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For countless years it waited. After all this time, an ancient artefact with an unusual purpose patiently waited. It waited to be able to fulfil the purpose it was made for again. And now, with the place it had been waiting in being disturbed for the first time in countless years,  it would have to wait no more. The person exploring this ancient place, a beautiful sexy woman by the name of Lara Croft. And soon she would be the first woman in a long time to witness the power of this ancient artefact and her body would soon experience its effects.  

Lara had been exploring the cave for quite some time now and had found nothing. It was quiet, the only sound audible coming from her own footsteps. She entered a new section of the cave and still could see nothing. She was about to give up the search and head out when something finally caught her eye, something shiny. 

"What have we here?" She decided to go for a closer look. What she had discovered was a golden statue of a woman with incredible proportions. The statue had boobs bigger than her head and a butt to match, it was a beautifully crafted statue of a very attractive and very curvy lady!  

"Whoa." Lara reached the statue and started to inspect it. "Bloody hell. The person who made this sure did like their well endowed women. Though I have to say, it looks beautifully made."

 Lara was amazed with what she was looking at. She continued to inspect the statue and was even able to see her own reflection in the material it was made of. "Interesting, maybe this statue is supposed to represent beauty, wealth, growth or fertility. Maybe it could be all of those things." She decided she wanted to have a more thorough examination of the statue. she reached out and carefully picked it up. Nothing happened, the cave was as quiet as ever. "Well, no booby traps this time it seems." Lara chuckled a bit at what she just said considering the busty statue she was holding. "Wow, this thing has some serious heft to it."  She held it in both hands and had a good look at it. "Now that's an hourglass figure." She felt the material. "Looks like it's made out of pure gold." She turned it over and over again looking for anything of note about the statue other than the obvious. Maybe she could find a clue about who made it, what its purpose is or what it represents. "Nothing, I can't see anything to indicate who made it or what it's doing here."   

Lara paused. Thinking about it, a number of things struck her as strange. "Odd, what is this thing doing here? This is the only artefact here, there's nothing else but rocks. There doesn't appear to be anything special about this section of the cave, it looks just like the rest of the cave so what is this statue doing in this otherwise empty place. Also, this thing was stood up right as if on display, you'd expect something like this to have fallen over by now. It doesn't look very stable with just the legs as a stand and no base." Lara looked towards the place where she picked the statue up from. "There doesn't appear to be anything special here to help it stand up either. It looks like it could have easily fallen over in the length of time it has been here, yet it hadn't." Looking at the statue, Lara noticed something else. "That's weird as well, there's no dirt or dust on the statue. it looks to be untouched by time. It must have been here for centuries yet it looks like it was just placed here very recently. It couldn't have been though, I'm sure no one has been here for years. I also think it's odd how I have been searching through this cave for quite a while now but I only stumble across this just as I am about to leave, it's as if it just appeared out of nowhere." The more she thought about it, the more she thought things seemed out of place in this strange cave. Unbeknownst to Lara as she was contemplating the cave and the statue, a process had begun.  

Lara began to feel a vibration in her left hand, it was coming from the statue she was holding. "Huh?" She lifted the statue to look at what was happening. What immediately stood out to her was a pink glow coming from the eyes of the statue. "What?" As she stared into the glowing pink eyes of the statue she could feel her body starting to feel warmer. (Gasp) "Did it suddenly get hot in here?" Her breathing became heavy. "I feel... OHHH." Lara was struck by a sudden jolt of pleasure which almost made her lose her balance and fall over. Her eyes going wide, she steadied herself but she could still feel the heat and she was still breathing heavily. "Oh, ah, w-what was that?!" Panting, Lara struggled to think clearly. "What i-is... AHHHH! O-oh my god!" Lara was struck by another strong jolt of intense pleasure throughout her body and she fell to her knees. Whilst on the floor, Lara noticed she could feel a new sensation in addition the heat. There were tingling sensations, but unlike the heat, the tingling sensation only occurred in certain parts of her body, specifically, her breasts and her butt. Lara struggled up to her feet. Using her right hand she gently felt her tingling boobs. "Oooo." They were sensitive to the touch and they felt nice to touch. She poked her boobs "mmm." She moved her hand towards one of her nipples. "Holy..! M-my... My n-nipples... Ohhh!" She let out a pleasured moan. "They're so erect!" She moaned as she could see them poking out through the fabric of her outfit. She gave a nipple a slight pinch. "Oh shi..." Her knees buckled and she fell down again. It just felt so damn good. Even just the feeling of her breasts rubbing against her tank top sent her mind careening, especially with her nipples. 

She then went to address the tingling sensation she could also feel in her butt. She started fondling it. "That feels nice as well." She continued playing with her booty. "Oh yeah..." She continued to fondle and play with her sensitive tingling assets for a few more minutes, letting out loud pleasured moans as she did so. She finally stopped touching herself as she realised what she was doing. "W-what am I doing?! I have to stop. I have to get out!" She got up an it was at this point that she eventually realized that she still had the still glowing pink eyed statue in her left hand.  

She dropped the statue immediately. Or at least, that's what she intended to do. The statue was still in her hand. She again tried to let go of the statue and to her horror realized she couldn't. "Wait, what?! Why can't I let go?" She grit her teeth as she was unable to release her grip of the statue. She tried again with no luck. She couldn't open up her hand, as though her fingers were stuck. The vibration in the statue intensified as did the heat and tingling sensations in her body. Lara looked at her boobs as she could feel something happening. To her shock she could see that they were swelling. "Ohh! W-what's happening to me?" Her booty joined in on the swelling. "My butt too?" They grew bigger and bigger.  They strained against her outfit which very quickly began to feel too tight. She already had impressive assets but now her previous size started to look small in comparison to what she had now. Again, she tried and failed to let go of the statue in her left hand whilst with her free right hand she again grabbed at her boobs in an attempt to contain them. "Ah! Oh god! Why do they feel so good?" Her moans of pleasure echoing throughout the once quiet cave. Just as she thought she was about to rip holes in her outfit the swelling ceased. "It stopped?" Before she could do anything her boobs and butt surged out in spurts of growth. The spurts of growth happening in quick succession and rapidly expanding her assets even more, tearing holes in her outfit and making them jiggle each time they grew. "Oh no! I have to get out of here before I get stuck!" She was worried if she got too big she would be unable to escape. With no other option she hurriedly started to move in hopes of reaching the exit with the statue still stuck in her hand. Her big boobs bouncing and her fat booty jiggling with each step she took. She didn't get far as her boobs and butt which had completely shredded her outfit to pieces leaving her exposed had grown so large that they were now too heavy to carry and she was forced to the ground and unable to move. The bigger she got the better she felt and the pleasure was too much for her as she couldn't stop herself from moaning louder and louder. With her free hand she squeezed her growing boobs in front of her. "Ohhh! They just won't stop getting bigger!" Then she reached around behind her and gently placed her hand on her growing butt. "W-wow." She gave it a squeeze "It's so... so..." She gave it a good slap. "Oh yes!! Feels so good!!" She screamed as her booty jiggled so much behind her from the impact of the slap. The growth spurts wouldn't stop, she got bigger and her pleasure heightened. "Ohh! Oh g-god! I'm gonna... gonna..." At this moment she was struck by the biggest spurt of growth yet. "AHHHHHH!!!" She screamed, eyes rolling to the back of her head as the most powerful, most intense orgasm she had ever experienced assaulted her body. As she was riding out this fantastic orgasm, her left hand finally released its grip on the statue.  

Coming to her senses, she realized she was no longer holding the statue and she no longer felt any heat or tingling sensations in her body. Her growth spurts had stopped. "Oh t-thank goodness." Exhausted, she rested her head on her massive tits which pinned her to the ground along with her massive booty. "What am I going to do? I'm so big now." She rolled her eyes towards the statue on the floor. "Maybe next time I'll think twice before picking up an ancient artefact I discover." Looking at the statue, something caught her attention. "Wait, why are the eyes still glowing pink..?" Suddenly, the heat and tingling sensation returned to her body. "Ahh! Oh no! No! No no no no! Please, no m-more! Ahh fuck! It's too much! I'm already so big! I can't take it anymore! I can't take anymore!" Her protests were cut short as the growth spurts started again and each surge of growth brought with it more and more pleasure. The pleasure being too much for her to handle and leaving her unable to think  clearly. "Ohh ohhh ahhh! Oh yeah! Keep growing!" Now with both hands, she once again started playing with her ginormous boobs. "So good! So good!!" She was stuck and expanding in the cave. Moaning loudly just as she had before.  

The glowing pink eyed statue still has a purpose to fulfil. The Tomb Raiders orgasmic moans will echo through the cave for a long time and her boobs and butt won't stop growing anytime soon. The statues job is far from complete.

Story by DL-PL-TS


Here's a growth sequence commissioned by DL-PL-TS who also wrote the accompanying story! I love how it turned out, and looking forward to doing more of these! 




This turned out great!


Got to love it when she gets so big and bursts out of her outfit.


She could pass out from all that pleasure. Though I'm sure she's enjoying herself.


What an absolutely wonderful sequence with Lara. She looks so concerned at first but all that melts away into aroused enrapturement at her growing assets. Awesome.