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This is not Patreon Only content, but Patrons has Early access.

Due  to the workload caused by a multi-page, multi-part story arc, the comic  release will face some delays. Instead we will feature guest artist  works as high-quality rewards.




You are awesome drawing action sequences


Getting feeling Wendy might not remember what happened when she snaps out of this

Jordan Andrew Scherr

I wouldn't be so sure about that, not if the author wants to keep it feeling believable. As I mention below, this is familiar territory for me. Besides, it would be emotionally befitting if the young cub cries in Mama's arms this first night. There's a ton of story to be had in her recover process.

Jordan Andrew Scherr

Not quite the method I had expected, but I must say it works! Good job truncating the explanation to Jennifer. Poor mama is probably wishing she told her daughter well before now. Even so, this might be Jennifer's chance to show real courage and reveal the truth to her daughter. We will probably see that a bit sooner, since it's a drama moment rather than action moment. (More than forgiven in this case, that was beautifully choreographed!)

Jordan Andrew Scherr

On a side note, thank goodness most kids can't rip off car doors. Handy in this case though! Good thing that car doesn't look too expensive. Poor Leo is going to have an insurance claim to settle regardless.

Jordan Andrew Scherr

I guess my only concern now is the recovery process being potentially rushed. Wendy is flat-out not going to recover in a single night. That little girl is in for extracurricular training and mental-encouragement before the next full moon. That, and a chaperoning night or two with Mother-Wolf as insurance. To be fair though, a decent portion of the process can be montaged up until the penultimate night when Wendy successfully tames her inner beast. I'm REALLY looking forward to seeing how the parents turn such a terrifying experience around.

Fred Enders


Jordan Andrew Scherr

And believe me, I KNOW what losing self control is like from first hand experience. (Fully conscious paralysis and mind-lock in my case. High functioning Autism.) You don't forget it, and Wendy WILL be terrified after this!

Jordan Andrew Scherr

I notice Jennifer is wearing a nice and loose dress. Intentional or not, I'll be interested to see if her clothing bursts upon transforming. Hardly matters as we've seen though, considering all that fur.

Jordan Andrew Scherr

Good choice to have Jennifer NOT go into full-on panic while racing to her daughter. (More a mix of determination and deep concern.) It'll be interesting if she first tries to reach Wendy as a human, then makes a conscious decision to look at the moon and visually reveal the truth. Seeing her mother transform might get through to our fresh cub. It's a trauma, but it'll be good to see how the parents turn this around. (They're the perfect set for it. Jennifer has a strong sense of control and Leo knows a ton about these matters.) Can you imagine a park-picnic at the end with ribs and beef stew? https://c10.patreonusercontent.com/3/eyJ3Ijo2MjB9/patreon-media/p/post/47056057/23bc107f4b4846d9be2b506de7859458/1.jpg?token-time=1634947200&token-hash=kzfOUwJAbHi7APB9m0EoBaQzZsrZdwIt0eBBY9b8-PI%3D

Jordan Andrew Scherr

Surprised the Drama moment is taking a bit to draw. I probably shouldn't be though. It's a pivotal scene that has to be staged very well. So while I'll voice that surprise, the statement doesn't come with any venom attached. I'm sure it will be as worth the wait as this was.

Jordan Andrew Scherr

P.S. Aella is a flat-out stroke of genius! It must be interesting to be that young, yet so capable regardless. I mean, she's holding back a werewolf! Yet she's not "stupid" either. (Carmella's the brains, but Aella has average thought process.) I wouldn't be surprised if she grows up along the lines of Lyris Titanborn from ESO. (That's a compliment.)