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This is a draft that will be updated this week.
The update time will all be on Saturday or Sunday.
The comics for the next few weeks will be 3-4 pages per week.
(It will last about 4 times/weeks)

Therefore, the update time will usually be a little bit slower, and the Patreon Only comics and Rewards will be postponed until the end of September.

Sorry for keeping everyone waiting.
We hope that there will be some progress in the story.
And suggestions are welcome!

這是本週將更新的草案,未來幾週的漫畫將是每週 3-4 頁。更新的時間將會都在星期六或日。
(它會持續大約 4 次/ 4 週)

因此,更新時間通常會慢一點,Patreon Only 漫畫和獎勵將推遲到 9 月底。



Angelo B.

It's happening.... IT'S REALLY HAPPENING!?

Jordan Andrew Scherr

I think you guys and gals have this story down solid. My only suggesting might be the T-Shirts "TheGrave999" and "Davide Franzoso" thought up. That might be a really cute way of helping Wendy find some confidence during her second transform. "Momma's here Wendy, you can do this!"