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Could this be baby 9s?

Ronin drake

More puppies :O yay!

Mark Temple

ah, the innocence of youth.




I’m sure the mother would be surprised and speechless if she knew what her daughter was talking about.


Guess she’s wearing clothes now

Jordan Andrew Scherr

I'm not sure how I feel about this one. A little surprised that Wendy doesn't know about sex and pregnancy, but I probably shouldn't be. That said, this might present a problem for Leon. Maybe a canine would be the better choice? heh! (That said, the wagging tail IS extraordinarily cute!)

Jordan Andrew Scherr

Also just now realized they're sharing a meal at the BBQ. Perfect! Also I notice Wendy imagines her sibling as a werewolf just like her. I love how she's becoming so comfortable with being a human canine! This is one reason both are so popular. They came from a "fully human" world and gives us a perspective into the monster world.


She is in like Kindergarten or first grade I think. Most kids don't learn this until they are older


Oh, well, yes, all kids love to want to have another younger sibling and ask their mother about it


<p style="color: #008600;">It was very touching)) Those reflections where babies come from ... They really touched me 🤗😙😉</p>

CR Bliss

I hope we get a comic later where mom learns what Wendy is intending!!

Jordan Andrew Scherr

I can agree with that. Just also expect the tension with Leon to become more pronounced if the idea goes somewhere. He's already a little on edge. (I.E. He didn't mentally prepare himself, not as he should have.)

Jordan Andrew Scherr

Seeing Wendy as both human, and then transformed side-by-side gets me thinking. It's fairly easy to discern that's her even as a werewolf. What character/design traits do you think contribute to that? (And P.S. How do you think her voice changes as a wolf?)

Jordan Andrew Scherr

I know this post is old, but I was thinking about it. Jennifer is now a full on werewolf, which wasn't the case before. Any child now will a werewolf right from the beginning. Granted much smaller and weaker, but I can imagine Wendy having to aid keeping track of her brother or sister. Forget crawling, Wendy's preference for four-legged sprinting might come in handy! (It must be cool being able to gallope like that! She's got the zoomies!)