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This is "Modern Mogal"'s first try at a short story.
Werewolf Mom is very popular and many wanted to know her backstory.
It all have 22 pages.

See them all here: https://reurl.cc/95bqd




Aaaaa sa! Im holding back so many man-tears! It's such a lovely story! TwT Though, does the dad (Leo) know about her lycanthropy? If she wasn't such a fun mom, I would almost be scared to be living under the same roof.

Mark Temple

Don't be a lycanphobe. ;) Werewolves have control of themselves as seen in the court case, so clearly she's safe to be around. Guys like 'red' would be predators even if fully human. Lycanthropy is just his excuse for his own misanthropy, the way some men blame their victims clothing or appearance for 'causing them to lose control' and committing assualt/rape. It's a lie irl, and blaming lycanthropy was a lie in the comic.


Oh man, I thought that was the only page! Why don't I read! This comic was awesome. Yeah, it was a tear-jerker.

Devi Lacroix

I read this comic and immediately came here to support your work! Fantastic job!


Umm, question - wouldn't her husband also have potentially been infected too? (from doing it)