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Happy June!

With June starting, it'll have been 3 months since I started posting animations! It's been a crazy few months, and I'm glad that you all have been here to support and enjoy the animations!

As you probably know from the feedback post, I'll be starting to post renders and sequences/comics in between animations. Since these renders are easier to commit time and resources towards, they'll probably have a wider variety of content in them, and will be more frequent than animations. To start out, these will work similar to the animation suggestion poll, but with a much shorter poll-time and voting period (i.e 1-2 days tops). If your suggestion is voted for/picked, then I'll probably ask if you want to caption it yourself, or defer it to another Patron/myself. If you don't want to roll the dice on whether it'll be picked, I'm planning on getting commissions set up this month, and Patrons will get first pick of the animation and render/comic slots.

The animation slots will be more limited than the renders, seeing as they take longer to make, and I don't want you all to wait 2 months to get your commissioned work. Of course, these are mostly arbitrary deadlines/values since I'm pretty much just winging this whole thing, but I'll keep you all in the loop for when/if things change. Thanks for following me through to June, I think you'll see some real good stuff this month!




Looking forward to what the month brings. Godspeed.


keep it real broski, i absolutely love to hear it.