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The June's Patreon-Only poll winner was Scylla – however rather than being  part of the July Rewards, it will be part of the August Rewards.

In return, there will be two Patreon Only comics that will also be part of  the August Rewards, including an 8-page R18 comic.

Tier 1 will receive the 8-page R18 comic. Tier 2 and above will receive a 34-page digital manga that will also  include the 8-page R18 comic as part of it.

However, because of this, the workload is relatively large, so the July  rewards will only include the high resolution files of the comics  already published and a special illustration by Makai. We hope everyone  can understand our position.

六月的 Patreon-Only 投票獲勝者是海妖女士 - 然而,它不是7月獎勵的一部分,而是8月獎勵的一部分。

作為補償,將有兩個Patreon Only漫畫也會成為8月獎勵的一部分,其中包括8頁的R18漫畫。

Tier1將收到8頁的 R18 漫畫。Tier2跟以上贊助者,將收到 34 頁的數位漫畫,其中還將包括8頁的 R18 漫畫作為其中的一部分。

不過也正因為工作量比較大,所以7月份的獎勵只會包括已經公開的漫畫的高畫質檔案跟馬凱的Patreon only插畫。希望大家能諒解這個更動。




Sounds good to me! :D Thank you for your hard work!

Jordan Andrew Scherr

The heads up is appreciated. Take the time that you require.