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Russell McBride

Oh, now she's doing it on purpose


She’s definitely caught on


Yea she has caught on by now


Dragons are known for greed and she will have no other dragon taking her masters attention from her.


Oh lord, she jealous

Isaiah Herd

How long till the young master finally has the heart to try and ask her out again I wonder haha. She's such a catch

Jesse Curry

Me too kid, me too.

Bradley White

Ngl, I'd like to see more of the sea dragon. She's cute

Davide Franzoso

she had already done it ... and even that time near the sea or a lake ... the water must have a strange effect on her ... and (if wikipedia doesn't lie) in China the dragon is linked to element of water ... hmmmm .... coincidences or is there something behind it? It's probably a coincidence, but I hope shepherd uses this coincidence for something ... https://www.patreon.com/posts/modern-mogal-208-66087308

Davide Franzoso

the master declares himself to the dragon girl and she tells him to return his love. then we see that he is just asleep on the sofa with the typical dokidoki and his mother who looks at him "even if he is obviously having a good dream, I don't know why but it bothers me"


Oh I see now. I was wondering why she was upset in the last panel, when it seems she should be upset a panel before, but in that previous jealousy comic, she was upset afterwards there too.

Wu Long Toys

I like that his swimming costume is a temperature indicator...