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Here are the 3 options this time around! The titles are still WIP, and the options have a vague description of what to expect. If your suggestion didn't get picked, or you didn't get a chance to submit one, don't worry, I'll be doing more of these in the future. Everyone gets one vote, so just choose the one that you'd like to see most! The poll will close after 24 hours, so get your suggestions in before then!



Man that triple threat with mass effect is a stacked card.


Well looks like it a blow out for mass effect. At least symmetra got second.


As much as I like Sym, she’s fairly niche in terms of appeal to wider audiences. She certainly isn’t as well known or lewded outside of Overwatch and within it she gets overshadowed by a lot of the cast. In contrast with Mass Effect and KDA Akali (which are both somewhat universally known) amongst gamers. Maybe next time.


I think you're right. Especially in polls, usually the more well-known characters tend to snag most of the votes. I'm not too sure what would be a good solution to this other than trying to balance out popularity, but then everyone would suggest only the popular characters :/


Yep I know a content creator that does the popularity polls 😅. Tho in the end even if the character you want to win doesn’t win the content still awesome. Nevertheless for this hmmmm might be best that you haptick choose a character that you want to work with then have a poll for scenarios for that character? Then once you run out characters you want to use then do what we doing here maybe?


That could be something! My only qualm is that I wanted to have a way for Patrons to have a chance to get some customized art, and if it's character by character that could take a long time to cycle to a wanted character with no guarantee that it'd be chosen. That being said, having popular characters constantly outshining less popular ones makes it so the people who suggest even slightly less popular characters don't have a fair shot. I know of a few other artists who have their higher tiers select a character and then have everyone vote on a scenario, so maybe that could work?


That could work tho it then goes into the territory of “Only the wealthy get to what they want.” Which could end up with some people a bit against it. Another idea could be doing multiple votes throughout the month. Unless you just want to do one vote per month. Could have it where one vote poll winner wins but the other choices remain and you put a new character and idea in the winner characters spot? Tho that might have issues maybe. Nevertheless this a really fine line to walk down 😅.


I agree that having character select as a different tier kind of defeats the purpose, so I'll have to think about it and see if I can figure out something that would work out.


Truly wish you luck because it going to be rough. One way could be simple give suggestions. You put those suggestions in a randomizer and see who wins?


I may give that a shot next time. I didn't want to do a randomizer originally because I thought it'd be fun to have Patrons vote for their favorites, but it might just work out easier if I randomly select over the suggestions like you said.


Looking at the Sym thread. Truthfully, if you really want more art of her its best to just commission it yourself instead of trying to get around it with like a suggestion vote or randomizer. If you want more people to appreciate characters you like, you have to be the one to lead that charge yourself.