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Marcia Taylor

Lesbian vampire is jealous


Carmilla being protective of her friend. And the teacher of course wants to talk to the dad.


Love your art design 😍

Jordan Andrew Scherr

I honestly hope that's friendship jealously. Lesbian has been covered way too often. Besides, I think being on good terms with the furry would be neat and cute.

Davide Franzoso

hmmm.... a treasure chest with slime dripping from the opening.... who knows what it could be, in my opinion it deserves to get closer...

Davide Franzoso

it occurred to me... we want the love story between the wolf and the teacher, he who is expressionless and she who can "talk" directly to people's souls! ...and maybe he has a very expressive and boisterous soul (like a happy dog when the master is back home)...


can't wait to see more of the children with the wolf boy. lol it will be interesting

Jordan Andrew Scherr

I'm honestly hoping that's just good friendship jealousy. Not only are they children, although the vampire might be an exception, but the lesbian angle is utilized way too often.

Jordan Andrew Scherr

I would be particularly interested to see Wendy get an amulet or object that lets her transform at any time. That would allow her to hold common ground with the boy, even during the day.

Marcia Taylor

It's not overused ion THIS series though if she's literally the only gay character.

hong mao lan tu qi xia zhuan

Hey pacing back and forth is me just stimming! It's supper irritating to just stand motionless when waiting for buses or anything else


Succubus wants that daddy knot 🤤