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Bad dog!



Jordan Andrew Scherr

It's good to see those two having some fun with their newfound state. Openly interacting with Wendy is Jennifer's reward in all of this. I'm hoping they both eventually get Moon-Pendants or similar so they can transform at any time.

Jordan Andrew Scherr

I like how Wendy has proper canine pads on her hands. I bet she finds that intriguing, having the equivalents of permanent military gloves. She's definingly dressing the part, her shirt and clothing oversized to match the size and height increase.

Jordan Andrew Scherr

Imagine this, made of moon-dust with a solar light inside. It would be SO cool as an accessory to allow transformation at any time. https://cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/0041/3345/3894/products/HalfMoon4_ad790d8f-dcb0-4e67-9ad3-27739f81316e_800x800.jpg?v=1622686360


Still cute

Richard V.

It was worth a try :)

Mark Temple

We know that there are lamps that can trigger the change, as seen in the court case. Wouldn't be surprised if there aren't smaller versions that could be used.

Ruben Dario Blanco Soto

Hold a second ...mom don't have any clothes besides the apron ? 😳 "Naked apron" XD

Jordan Andrew Scherr

It's called a natural fur bodysuit. Wendy would be similarly bare if she wasn't a minor. (All kinds of legalities get involved below 16+, even with a fur suit.)