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Driving a big vehicle, you  have to be more careful.(?



Peter Christensen-Calvin

How interesting! Would some consider this sexist? The two seem used to this, so maybe this is the dragon societal norm. Just like how being chivalrous can be sometimes interpreted as sexist, maybe a man taking the submissive stance of guarding a larger dragons blind spots could do the same. On top of that, maybe sex has nothing to do with it - maybe it's just the smaller dragons role. So would it be 'sizist' for a smaller dragon to assume it needs to watch out for a larger one? Like, "I can watch my own blind spots, thank you very much!"

Kevin Wright

Heh. Boob occlusion zone.


Not safe for others! Gotcha! Good joke!


Or maybe it's just common sense to want to accompany someone insanely tall for their safety cuz they can't see entirely. It's like with a car, there are blindspots to you.