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At the start of the new month, I'll be opening a colored sketch reward tier again! I'm thinking about not making the tiers limited (when I tried that with the animated slots it didn't actually limit the number of ppl who could join), and just letting as many people who want to join, join. I'd probably randomly draw around 5 ppl to get a colored sketch for each month. The sketch tier would offer all previous rewards, as well as voting and suggestions fore future animations and projects!  I don't wanna disappoint people who sign up for the sketch tier but don't get picked for the monthly raffle (hence adding additional tier rewards), but only allowing a limited number of slots has left a lot of people out, and caused weird difficulties in the past. Let me know what you guys think of this, or if theres a better way to structure the tiers! Thank you all for you continued support <3



Sometimes it's best to limit the number of people who grab a tier, and to compensate, offer multiple tiers of different quality work. That way people can sign up for a tier they want or can afford. Such as a tier that allows multiple characters while another allows single character. And then further separate that by if it has colour or not. But make sure you only offer as many as you can fulfill in a month.


Hey! This is basically just hear-say because I never really looked into it but at some point about a year or two ago people were freaking out about Patreon disallowing this kind of thing (due to the 'raffle'/gambling element). Alsooooo personally I prefer a 'guaranteed' reward, so... limiting is fine in my book. Just my two cents!


Yaaa makes sense! I had wondered about patrons policy on that. Will probably make them limited to be safe


Like the ideas! Might make a single char and a multiple char tier, both with color. Don't really like doing sketches with no color XD


Thank you for reintroducing sketch tiers! I've also heard that patreon does not allow raffles. Patreon headquarters are located in San Francisco and apparently there is a California law than bans for-profit internet raffles. If you want to reduce competition for the sketch slots, there are several things you can do : You can increase the sketch tier price until demand matches supply, or you can introduce a higher priced two-character sketch tier (this will have the same effect). You can also remove all your sketch tier patreon subscriptions at the end of each month. This will give different patrons a chance to sign up for one of your sketch tier slots.