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The  moment of recognition!

I originally planned to do a single final update, but I've been I've not  been feeling too well the last few days, so I'll be taking a few  well-earned days off and rest. Please look forward to the next update!"

This is not Patreon Only content, but Patrons has Early access.

Due  to the workload caused by a multi-page, multi-part story arc, the comic  release will face some delays. Instead we will feature guest artist  works as high-quality rewards.



Jordan Andrew Scherr

"Everything's ok now." Wendy:(But it's not ok Mom. I remember it all, and know what I am now. How will ANYTHING ever be ok again?) "Why didn't you tell me?" Jennifer:(…Damn, have I been a fool!) But I'm sure Jennifer can redeem herself for it.

Davide Franzoso

Your health first. Then the comic.

The Ferret

Take as long as you need, we'll be here. Feel better soon. Also oh my gosh poor Wendy and Jennifer...




This story is so perfect 😍😍😍😍

Angelo B.

Oh, my heart.

Jordan Andrew Scherr

P.S. Wendy's ears are up in the first Werewolf-panel of Jennifer. I'm fairly sure they are down across her head throughout that panel. (Probably just a missed detail.)

Jordan Andrew Scherr

Even if not the happiest moment, It's kinda cute Wendy's first word in her Werewolf voice was "Mom." Even if this memory is a bitter one, Jennifer will remember that.

Jordan Andrew Scherr

We'll see them find some kind of resolution. Leo and Jennifer are more than capable of that. Thank goodness her dad's a lawyer!

Jordan Andrew Scherr

I actually noticed the difference in Wendy's fur color and it's scruffy nature. That might explain part of why Jennifer had better control the first time. That her role of the dice was a slightly luckier one, resulting in a calmer and more streamlined canine. Wendy's wolf is a more wild and ravenous one, which contributed to her first night's near-disaster. The fact she's a little girl caught completely by surprise doesn't help either. Nice design detail!

Randall Norman Pick

This has been Jennifer's nightmare scenario for a long time and this short story has been fantastic covering it.

Jordan Andrew Scherr

The good news is she has a support network to recover from it. She was even her husband's assistant for a long time, so she knows how to deal with the legal side. There might be some surprise assets for mental and emotional recovery as well.

Jordan Andrew Scherr

I can back that up too. Check out Wendy's legs and how they mimic a real wolf's. Jennifer has this too, but to a noticeably lesser degree. While still raised at the heel, her feet are closer to a human nature then her daughter's. Weaker instincts or not, Jennifer can still inspire her daughter by gaining true mastery of her other-self. I'll be interested to see how much more "canine" Wendy keeps when human though.