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On 6/15 there will be a Patreon Only vote For July.

Our Patreon Only Modern MoGal is HERE!! (This month is Medusa from poll)
我們的Patreon限定的《人外的星期五》來了!! (這個月是票選出梅杜莎)

It's in June (2021) Rewards (High Res). New Download Link send from Patreon PM.
這包含在2021年6月獎勵中 (高畫質版本). 新下載連結從訊息下載。

Tier 1.2.3 rewards will include limited color pictures and sketches that are not disclosed. Welcome to upgrade from Tier Basic and have received the download link.
Tier1.2.3的獎勵會包含沒有公開的限定彩圖跟草圖。 歡迎從Tier Basic升級上來已領取下載連結。



Jordan Andrew Scherr

I love how these girls consistently use their extracurricular gifts. I'm still waiting for Wendy to discover the wonderful, and occasionally troublesome world of canine smell. Especially if some of it lingers when she's not transformed. (Dogs live by their nose. I'm a dog walker, so I know that better then most.)