edging her words.

“Yes, presumably,” Liara responded in a dejected tone as she returned to her notes and Tali resumed her examination.

Following protocol concerning unidentified objects, the trio had limited their work to scans with an omni-tool and observation and had yet to make actual physical contact with the pillar. The strange energy signatures and the unknown buried structure was enough to set Liara and Miranda on edge, but Quarians were curious creatures, more apt to work with their hands than tools. Tali leaned in toward the pillar, her helmet mere inches from its pitted surface. “What are you? What is your purpose?” Curiosity overcoming caution, Tali gently placed her hands on the pillar.


As soon as she made contact the pillar started to emit a buzzing sound and began to light up. “Bosh’tet!.” Tali cursed as she quickly removed her hands from the illuminated structure and took a step back. Liara and Miranda turned around towards Tali and the pillar.

“What happened Tali!? Are you alright?” Liara asked urgently and quickly moved towards her friend.

“I am fine,” Tali reassured, “I was just trying to get a closer look, but it seems to have reacted to my touch.” Miranda pulled Tali away from the pillar and examined her hands, but found no damage.

“You know you shouldn’t be touching that! We don’t know what this thing is! It could be dangerous!” she reprimanded. “We need to get clear of this thing,” Miranda said angrily, “There’s no telling what you did by touching it.”

“Calm down Miranda, look at these signatures! We might be able to learn something new if we scan it whilst it’s in this state.” Liara objected as she activated her omni-tool, Tali did the same. Before the two could do anything more however, the light emanating from the pillar surged and the ground around the pillar began to shake.

“Get back!!” Miranda shouted.


Before anyone could react, a brilliant flash of light burst from the pillar and all three were blinded. Liara felt a rush of hot air buffet her face, and turned away from the pillar. When their vision returned, the ground had stopped shaking and the vibrations ceased. The pillar had stopped buzzing, but it was still glowing, the light gently washing over the trio in a now quiet forest.

“You two alright?!”  Miranda asked.

“I’m okay,” Liara answered.

“I believe I am fine as well.” Tali responded. “What a strange artifact–”

Tali’s words caught in her throat as she suddenly felt an intense warmth that gradually grew warmer and warmer. “Oooh…Keelah... mmm. Friends…I feel really strange,” Tali said out through labored breaths. Knees wobbling, she stumbled towards the pillar and leaned against it for support. This time, the pillar didn’t react, its glow reflected in the Quarian’s helmet. As the heat in her body grew more intense and her breaths grew heavy, Tali looked towards Liara and Miranda and saw that they too were affected by the pulse.

“Ohh... So do I.” Liara managed to say, her vision blurring as it became difficult to focus on anything except what was happening in her body.

“M-me too.” Miranda added, almost losing balance herself. As the three soon became acutely aware, their bodies weren't just heating up, they were becoming more sensitive. Their skin-tight suits squeezed their butts and grazed their nipples. With rising heat, their nipples grew erect, poking and rubbing against the inside of their clothing, redoubling the pleasure for the girls. All three struggled to remain standing, almost moaning out loud as these sensations continued without pause. The heat was pulsing in their bodies, growing with a fiery lust.

“Ohh–what’s happening? I f-feel…so hot. Why does my s-suit feel so tight?” Tali moaned out. With a fevresh glance she looked down and gasped in surprise. Her breasts seemed to be swollen, she could see them gradually growing in her strained suit. “Keelah! Wha... W-What's happening to me?!” She brought her hands to her swelling breasts, her hands sinking into the soft flesh, confirming her suspicions. “T-They are getting much b-bigger.” She gave them a slight squeeze and was struck by a pleasurable jolt. “Hngg! Oh K-Keelah! This is feeling really good!”

“Oh O-Ohh!”, “Oh, my G-God!”

The sound of pleasured moans coming from the other two caught Tali’s attention. She saw that they were in a similar predicament to her.

“B-By the Goddess!” Liara exclaimed as she looked behind herself towards her own growing bubble butt. Her suit strained as it tried to hold back her shifting contours, thighs aching to be free.

“Ahh! What’s…h-happening to us?! H-How is this…possible?!” Miranda gasped between her own moans. Unlike the other two, Miranda was experiencing growth in both her breasts and her butt. Her already modest assets grew bigger, rounder, and fuller. This structure seems to have different effects on different species. “Ohh my... My body is on fire... But f-feels so good! Why does this feel so g-good? T-This is making me so horny!” Miranda gasped as she gripped her ballooning breast with her free hand.

“Yes! This feels amazing! But…how?” For Liara, the sensation in her growing booty was too much for her and her legs buckled from the pleasure. She sank to her knees and fell forward on her forearms, her swollen butt sticking out in the air. Craning her neck, Liara managed to lift herself up a bit and looked at what was happening with the other two. Tali was still leaning against the pillar and moaning out loudly as her breasts continued to inflate. Even down on the ground, she could hear Tali’s suit stretching as struggled to contain her growing heft. She watched as Tali tried using her omni-tool on the pillar in a vain attempt to shut it down, but both were finding it increasingly difficult to think clearly and concentrate. Tali soon conceded and leaned against the pillar looking down at her chest as it got bigger and bigger, resigned to witness her growth.

Miranda on the other hand, was ecstatic. Both Miranda’s boobs and butt were still expanding, and Miranda gave her butt a hearty slap making it jiggle on impact. “Oh yeah! Look at that baby go! It jiggles so much!” Miranda exclaimed as her butt rippled from the slap. Miranda now moved her free hand towards her crotch and started rubbing her pussy through her suit. “Ohh! It’s so g-good! I can’t stop!”

“M-Miranda! Uhngh... H-Have you lost your m-mind?! We n-need to concentrate on fixing this!” Liara cried, but Miranda ignored her. Overcome with lust, Miranda fervently rubbed her pussy, breasts bouncing and body vibrating as she continued to grow.

These three already had curvy bodies before, but now looked downright petite in comparison to their voluptuous forms now. Their outfits were designed to be form-fitting and hug their bodies tightly, but now they were straining in an effort to contain the growth. As the trio continued to grow, it became apparent that this was a battle their outfits were bound to lose. With each passing second, their outfits stretched, threatening to rip and spill their growing flesh.

“Ahh! I can’t h-help it. I... I c-can't stop playing with myself. I can’t stop touching. It feels too good!” Miranda yelled out, her hand a blur as she continued rubbing her pussy. “I’m gonna–”  However, whilst Miranda was on the verge of an orgasm, the pillar suddenly went dark and the growth in all three of them stopped. No longer entranced by the pillar’s glow, soon the three were beginning to be able to think clearly again. Miranda was the first to come back to her senses and realized what she was doing.

“What the hell am I doing?!” Her hand dropped to her side, wet with fleeting pleasure. “I... I-I'm sorry…I don’t know what came over me,” she told Liara and Tali. They were all left panting from exhaustion. They all looked at each other with shock on their faces. After taking a few seconds, Miranda spoke up. “What the hell just happened?!”

She noticed that Tali was still leaning against the pillar. “Tali! Let go of that thing!” she ordered. Tali’s eyes widened as she realized that she was indeed still in contact with the pillar and immediately pulled away from it, teetering with the unfamiliar weight.

Liara struggled up to her feet and spoke up. “I need to take some medical scans of us!”

“We also need to call for extraction,” Miranda added, “There’s no telling what else might be out–”

“Friends, I... I still feel the heat in my body!” Tali interrupted. Both Liara and Miranda paused and soon came to the same worrying realization, they could still feel the sensation in their bodies as well. The pillar began to glow again and began to hum with growing intensity. “The pillar…it’s active again!” Tali exclaimed.

A now familiar sensation blossomed in each of them, but this time it was focused in different places. For Liara, it was focused in her breasts, her nipples hardening in anticipation. Conversely, the tingling in Tali’s body was focused in her butt, a worrying prospect for the top heavy Quarian. However for Miranda, the tingling sensation in her body was once again evenly distributed between her boobs and butt, causing her to shudder as her body erupted into pleasure. Once again, their breaths grew heavy and their judgment began to ebb. Liara, with labored breath, said, “I-I can feel something coming! We’re gonna...”


Liara’s boobs exploded outwards in a sudden surge of blissful growth! Ripping apart her outfit and freeing her now gigantic boobs from their confines, her size would put Asari matriarchs to shame. The sudden weight was too much for Liara and she was forced down onto her knees again. “OHH GODDESS!!” She moaned, her swollen nipples aching for stimulation.


At the same time Tali’s butt surged out with a massive amount of growth to unparalleled size! Her enviro-suit was no match for her swelling heft, and was torn apart, leaving her enormous booty exposed. The only thing stopping her from falling over was the pillar she quickly used to balance herself again. “KEELAH!!”


“O-OHH FUCK!!” Miranda’s hourglass features also started expanding again! Unlike Liara and Tali, it wasn’t a sudden instant surge of growth, but her boobs and butt were growing faster than they did before. Her swelling size tore holes in her clothing as her boobs and butt tried to escape their fabric prison, her skin gradually became more visible as the holes gaped and flesh squished out. With a sudden surge, her boobs tore the front of her suit, briefly held back by her strained bra. Her bust overflowed around the doomed fabric, and with a loud snap her bra burst, the metal clip ricocheting off the pillar with a crisp PING. Her breasts flooded out, exposing them to the crisp outdoor air.

After this initial sudden growth, all three could feel they were still slowly swelling in their respective places as well. This had all happened within mere seconds of them feeling the tingling sensations of their bodies.

Liara’s breasts were the largest of the three, with each breast nearly four times as large as her head. Her nipples were similarly engorged, measuring more than an inch long and nearly twice the diameter. On the other side of the spectrum, Tali’s butt was a monumental mass of muscle. Bound by remnants of her suit, her ass, while large, was incredibly soft to the touch. Her thighs were likewise thickened and stuffed into her boots, evidently made of more robust material than the rest of her suit. Not to be outdone, Miranda found her sizes in between Tali and Liara, and while her assets were each smaller than the other two, they were more than large enough to love. Her breasts were full and perky, heavy and sensitive to the touch. Her hips flared out from her small waist, giving her silhouette of an hourglass. With each breath she could feel the weight on her chest rise and fall, counterbalanced with her voluptuous hips.


All three of them cry out in absolute ecstasy with their eyes rolling back as the pleasure from the growth alone is enough to make them all cum together. For all of them this feels even better than it did before, and they are all lost in blissful pleasure. Each vibration is enough to send their minds reeling, and before long the forest is echoed with moans of pleasure.

As this long mind-bending orgasm begins to finally die down, Liara and Tali start to regain a little bit of their composure. Miranda however is now drunk with pleasure, she puts down her pistol and starts furiously fondling her boobs with one hand and her butt with the other. “Mmm! Ahh! Ohhh!” Miranda is left currently unable to form proper words but lets her orgasmic joy be well known.

Oblivious to her partner’s cries and still reeling from her unbelievable orgasm, Liara tried to lift her huge blue tits up but was unable to, they were just too big and heavy. “Aahh...  W-We’d already grown so b-big! We c-can’t be growing again! This is w-way too much! It’s insane!” She protested. Liara would look more worried if it weren’t for the pleasure in her body betraying her to let out sensual moans. “M-Miranda! Miranda!”

Liara tries to get Miranda’s attention to no avail. At the moment, Miranda was too busy playing with her improved assets, consumed by the pleasure and basking in how good her body feels right now. At a loss for words, Liara turned her head towards Tali.

After her brilliant orgasm, Tali looks behind herself and is amazed by what she sees, sporting a butt so big she would have trouble getting through most doorways. She runs her hand across her monumental butt. “Keelah…i-it’s so...so...” Her words mushed together as she tried to suppress the pleasured moans, swaying her hips from side to side. Mesmerized, she grabs a handful of soft flesh, gently kneading her rear as her knees sink lower and lower.

“Tali! T-Tali–ahh–snap out of it!” The shrinking sensible part of Liara’s mind tries to bring Tali out of her pleasure-fuelled daze, but without success.

“OOH! AHH! AAAOOOGGGHHAAHH!!!” Miranda’s nonstop and intense groping of her own assets had quickly brought her to another powerful orgasm. “Oh yeah! So good!” Miranda finally speaks out again, her lip bit in focused pleasure. Her thighs were slick and she continued to fondle herself. As her second orgasm subsides, she looks down at her ever-growing boobs. “Hehe, look at my boobies. I love them!” She says as she hugs her chest. She then looks down at her butt which, like her breasts, continue to swell. “And I love my big booty too!” Jumping on the spot, her boobs and butt jiggle wildly. “Bouncy! Bouncy! Bouncy! Bouncy!” Miranda exclaimed as she watches the almost hypnotic jiggling of her curves. Her normally cool and rigid personality had been completely forgotten, the intense growth making her giddy with anticipation. “I can’t wait until Shepard sees me now!”


A moan coming from Tali however catches Miranda’s attention and she stops her bouncing. The Quarian was braced with one hand against the pillar, knees wobbling under weight and pleasure. Miranda's eyes grow wild, and she saunters behind Tali, a more difficult feat considering the extra weight.

“Tali, you look fantastic! You ought to lose your suit more often!”

“M-Miranda?” Tali looked back at Miranda, lip quivering behind her mask. With a wicked grin, Miranda gives Tali’s huge growing butt a big slap.  The impact of the surprise slap makes her gigantic butt jiggle like a stormy tide and sends shockwaves of pleasure throughout her body making her orgasm again.

GYAHHHH!!!” The force of the pleasure makes Tali finally lose her grip on the pillar and her balance, her legs give way and she falls backwards. Thankfully, her huge butt cushions her fall, her body arched over her mass.

As Tali is writhing on the ground, riding out yet another orgasm, Miranda switches her attention to Liara who is also still stuck on the ground, trying without luck to heave up her huge growing blue boobs. Liara’s eyes fill with panic as Miranda smiles with devilish intent as she slips behind the stricken Asari.

“Ah! M-Miranda, w-what are you doing?”

“You seem to be having trouble getting up. Let me give you a hand. Or two!”

Miranda bends behind Liara, and hugs around her midsection, pressing her big boobs into Liara’s back. Liara can feel them still growing against her back, each surge in sync with Mianda’s heartbeat. Miranda rests her chin on Liara’s right shoulder and gives Liara a kiss on the cheek.

“W-What are you...” Liara stammered.

“Trust me, squadmates have to help each other after all,” Miranda cooed. Miranda gently caresses Liara’s breasts, exploring her heft and feeling the weight on her hands. She smiles as she can feel them still getting bigger in her hands, marveling at their weight and enthralled by their softness.

“W-Wait...” Liara meekly voices.

“Why so nervous? I know you’ve always wanted bigger tits, and now you’ve got a pair that big enough to put even Jack to shame. And I think that’s SO. FUCKING. HOT.” Miranda gives Liara’s huge blue tits a good grope and kisses her neck.

“Ahh! M-Miranda n-no!” Liara weakly protested as intense pleasure started assaulting her body again. Miranda responded by continuing to fondle her, leaving no inch of Liara’s chest unexplored. Another pulse-pounding orgasm was very quickly building up in Liara again. “Miranda! P-Please stop! You’re going to m-make me... Make me...” Miranda cut her off by pinching both of her nipples, sending Liara’s pleasure into overdrive. “OHHHH!!!” Liara screamed in absolute bliss as her second orgasm burst within her and she rode it out with Miranda still fondling, only adding to the pleasure. Her vision blurred, and she slipped out of consciousness, her mind and body thoroughly exhausted.

Once the sensation had passed and their vision cleared, Liara and Tali snap back to reality. As they look at each other's new huge states, they realize that the heat and tingling sensations have left their bodies. The pillar appears to have reverted to the untampered state, and the growth seems to have finally stopped.

“Goddess! I can’t believe this happened! Whatever civilization constructed this artifact must have access to technology beyond our capabilities,” exclaims Liara, still struggling to sit up. With a grunt, she manages to roll her breasts on her lap, and sit down heavy on her heels. “I’m guessing that this was meant to serve as a deterrent, or at the very least a security alarm, but the capability of neutralizing invaders by altering their bodies is unlike any civilization I’ve studied.”

“Keelah! We must have the biggest curves in the galaxy.” Tali says. The Quarian also tries to stand, but her enlarged assets make balance difficult, and she sits down in a huff. “I do hope this atmosphere is void of contaminants, I fear it’ll be some time before I can commission a new enviro-suit.”

“At any rate, thank the goddess it’s stopped, I can barely move as it is. Miranda, have you called for extraction yet? I think you’re the only one who can walk…” Liara asks, craning her neck to see her partner standing close to the pillar. Liara focuses on Miranda. “Miranda?”

Miranda doesn’t respond, and, to Liara’s horror, turns to look at Liara and Tali with an evil grin on her face. As she reaches to touch the pillar, Liara realizes what Miranda is going to do and frantically tries to get up, but the sheer weight of her chest makes it impossible. With a deliberate slap, Miranda places her hand on the tarnished surface.


“Yes!!!” Miranda’s face lights up with ecstatic happiness and excitement as the structure becomes active again.

“Nooo!!! By the Goddess Miranda! What have you done?! We’re already insanely huge!” Liara cries.

“Keelah! Maybe I should have kept my hands to myself,” Tali muses.

Soon after a flash of blinding light emits from the pillar, and the three heroines of the galaxy feel the heat and tingling sensations return to their bodies. Liara closes her eyes as the sensible fragment of her mind is overrun with lust. They will soon start growing again, and who knows how big they’ll get now?

The End

Written by DL-PL-TS, Edited by Haptick


This Pin-Up was commissioned by DL-PL-TS, who also wrote the accompanying story! DL-PL-TS really outdid themselves with the story this time, and I'm really happy with how the story and Pin-Up turned out. I hope you enjoy it as much as I did, and I'm looking forward to making more posts like this in the future! 




Great now I want to see this animated


The pillar did a fine job! Awesome renders and good story!


Animation Idea? Plz?

Pierre luc Poirier

did they make other stories?, would love to have a look at them


A fantastic read. Animations are great but an image with a short story is great as well.