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As her heart beat faster and her breaths became shorter, Tracer felt her body swell in eager response. Her mind was a frenzy of lust as each thrust racked her body in sheer pleasure. Widowmaker's yellow eyes shined in the moonlight. Maybe tonight, she'd actually feel something. 

Heyo, happy February! I've been messing around with the NLA editor in Blender, and I think I've gotten the majority of the tool figured out. I spent a good amount of time trying to get the actions blending right, and for the time I spent on this animation I think it turned out alright. Definitely a bit choppy near the end, but as a proof of concept I'm pretty happy with the result. Plus it loops, and I was able to demo run more breast physics. Hopefully this'll help organize the workflow and I'll be able to spend more time making the animation more realistic rather than wrestling with the tools. 





Well now that’s one way to well “pump” someone up. Then you had the sad but understandable deflate. Awesome job on this.


Really awesome work, your animations are top notch


Yeah I agree totally agree and second with triforce-omega - rad AF