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The April's Patreon Only comic will be released in early May, which means there will be two PO comics in May. Sorry for the long thought for Patreon comics this month, the May reward will be Art painting in early May. It will also include Sketch Pack.

四月的Patreon Only漫畫將在五月初發布,這意味著五月將有兩篇PO漫畫。 對不起這個月想了很久Patreon限定漫畫,五月的獎勵將是五月初的繪圖。 還包括草圖包。



Jordan Andrew Scherr

That's the spirit Jennifer! Don't let your daughter be the only cover girl. 😄 I also like the Wendy sketch in the rewards. It must be interesting, if occasionally inconvenient, to have a natural tail like that. I wonder how her classmates react when canine-triggers bring it out? (Legitimately Curious!) At least she's prepped, her clothing large and baggy to offset a slight size increase.