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Happy holidays everyone! Here's the festive Patreon Pin-Up that you all voted on earlier this month. It was suggested by DL-PL-TS, who also wrote the below story. Show them some love, and I hope you all have a great holiday! Thanks for all the help and support throughout the year, and I'll see you all soon!





“Ah, she’s here!” Said Mercy, the stunning Doctor Angela Zeigler, who works as their field medic. With a look of delight on her face she rushed to answer the door. “Hana!”

“Angela!” D.Va replied with glee as she rushed inside to embrace her friend hugging her tightly. Hana Song, also known as D.Va, is another member of Overwatch and controls a mighty mech suit. Mercy returned the embrace hugging D.Va just as tightly, both of them very happy to see each other with big smiles on their faces.

“Merry Christmas Hana.”

“Merry Christmas Angela.”

They continue to hug each other for a few more seconds. 

“Come on, let’s get in and close this door,” offered Mercy. 

“Yeah, it’s freezing out there! It’s a good thing I have this Santa hat on otherwise my ears might have frozen off.” 

D.Va walked in and Mercy closed the door. Even though she was covered in winter clothes it was still very cold outside so she is glad to finally be indoors. She eyes a lit fireplace and it looks very inviting. She heads towards the fireplace whilst taking off her winter coat but keeping her Santa hat on. “Mhhmm, that’s much better,” D.Va says as she feels the heat from the fire touch her skin. 

“Here, let me take that.” Mercy takes D.Va’s coat and hangs it up on the wall. “Sit down and get warm by the fire. I’ll make us some hot chocolate.” 

“Thank you.” D.Va responded gratefully as she sat down and got comfy.

This Christmas Mercy and D.Va had decided for just the two of them to spend some time together in a cozy log cabin. They had worked extremely hard the past year and had been looking forward to having some time to relax and enjoy each other's company. Now they were glad to finally be here. Little did they know, this year's Christmas has some big things planned for them.

“Here you are.” Mercy handed D.Va a cup of hot chocolate. 

“Thank you.” D.Va carefully took the cup in her hand. Mercy sat down next to her friend with her own cup of hot chocolate and cuddled up closely next to her. Both of them smiling again whilst looking at the fireplace and enjoying the warmth and comfort of their embrace in the quiet with the only sounds coming from the crackling of the fireplace and the sound of the wind blowing outside. After a few minutes of them taking sips of their drinks D.Va looked at Mercy .

“This is delicious!” She said, breaking the silence. 

“Thank you! I added a bit of caramel to it, I hoped you would like it!”

“It’s great!” D.Va said as she took another sip. Both of them once again looked towards the fireplace. They both would have been content to sit there cuddled closely together in their comfy Christmas jumpers for hours.

Both of them sat there for a little while longer before Mercy slowly got up. A bit of her wanted to just stay sat there but there was something else she wanted to do more. 

“Where you going?” D.va asked. 

“Just something I need to sort out.” 

“What is it?” D.Va asked as she too started to get up. 

“Oh no, it’s nothing. You just stay there and keep yourself comfortable. I’ll be back soon.” Mercy told D.Va with a smile. 

“Is it a Christmas gift for me? Is it a surprise for me?” D.Va started to get as excited as a child would at Christmas. Mercy said nothing in reply, instead just continuing to smile at D.Va and silently gesturing at her to tell her to stay where she was as she left the main room. Mercy did indeed have a surprise for D.Va. D.Va smiled back as she sat back down. As soon as Mercy had left the room and was out of sight D.Va stood straight back up again. Unknown to Mercy, D.Va also had a surprise in store. D.Va looked down at herself. “She’s going to love this.” 

After leaving the main room, Mercy headed towards the bedroom. From under the bed, Mercy pulled out a box. She opened it and looked at its contents. “She’s going to love this.”

A short while later, D.Va could hear footsteps heading towards the main room. Mercy was coming back. D.Va got into a position for her surprise for Mercy. As the footsteps grew louder D.Va readied herself, she was giddy with anticipation. After what seemed like an eternity, Mercy finally walks back into the main room. 

“Surprise Docto...” She stopped mid-sentence as she looked at Mercy. 

“H-Hana...” Mercy was also at a loss for words as she looked back at D.Va. 

They both looked quite different to how they last saw each other. Mercy was no longer wearing her Christmas clothes and Christmas jumper, instead, she was now wearing a sexy red slightly transparent negligee whilst D.Va had also taken her clothes off and now she was just wearing a red bra, red G-string, Black stockings and her Santa hat. They both stood there, awestruck with each other's beauty. They admired each other’s sexy curvy bodies and they both marveled at how good the other one looked in their sexy clothing. Both of them finally coming out of their daze, they started to take steps towards each other. 

“Wow, A-Angela...” D.Va spoke up, struggling to form words and her cheeks blushing brightly. “Y-You look so stunning!”

 Mercy said nothing in reply, instead just continuing to take steps towards D.Va whilst she still appeared to be transfixed by how amazing D.Va looked. As they reached each other, they continued to stare at each other in silence for a few more seconds. Mercy interrupts the staring by reaching ‘round with her left arm, she grabs D.Va by the waist and pulls her in closely towards her. D.Va doesn’t resist and leans in towards Mercy looking up at her smiling. 

“Surprise Hana.” Mercy says smiling back down at her gorgeous friend.

They stand there holding and caressing each other. “You look very beautiful Hana.” Mercy says as she gives D.Va’s butt a slight squeeze. D.Va lets out a small pleasured moan, she liked that. D.Va returns the favour by reaching up with both hands and giving Mercy’s boobs a nice squeeze. A small moan escapes from Mercy’s lips too. 

“So do you.” D.Va replies whilst at the same time she lifts up her right leg and wraps it around Mercy whilst simultaneously she wraps both her arms around Mercy and continues to lovingly caress her stunning body. Mercy reaches down towards D.Va’s leg she lifted up and grabs her thigh holding it in place. The two friends stare into each other's eyes. This was perfect. With their bodies wrapped around each other they stand there and enjoy this moment together. Whilst all of this had been going on, Mercy had been keeping her right arm hidden behind her back. D.Va has now noticed this. 

“What are you hiding back there?” D.Va asked, unable to contain her excitement. Mercy smiles back at her, she pulls her arm out, a ribbon tied sprig in her hand. D.Va’s face lights up even more upon seeing what is in Mercy’s hand. “Hehe.” Mercy giggles as she holds it above their heads. Mistletoe.

They look at each with love in their eyes. They slowly lean in closer to each other. They close their eyes and pucker their lips. Slowly, they get even closer and closer. Their lips are now centimeters apart from each other, they are about to connect. They continue to lean in just a little bit more and now, their lips finally touch. The instant they kiss, they both feel a surge of amazing pleasure shoot through their bodies, their eyes spring wide open with them full of surprise at this unexpected feeling in their bodies. Their lips break apart, though they are still holding each other. 

“Aaahhh!” “Oohhh!” They both moan loudly with their eyes rolling to the back of their heads from this incredible pleasure they are experiencing. 

“Ohhh my... Oohhh!” Mercy moans out, unable to finish her sentence. 

“Aahhh! W-Wha... Ahhh!” D.Va, also writhing in pleasure wasn’t able to complete full sentences either. 

With this orgasmic bliss assaulting their bodies they look at each other again, with their eyes filled with lust their embrace tightens and they go to kiss again. Their lips connect again and yet again they feel such incredible pleasure. However, their sexual moans are muffled as this time they keep their lips connected and continue to passionately kiss each other whilst at the same time they fondle each other, this adding to their pleasure. 

“O-ohh yes!” D.Va lets out between kisses. 

“S-so g-good... Ngh... Oohh G-God!” Mercy almost screams as she kisses D.Va.  

The most intense surge of pleasure yet occurs, their knees buckle and as they are still hugging each other tightly they drag each other down and fall, both of them screaming from this heavenly bliss as they land on the floor. They writhe on the floor, it just felt too good. 

“I-I can’t get up.” Mercy moaned out. It was too much for her, all she could do was endure this pleasure. 

“Ngh Oohhh!!” D.Va just moaned in reply, she too was paralyzed by the pleasure. But a bigger surge of pleasure was yet to come. One last orgasmic assault, and it happens. 


They both let out a scream of orgasmic delight as they cum together and then they collapse, almost passing out. As their orgasms die down and the surges of pleasure stop, they come back to their senses. They look at each other with their eyes full of shock, neither unable to believe what had just happened. They help each other up. D.Va speaks up. 

“A-Angela, w-what the hell just happened?!”

Mercy immediately grabbed D.Va’s hand and started leading her out the main room. “Come on! I have to do some checks on us!” They were about to head to a room where Mercy is keeping some of her medical supplies and medical scanners. However, D.Va stopped before they got very far. 

“Wait,” she spoke. 

Mercy looked back at her. “What’s wrong?” 

“I just felt a bit dizzy. And...” D.Va starts panting “I feel warmer, and It’s not from the fireplace.” D.Va said between pants. Mercy went to check on D.Va when she too felt herself heating up and she got dizzy just for a split second, almost losing her balance before she corrected herself. 

“Whoa.” With this heat building up and as she continued panting, D.Va spoke up. 

“I feel really strange.” 

“Me too.” Mercy said, herself starting to pant now as she felt warmer. 

“But not in such a bad way.” D.Va added. Then they both started to feel slight vibrations occurring in their boobs and butts. 

“Whoa! What’s happening?!” D.Va said raising her voice a bit as she placed one hand on her boobs and another on her butt. Mercy also used her left hand to inspect her own body, she hasn’t realized yet but throughout all that had happened so far, she is still holding the mistletoe in her right hand. Both of them gasp as they experience shivers of pleasure as they feel around their own bodies and could also feel these vibrations in their boobs and butts. Their nipples have also grown more erect and can be seen poking through the fabrics. D.Va feels around one of her nipples and strokes it a bit. 

“Mhhmm.” she places two fingers around it and gives it a slight pinch. “Ohh my... T-these are super sensitive. That felt really good.”  

Mercy could also be heard letting out small moans as she continued to squeeze her own boobs. As D.Va looked down at herself she noticed something and her eyes went wide. She quickly grabbed Mercy’s left hand and placed it against her chest. 

“Hana, w-what are you doing?” Mercy asked as she felt the vibrations in D.Va’s boobs. D.Va looked down at her own boobs and then back up to Mercy.

“Do my... Do they look bigger to you?” 

“What?” Mercy asked but then she realized, D.Va's breasts were indeed bigger. Something caught D.Va’s attention.

 “Angela, your boobs...” Mercy looked down and then gasped in surprise. They were bigger as well, much bigger. Awestruck with Mercy’s beauty yet again, D.Va reaches out and grabs a hold of Mercy’s boobs. 

“Hana, wait!” 

D.Va ignores her and squeezes them, the soft flesh squishing between her fingers. 

“Oohh!” Mercy squeezes D.Va’s boobs in return. 

“Aahh!” D.Va yelps. Mercy however, quickly stops squeezing. “Wait, no. W-we... We have to...”  Suddenly their breasts start swelling at a visible rate. Each felt the sensations bubble over into pure ecstasy.

“Ahh! A-Angela! What’s happening to us?!” 

“Ohh! I-I don’t know. T-this isn’t possible!” 

“Ahh O-oohh! Why do they feel so good? Ahh! It’s so good!!” D.Va moaned out loudly, her mind now a haze of pleasure, continuing to play with Mercy’s ballooning boobs.

 “Oh yes!!” Mercy moans out, letting her satisfaction with what D.Va was doing be well known as she caresses D.Va’s new heft, feeling them inflating in her hand. The look of lust returns to their eyes. They tightly embrace each other, pressing their growing tits together and rubbing them against each other as they got bigger and bigger whilst at the same time, they start grinding their voluptuous bodies together. They start kissing each other again, their lips only parting to let out moans of pleasure. 

“Ahh! This f-feels amazing!” Mercy screams out. 

“Oohh! It keeps feeling better and better!” D.Va responds. 

They wrap their arms around each other yet again and reach down to fondle each other's butts. As their hands reach their destination, they immediately realize something else. 

“Our butts too?” D.Va asks. 

Yes, their butts were indeed going through the same process as their boobs. Their butts grew bigger, rounder and fuller. 

“Ohh! This feels incredible as well!” Mercy said as she felt her butt growing. D.Va moaned in agreement as she shook her hips slightly. Smiling, D.Va gives Mercy’s swelling booty a good slap. 

“Ngh, god!” Mercy’s butt jiggled behind her from the slap. She did the same to her friend, slapping her growing bubble booty and watching it jiggle. Just like Mercy, D.Va couldn’t contain her sexual moans. As they passionately make out with their lips locked together, Mercy suddenly snaps back to reality. She pulls her lips away from D.Va’s. “W-what are we doing? This isn’t right. We h-have to stop!” 

D.Va tries leaning in to resume the kiss. “H-Hana no! Wait! S-somethings wrong! This isn’t!... We have to!... W-We can't!” 

“I can’t stop.” D.Va replied, consumed by the pleasure. Mercy tries to say something. 

“I-I...” At this point a big surge of growth in both their boobs occurs (BWOOMP!). Then their butts too (FWOOMP!). 

“AAAAA!!!” Both their knees buckle and they nearly collapse to the floor. It was like nothing they had ever felt before. 

“I can’t stop either!” Mercy says, submitting to the sensations in her body and starts kissing D.Va again. Without realizing, Mercy pulls out the mistletoe that she’s still holding in her right hand and places it above their heads again whilst their making out gets even more intense like they are the most passionate of lovers with their assets getting ever bigger and bigger. At this point, their clothing is straining, struggling to contain their assets. Their boobs have gotten so big that they’re having trouble kissing each other, their huge boobs are in the way making it difficult for their lips to reach each other so they are having to hug each other even more tightly, pressing their humongous boobs together so that they are barely able to continue kissing. The sensation of their boobs and nipples rubbing together adding to their pleasure. If heaven exists, they are in it now. 

“Angela, I can feel... Ahhh... I think w-we’re going to...” 

“I can... Ohhh... I-I feel it too.” The biggest surge of growth yet is building up inside them and they both can feel it coming.


Their giant tits explode forward and get even larger, bouncing from the growth. 

“Ooohhh!!!” They both scream in unison.


Their butts follow their boobs and get just as big, their heft jiggling and strained against their skimpy outfits. 

“Ohh wow! We’re so... So...” D.Va says. 

“Big!” Mercy finishes the sentence.

With a final surge, their clothing is shredded to pieces and falls to the floor. Except for D.Va’s Santa hat, they are both left completely naked as they continue to make out and rub against each other.

“Oh Angela, I’m g-gonna... gonna...” 

“So am I!” Mercy exhaled. 

They increase the speed and intensity of them rubbing their massive tits together, they are now kissing without pause and they fondle each other's expanded assets. This is too much for them. 


They both let their loud moans out as the most powerful, most intense orgasms they had ever experienced shakes them to the core. This pleasure combined with the great weight added to their bodies had left them exhausted and it was too much for them to handle, their legs collapse and they fall down onto the floor. Mercy lands on her back, her huge booty cushioning her fall. D.Va falls on top of her, her giant tits landing on top of Mercy’s. They both finally pass out.

A while later, D.Va regains consciousness. She finds herself lying on top of Mercy.

 “Angela, Angela?” She wakes her friend up. 


“Are you okay? How do you feel” 

“I’m fine.” D.Va tells her. Mercy feels relived when she hears that. “Well, my body is a bit different now.” 

“Yeah...” Mercy responds whilst looking at both their transformed bodies.  

“Are you okay?” D.Va asks. 

“I’m okay.” 

“Good. Come on. I’ll help you up.” It was a struggle for D.Va to get up, all the extra weight made it very challenging. With no small amount of effort, the two shakily make it to their feet. Mercy lifts up her right hand only to at last notice something. She sees the mistletoe in her hand. 

“Wait, the mistletoe?! Has that been in my hand the whole time? But how? And how didn’t I notice until now?” She said very confused. 

“Look at us! We must have the biggest boobs and butts in the world!” D.Va says. 

“Reminds me of that time when Widowmaker shot me with that dart that made me grow like this. I got so big that I got stuck in my mech suit.” 

“We were thankfully able to get you back to normal.” Mercy said. 

“But how did this happen?” D.Va asks.

 “I-I don’t know.” Mercy cannot understand how they grew like this. 

“Maybe... This was a Christmas miracle?” D.Va suggests. After she says this, they both feel a familiar sensation in their bodies again. “

Wait! A-are we growing again?!” D.Va shouts. Indeed, they were. “N-no no! We're already so big! We can’t get any bigger! It’s too much!” 

Mercy gently grabs D.Va. “It’s okay Hana.” She hugs D.Va as best she could. 

“I believe we’re going to be okay. Like you said, this must be a Christmas miracle. So as long as we’re both okay, I don’t mind getting a bit bigger. Let us enjoy this together,” Mercy says smiling at D.Va.

 D.Va relaxes and smiles back at Mercy. Mercy reaches out and places a hand on D.Va’s cheek, D.Va does the same to Mercy. Both with very happy looks on their faces. 

“Where did you put that mistletoe?” asked D.Va,  Mercy looks down.

“Ah, there it is.” She reaches down, careful not to fall over again and picks it up. Again, Mercy places the mistletoe above their heads. 

“Merry Christmas Hana!” she says happily.

“Merry Christmas Angela!” D.Va responds with just as much cheer. 

Even with their incredible proportions, they yet again just about manage to share a kiss on this wonderful day. For D.Va and Mercy, this has been their best Christmas to date and they will continue to spend it together in each other's embrace. Or at least for as long as they are able to reach each other without their ever-growing boobs getting in the way.

The End

Written by DL-PL-TS





Yeah wholesome growth is the best.


Lovely renders and lovely wholesome story to go along with them!


These are some amazing renders! Merry Christmas! :)