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The award ceremony was going well, until someone spiked Pharah's cocktail. Within seconds, her body turned a saturated shad of blue, and she started to leaking juice from her breasts. She felt her her belly and breasts swell and slosh with liquid, pinning her to the floor. As she struggled to get up, she caught a glimpse of Sombra watching with an intrigued eye. Pharah tried to call out, but she instead let out a gurgle that dribbled down her cheek. With a wink, the Talon operative teleported out of sight, leaving Pharah in a growing puddle of juice. 

Whelp, I totally forgot to post this. This was one of the test renders I did last month that I wanted to try texture painting with, and I completely spaced on posting it, so yer getting it now. It's definitely a bit rough, but I do like how the shading and sculpting came out. It also gave me a chance to try out some fluid simulations for the dripping juice, so I might try to incorporate fluid in an actual animation at some point. 




Yo blueberry stuff?! Yes I agree it’s rough but it’s all a learning process especially with blender. So I personally like the concept and she doesn’t look bad in blue! Well more blue XD.