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Pharah was messing with Mercy's new growth tonic on her Snapchat story, but misinterpreted the "Do Not Shake" warning on the vial. 

One of these days I'll get the timing right! While I'm pretty happy with how the animation itself came out, some beats seem a bit rushed, and still a bit blocky. I guess that means I'll just have to practice more.

I've also started up a Twitter (sort of) at https://twitter.com/Haptick3D (@Haptick3D). I say 'sort of' because I think they temporarily halted media uploads until they can verify I'm an actual person, so I'll be posting the remaining animations up there too when I get unlocked. The reason behind a Twitter is mainly so I can share the videos with more people! As the smexy Clonecamando1471 had mentioned earlier, many 3D artists have been using it to help grow their platform. I'll still be posting to Patreon and DeviantArt, but Twitter could help attract people who haven't seen/aren't aware of my content. Feel free to drop a follow!

Also, I think that I'm going to go back to using .GIFs for the Patreon thumbnails. The file/MEGA link will still be a .MP4 that you can view/download, but between needing to subscribe to Vimeo (like $90 a year) and the lack of animated thumbnails, I think it'd be best to go back to .GIF previews for now. If they don't look great/if you all don't like them, I can switch back, but I'm looking to experiment with the settings so that you all get the best content, and I don't have to juggle a half dozen hosting sites. Also a reason for Twitter, they support embedded .MP4s (when they work). 

MEGA Link: https://bit.ly/33XCT0h

Pharah model by PharahBestGirl




This is actually amazing Haptick. Very very nicely done


Oh my lord, absolutely wonderful. Excellent camera work, poses, expressions and the SIZE. i was very much correct that she wasnt gonna be able to see the sink when she has medicine balls for boobs. XD Absolutely wonderful mate.


Thanks! When you asked if she'd be able to see with those huge tits, I didn't want to spoil the surprise lol


Another great animation! She got so big she might have fallen over if she didn't have something to rest her boobs on.