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Nah that would scare the ish outta me


Nah I’m waking up immediately

Marcia Taylor

Evil giant seal is kawaii

Jordan Andrew Scherr

She's a Werewolf for crying out loud!! Obviously someone isn't good at detecting fellow monsters. Though that might be revealed if Wendy transforms mid-dream. A handy way to stay warm. ;-) But no, Jennifer has thoroughly numbed her daughter to the "big and scary." It's kind of hard to scare a six year old who can literally change into an oversized upright wolf, especially one with her spirit.

Davide Franzoso

it's an episode of the cartoon pingu... Mademoiselle Nightmare should find out what children are watching... ( I found it: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bFNGS0y64_U )


I am definitely afraid of nightmares and I would definitely be stunned to see this at night. Haha...


I like this nightmare, it seems to me absolutely harmless and even funny) I love it!

Jordan Andrew Scherr

Well, more like oblivious. Wendy's not exactly an average human six year old. Especially not now that she knows exactly what she is. (and has rather cutely embraced it.)

Jordan Andrew Scherr

Oh my god, that would be so funny. Imagine if Wendy transforms during the dream, and that translates to a physical transformation as well. It would be the nightmare's turn to be shocked/spooked, heh!