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This comics is vote by Patrons. https://www.patreon.com/posts/may-characters-82860129

The sketch reward will be released a few days later and will be given to you in DM. 草圖獎勵會晚幾天釋出,將會在DM給各位。

Sorry to keep you all waiting, and thank you for your patience.

The Feb Rewards download link has been DM to all sponsors.

If   you join the membership but do not get the award link please DM or   leave a message for me, thank you. (Now the sponsorship system  sometimes  misses out on sending rewards)




Damn... you have to extra for services like that.

Jordan Andrew Scherr

Well, I mean she is a horse. It's a bit of a stereotype, but we've met proof that there's an "assumption" of martial service among their kind in this comic's world. Nice Robocop reference too! (Watch the scene, it's actually legitimately funny!) P.S. We see this in Monster Girl Doctor as well, where there's also a lot of human-creature hybrids. Centaurs have a martial tradition that bleeds into even the civilian side of their society, as evident by how a big black knight ended up with her two gilding attendants.

Kevin Wright

I like the callback to ED-209 and stairs...

Angelo B.

Oh hell yeah, patreon only post are the best!