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The news of Andromeda Tonks’ passing hit everyone like a freight train. No one could believe it. They had thought that she had been tortured under the Cruciatus and had passed out, but a few days later, they were informed that the woman had passed away.

Harry was standing with Nym, both clad in black robes in the Black Mausoleum and surrounded by a few members of the Order who had come to pay their respects. The young metamorph stood stoically as the funeral went by, greeting the well-wishers cordially and graciously accepting their words of comfort.

All the while Harry stood beside her, their hands held together as he gave whatever silent support he could, just had he done after her mother’s death throughout her mourning. At least she was in a better state now that she had come to terms with her mother’s death.

Most of the greetings were the usual formal ones along the lines of ‘She was a great woman’ or ‘She is in a happy place now, free from all the war and turmoil’. It was all so superficial that Harry could not help but sneer at a select few.

What surprised him a lot, however, was the sight of none other than Narcissa Malfoy who arrived alone. Wearing an expensive black robe with a witches’ hat on her head and a veil covering the top half of her face, she stood silently over her deceased sister’s grave for more than an hour. She never left the spot, nor did she pay heed to any passers-by or gossipers. She simply stood, staring.

They left her to her devices. The two sisters had not had any contact for over two decades now, so they were indeed surprised that she had come. However, Nym also recalled how her Aunt Narcissa had always been different, and how her mother never held anything against her youngest sister. That little bit was enough for her to hold her tongue and let the woman pay whatever respects she wanted to pay to her mother.

The members of the Order were not so gracious and a few had tried to approach the woman, believing they had any right to decide who should and should not be present in this funeral. Harry took that matter into his hands and rebuffed any smartass from interfering, much to the disapproval of several Order members and the ire of those he had confronted. None dared to stand against him though, knowing who he was, how significant he was, and what he was capable of.

The senior members of the Order comprising Dumbledore, Moody, Remus, and Mr. Weasley to name a few were content in letting the woman be, and Harry appreciated that. In his opinion, it was not right to send away someone who seemed as emotionally vested in the affair as Narcissa was and wanted to pay their respect to the deceased.

Harry also could not help but notice how Remus did not seem to be looking at either him or Nym. After their small confrontation, he had hoped for it, and he was glad that the man had seen the sense in staying in his line. He did not want to have anything to do with him, and the more Remus stayed away from him and his, the fewer problems they would have.

Harry watched Nym accept the greetings from another old woman who knew Andromeda when he heard footsteps approaching him. Turning around, he met the electric blue eyes of the headmaster.

“A word, Harry?”

Harry nodded and gave Nym’s hand a small squeeze. She turned to look at them and nodded. With a parting smile, Harry released his hold on her hand and walked with the headmaster.

They walked in silence for a little while, looking around at the numerous gravestones that lined the grassy path and the occasional monument built over a select few. Harry did not fail to notice that the former lords of the family had those.

“Do you think Sirius would’ve wanted to be buried here, headmaster?”

The wind was blowing gently despite the overcast sky, and Harry had a feeling that it would soon pour. There was this smell in the air that signaled an imminent rainfall.

Dumbledore stayed silent for a few seconds as they walked at a slow pace. Neither had any hurry or the intention to make multiple laps of the admittedly large mausoleum.

“I do not think so,” he replied finally. “There were many things Sirius Black detested, but none surpassed the disgust he had for his family.”

“I thought so,” Harry murmured. “I like to think he would have preferred the graveyard in Godric’s Hollow.”

“Close to your parents?” Dumbledore’s voice had a hint of a smile to it. “That is a nice sentiment, and one I believe is the most accurate.”

“Sirius hated it back in Grimmauld,” Harry intoned softly. “We did not talk much, but whenever we did, I could just… feel his suffocation. Like… you know… how much he wanted to be away.”

Dumbledore sighed.

“I know, sir,” Harry smiled sadly. “He had no choice. It’s just… if only things were different…”

“Don’t we all feel this way?” Dumbledore asked gently. “Hoping that there were no hardships in our lives. Hoping that people would prosper. Hoping that there was no suffering or greed in this world. Alas, the world is cruel like that.”

Harry sighed and settled on a small nod.

He saw they had reached the grave of Arcturus Black and Dumbledore sighed.

“He was a good man,” the old wizard remarked. “A little set in his ways but a good man nonetheless.”

“Sirius told me he was close to my family.”

“To Charlus, yes,” Dumbledore nodded. “He married his sister, tying the houses of Potter and Black in blood. It was quite the talk of the society back then.”

“Really?” Harry asked curiously. He had never heard any of it before.

Dumbledore smiled.

“Dorea was Arcturus’ youngest sister. They were four siblings, and two decided to join forces with Gellert. It was a troubling time for Wizarding Britain. Families were divided on the issue, with some siding with Gellert while others fought against him. Pollux and Cassiopeia Black died during the war and Arcturus would have perished too if not for Charlus saving his life. Since then, the two wizards developed a sense of brotherhood that could be born only as a result of the hardship of war.

“Charlus fell for Dorea at the first sight. She was one of the healers helping out with the war effort, and they grew closer over the years. People had seen it but they believed it would be over once the war ended. After all, the Potters had never been quiet in their support for the muggleborns and halfbloods – a philosophy that stood fundamentally against everything the Blacks upheld in the highest regard.”

“So they were all surprised when they got married,” Harry finished, earning a nod from the old wizard.

“The same happened with Andromeda, albeit this time, it was unforgivable for the Blacks,” he sighed. “Many families have been torn apart in the name of blood purity and I believe it would be fairly accurate to say that it was the reason for the Blacks’ downfall.”

Harry nodded.

“I was a bit hesitant about this venue, to be honest,” he pursed his lips as he looked around. “But Nym told me how it hurt her mother to be banished from her family and no matter how much she detested them, a part of her always longed for home.”

“She was a daughter of the Blacks and she would have wanted to be buried here,” Dumbledore nodded.

“She never had any regrets about marrying Ted Tonks,” Harry said softly. “It was the life she chose, but Nym made this decision for her.”

Dumbledore hummed, looking thoughtful.

“Tell me, Harry,” he began searchingly. “How close are you to young Miss Tonks?”

“Sir?” Harry asked, surprised. Dumbledore asking him about his love life was the last thing he had expected.

“Don’t look so surprised, Harry,” the old wizard chuckled. “I have not failed to notice the display of familiarity between you two.”

Harry scratched the back of his neck as he replied, “You can say we’ve gotten a bit closer lately.”

“I see,” Dumbledore mused thoughtfully.

Silence prevailed for a few moments as they walked slowly.

“I always say that love is the strongest magic there is, Harry,” Dumbledore said gently. “I very deeply believe in that. There is nothing you would not do for someone you love. No matter how much capable someone is, you can overcome them if you love and care enough.”

“You are talking about Voldemort again,” Harry said gravely. Dumbledore nodded, and Harry did not notice how he smiled at the sight of his unblemished forehead.

“For years I believed that a sacrifice was needed for Tom to truly perish. A sacrifice that broke my heart whenever I thought about it. However, something very fortunate happened that lifted that heavy burden off my shoulders in an instant,” Dumbledore said softly and Harry glanced at the man out of the corner of his eye. He knew what the man was talking about. However, Dumbledore was content with looking far away into the foliage.

“When are you going to tell me everything, sir?” Harry asked, letting a hint of his frustration seep into his voice.

Dumbledore let out a deep breath.

“Soon, Harry. Very soon,” he said. “I told you I would like you to have a few sessions with me this year. I believe those sessions would suffice for any discussion we might need to have.”

“And you will tell me everything?” Harry prodded.

There was a moment of silence as they stared ahead.

Finally, Dumbledore nodded.

“Yes, Harry,” he said softly. “Things have changed, and it would be prudent to modify our plan to suit said changes. I will tell you everything, Harry. Until then, I would like to ask you to stay safe.”

Harry remained silent.

“Do not believe your actions have gone unnoticed, Harry,” Dumbledore intoned. “I shall not stop you from living your life. It is your right and I have interfered enough. However, I would expect you to exercise due caution. Times are changing faster than we can predict. This attack should be enough proof that things will get dire soon. You have the right to do what you want, but I would advise you to be cautious.”

Only the sound of the wind and an occasional thunder could be heard as they resumed walking. They reached the burial spot and Nym slowly walked toward Harry who took her hand.

“I should be leaving now. Once again, my deepest condolences, Miss Tonks. Your mother was a very brave woman and the world is indeed a darker place without her,” Dumbledore said gently.

Nym looked at him and nodded, her throat constricted. Harry squeezed her hand gently.

“Dark times are approaching, and we need to keep all the family we have close.”

With a final smile and a nod, the old headmaster vanished with a soft pop.

All the attendees had left by the time Harry and Dumbledore returned and as Harry and Nym stood there in silence, there was only one person left.

“You wanna stay here?” Harry asked, his eyes fixed on the woman who was facing away from them.

“Won’t hurt to hear what she’s got to say,” the young metamorph said. Harry nodded and hand in hand, they approached the solitary figure of Narcissa Malfoy.

It was evident that she had heard their approaching footsteps but she did not turn around. She kept staring at the grave of her eldest sister and as they reached her, Harry saw her face properly.

Unshed tears decorated her haunting gray eyes under that black veil and her makeup had smudges over it. She had been crying.

“I never held even a bit of negativity toward her,” she said after a few moments of terse silence, her voice carrying her sorrow. “Even when she went against everything our house stood for and was banished for it, I didn’t feel anything… I just hoped she would find happiness wherever she was.”

Harry and Nym kept listening.

“A part of me was jealous, I must say. She had the courage to do something I could never,” she whispered. “It did indeed bring her happiness throughout her life, and I am sure she must be at peace wherever she is now.”

“Mum always said never to hold any ill will toward you. That you were one of the few in that family who deserved a chance if you ever came asking for it,” Nym replied somberly, and this time, Narcissa reacted. Her eyes widened a bit before a small smile graced her ruby-red lips.

“Is that so?” The lady of House Malfoy said softly. “She was always one to look for the best in people.”

“Only in those who deserved it,” Nym replied promptly. Narcissa nodded and finally, she turned from the grave to look at them.

“She gloated about it,” she said, disgust coloring her voice. “Bella… when she came back from the raids… it was a matter of pride for her that she had tortured her blood-traitor sister to insanity.”

Nym recoiled while Harry held her hand firmly as he stared at the woman’s face curled into a sneer.

“I have not felt anything for Bella ever since she became an active member of that group, but last night was the final straw,” Narcissa hissed, and Harry could see how hard it was for her to maintain her composure. “My first instinct was to kill her where she stood, gloating her sin for all to hear.”

She let out a mirthless chuckle.

“What a sorry pair we are… one has killed two of her blood and the other wants to kill one of her own…”

Nym’s hand was tight around his and Harry could feel her fingernails digging into the skin of his palm. Her brown hair had transformed into a shade of angry red – something Harry could only see on her back courtesy of the witches’ hat she had on.

Narcissa continued, “And what did her dear associates do? Raise toast for the death of a blood traitor bitch and make such disgusting remarks that I wanted to kill them all!”

“Stop,” Nym growled in a murderous whisper. Narcissa looked at her niece with sad eyes.

“Can you imagine how I felt, being in that gathering, unable to do anything but watch it all unfold? Helplessly smiling even though I could find no mirth in any of it?” Narcissa asked. “Can you imagine, Nymphadora, how it felt to see my only son – my sole purpose of existing – had to not only raise a toast but also laugh with those evil scum at the brutal murder of his aunt? His very blood? Even though he was terrified throughout the night?”

“I told you to stop!” Nym shouted as she brandished her wand and held it against her aunt’s throat. Narcissa took a step back at the sudden contact before her face mellowed once again and she stared at her niece with a sad smile.

“I wanted to do much worse to them, niece,” she whispered, tears springing from her eyes as Harry gently lowered Nym’s wand arm. Nym’s wild eyes full of anger thawed as her aunt broke down, and she quickly took her in her arms. Her tears sprung from her eyes as her aunt sobbed, clutching to her tightly as she let out all the pain, suffering, rage, helplessness, disgust, and every other negative emotion that had been building up inside her for Merlin knew how long.

Harry stood to the side with his hands in the pockets of his trousers, staring at the pair of crying witches. Although a part of him did sympathize with Narcissa, another part of him could not help but wonder how he could use this situation to his advantage. The part of him that was Harry made him feel revolted to even ponder those thoughts but he did not care. He was an asshole and he knew it. He had seen an opportunity and by Merlin was he going to take it.

He let Narcissa vent her frustrations on her niece’s robes and it was several minutes later when she pulled back, sniffing. Nym conjured a white handkerchief and held it out for her. Silently, with shaking hands, Narcissa took it from her and started to fix her face.

“I have a few questions for you, if you don’t mind answering them,” Harry said once she was done. Narcissa looked at him with slight wariness before she nodded.

“What are your views on Voldemort and his group?”

“You seriously need to ask me that?” She asked in return, a disgusted look on her face. “I want them all to die, Potter! Die for what they’ve done. But I want them to suffer first. They need to go through the same trauma they have forced all their victims to go through. Only then would death be fitting!”

Harry silently scoffed to himself. The prissy princess had been fine, lounging around in the opulent Malfoy Manor when innocents were suffering, but only when someone she cared for was targeted did she come to her senses. So typical of a normal human being.

He nodded.

“And what are you willing to do about it?”

“Anything,” Narcissa replied immediately.

Harry glanced at Nym out of the corner of his eye, only to find her staring at her aunt with a fierce look in her eyes.

“Even your son?” She asked.

And this time, they saw the first hint of doubt on her face. She did not want to do it, and it was both obvious and understandable.

“I hope I can redeem him. He’s not harmed anyone so far,” she whispered. “He has been brainwashed by Lucius. Once he sees their true colors, he would realize that it is the wrong path.”

“Forgive me if I find that hard to believe, Lady Malfoy,” Harry said curtly, earning the woman’s attention. “Your son has been the most abhorrent human being of his age that I have had the displeasure of ever setting my sights on. I might be wrong, but I do not see any hope for him.”

Narcissa made to retort but he beat her to it.

“You do know what he’s been tasked to do by that monster he has started to call his lord, right?”

The wind was knocked out of her sails as Narcissa stared at him, aghast.

“H-how do you know?” She stammered in a whisper.

“I know more than you can imagine, Lady Malfoy,” Harry said with an undercurrent of warning in his tone. “So if you ever want our help, it would be better to be honest and upfront about it. Beating about the bush like you’ve done so far won’t get you much further.”

Narcissa stood silent in shock at the realization of what was at stake coursed through her. Her eyes fell on her niece who was staring back at her with a serious look on her face.

“What do you want, Lady Malfoy? I would like you to be as direct and honest about it as you can,” Harry said firmly.

Narcissa’s fists were holding her robes tightly and Harry saw her bite her lower lip in nervousness.

“You know what he’s been tasked with?” She asked softly.

“Repair the vanishing cabinet in the secret room on the seventh floor to let the Death Eaters into the castle. They would cause mayhem while your son will kill Albus Dumbledore. Failure means the extinction of the Malfoy line.”

Narcissa gulped and nodded.

“I know what my son is capable of, Mr. Potter. Carrying out this monstrous task is far beyond him. He would instead be targeting other innocents in his quest for both earning his master’s favor and safeguarding his family,” she whispered. “I want to stop him before he does something he will regret for the rest of his life.”

Harry simply raised an expectant eyebrow.

“My son might be a spoiled and bigoted fool, but he is not an evil boy, Mr. Potter. He doesn’t have it in him to kill someone. I am a mother. I don’t want him to have the blood of an innocent on his hands. I know it would destroy him for good.”

“But when push comes to shove, he would do it.”

Defeated, Narcissa nodded.

“And I know he would suffer,” she whispered. “He does not have it in him to kill someone, Mr. Potter.”

“What do you want from us, Lady Malfoy?”

With pleading eyes, Narcissa looked at him and replied, “I request you to keep an eye on him this year, Mr. Potter. Prevent him from doing something foolish.”

“Why me though?” Harry asked, genuinely curious. “Won’t someone like Snape be more suited to this shadowy role?”

“I don’t trust Severus, Mr. Potter,” Narcissa replied. “I know many have their doubts as to where his loyalty lies. Even Bellatrix thinks he is not loyal to the Dark Lord. I agree. That man is loyal to none but himself.”

Harry nodded. He could agree to that.

“Even if I agree, it is inevitable that Voldemort would target your family. It is impossible for your son to succeed considering the vanishing cabinet at Hogwarts has already been destroyed,” he replied with a small smirk. Narcissa’s eyes widened slightly before she relaxed.

“That is a relief then,” she replied before adding firmly, “I don’t care what happens to Lucius, Mr. Potter. That man is dead to me. What matters is my son. I don’t want him to suffer for Lucius’ failure. I am not an idiot to not see it for what it is. That monster knows that Draco stands no chance at doing what he’s been asked of and it is his way of playing with his prey before killing it. Our lives are already marked, Mr. Potter, and I don’t want either myself or my son to die for Lucius’ sins.”

Harry smirked to himself as he listened to how the woman held her husband in disgust. It was an easy enough task to ensure their safety but if she thought his help would come for free then she was delusional.

“Alright, Lady Malfoy,” Harry said curtly. “Here is my proposition. I will nullify your marriage with Lucius Malfoy and you will swear an oath to me, promising your undying fidelity and obedience. I shall never ask you to do anything you don’t want, so you don’t have to worry about being forced to do any task. However, I will be asking you to carry out a few missions that would aid in our war effort. In return, you will have the protection of the Houses of Potter and Black in the political sphere should Lucius try anything. You will also have a safe haven with me and I will do my best to ensure your safety. Regarding your son – as long as he does not turn evil and carries out any heinous deed of his own free will, I will keep an eye on him. However, if he does, I will do what is necessary.”

Narcissa’s eyes widened.

“You are free to think on it and you are free to take as much time as you want. When you have made your decision, call for Dobby. You know the little fella your family abused so much? The same one. He will take your reply directly to me. I trust you to make the right choice. Have a good day, Lady Malfoy. Hopefully I can call you Miss Black soon enough.”

With a parting nod, Harry took a surprised Nym’s hand in his and apparated away with a soft pop, leaving a stupefied Narcissa standing in front of her sister’s grave, her body shaking as Harry’s words dawned on her.


The soft pop of apparition signaled their arrival in the living room of #12 Grimmauld Place. Harry watched as Nym walked away without a word and with an inaudible sigh, he followed.

They climbed up the stairs and she silently opened the door to the room that had somehow become their shared one. He shut it behind him and saw her start to take her robes off. She threw it on the bed and her hat joined it shortly. Her boots were the next to come off, rendering her clad in nothing but a matching pair of bra and panties with a black pantyhose covering her lower body.

Still silent, she walked into the bathroom and Harry did not fail to notice how the door remained open.

Shaking his head with a chuckle, he shed his clothes and walked into the bathroom.

Nym was already under the hot shower, having shed all the remaining items of clothing off her delectable frame and Harry took a few moments to simply take in her glowing skin letting off steam under the constant stream of water.

“Mmmhhh…” Nym sighed when she felt him press his front against her back and slide his calloused hands across her abdomen, rising higher every second. She could feel his hardening manhood burrowed between her ass-cheeks and she wiggled her bum almost involuntarily. Harry smirked and cupped her round mounds, tweaking her hard nipples.

She tilted her head to the side and allowed him to start peppering her wet neck with soft kisses, moaning as he began to squeeze her tits. His pelvis was humping against her ass, his hard prick lodged between her legs now and poking her lower lips every so often.

“I never knew you were such an asshole,” she groaned, letting him play with her body. “Using her situation in such a way… you’ve become quite a politician in no time.”

Harry chuckled against her skin and tilted her head to the side, allowing her to glance behind her at his smirking face.

“I don’t see you complaining,” he replied and slammed his lips against hers.

Nym was eager and she turned around, wrapping her arms around his neck and pushing her body against his. Harry relished in the feeling of her large tits and those pointed nipples against his bare chest. His hands dropped to caress her supple back before he reached down to cup her round rear. She did indeed have one hell of an ass, even without the use of her metamorph powers.

Their tongues rolled around inside her mouth and Nym pressed herself eagerly against him, humping her womanhood against the length of his prick and letting it slide between them.

The head lodged inside and she moaned into the kiss when Harry pushed the head inside her. However, it popped out shortly, much to her disapproval as she groaned in disappointment.

With a chuckle, Harry reached down and lined himself against her. With a firm push, he was buried inside her.

“Ah yesss…” Nym sighed in contentment at the feeling of his cock inside her once again. Her arms tightened their hold around his neck and her fingers threaded through his wet hair as Harry began to pick up speed, pushing in and out of her at a sedate pace.

“You plan to fuck my aunt, don’t you?” She groaned as she pulled away from the kiss and Harry saw her looking at him with hooded eyes full of lust. He smirked.

“That and much more,” he replied with a feral grin.

“You’re a bad man,” she moaned at his hard thrust. “Taking advantage of a helpless woman like that… where did all the chivalry go?”

“Died when the truth of the world dawned on me,” he heaved a breath, slamming inside her. Nym cried out in a perfect mix of pain and pleasure.

“And what… fuck yes… and what truth is that?” She gasped, her body jolting with his furious thrusts.

Harry’s response was to pull out of her and turn her around, pushing her firmly against the wall before slamming into her once again.

“AHH FUCKKK!” Nym howled as he began to furiously rut inside her like a man possessed.

“That you can do anything if you have the power and the only thing holding you back is your mind. Nothing else,” he grunted, pressing fully against her back as he kept a firm grip on her ass.

The squelching of their coupling was further exacerbated by the sound of the running shower and how the hot water ricocheted off their bodies as they collided in ultimate passion. Nym’s mouth was wide open in a wordless scream and Harry reached down, gathering copious amounts of her love juices on his fingers before thrusting them inside her mouth. He grinned as she started to such eagerly.

“Mmm…” she moaned around his digits while his other digit continued to ruthlessly plunder her hot, wet depths. “You are truly a very bad man. I can’t wait to see just how much.”

Harry grinned.

“You’re secretly a deviant yourself, aren’t you?” He asked, spanking her wet ass. “You’re getting hot at the thought of me fucking your aunt.”

“Merlin yes!” She cried out loud. The thought was so hot she could cum from it. It was the day of her mother’s funeral, and she had believed that she would spend the day mourning, but here she was, getting all hot and bothered at the thought of her lover fucking her aunt – the same aunt that had never seen it necessary to contact her in over two decades – while getting roughly fucked by him in the house they had grown up in. Merlin the thought made her hotter.

Harry chuckled at her exuberant response. He had always seen Nym as an outgoing and cheerful woman. However, he loved this side of her even more.

“You want to be involved too, don’t you?” He asked as he continued ramming away inside her. The squelching of their sexes colliding and the slapping of their wet skin overpowered the sounds of the stream of water falling around them. “You’re getting hotter by the thought of me fucking your aunt. And you want to fuck your aunt too, don’t you?”

“Oh fucking yesss!” Nym cried out. “I can’t wait for you to fuck her! And I want to see that prim and proper woman on her knees as she worships your magnificent cock! I want her to fucking eat me out as you rut into her from behind. FUCKK!!”

Harry grunted as her pussy walls tightened around him. Her body started shaking as she creamed around his hard prick and her loud wail reverberated around the bathroom.

“Merlin, I never knew you were an incestuous slut, Nym,” Harry laughed as he fucked her through her orgasm. “I guess it’s gotta be something different today. On your knees,” he instructed as he pulled out. Nym eagerly complied, getting to her knees and looking up at him with lustful eyes.

Harry smirked and started to furiously stroke his prick. It was less stimulating than the feeling of a woman’s hot wetness around it but it would do for now.

“Face or mouth?” He asked. Her response was to open her mouth wide in invitation. Chuckling, Harry aimed purposefully away from her mouth and the first shot of his powerful load hit her square in the middle of the forehead, surprising her. Her eyes opened and she could feel his thick seed dripping over her nose.

“Why even ask me then?” She asked with a chuckle as another shot splashed over her nose and right cheek.

“Basic courtesy, I guess,” he chuckled and shot another load that hit her right on the mouth. Nym’s tongue darted out and licked it off her lips. “Open wide now.”

She smirked and opened wide once again. He kept stroking and shot load after load inside her wanton mouth, watching the sight of her cum-covered face swallowing his seed. Finally, his final shot landed right on top of her breasts and she chuckled.

“Couldn’t miss it,” he replied. She simply shook her head in amusement. Harry kept watching her as she gathered all his cum and fed it to her greedy mouth. When she was done, he pulled her to her feet and dragged them back under the running shower. Both sighed at the soothing feeling of hot water over their skin, taking turns washing each other.

As they stood under the shower after being done with all the cleaning, Nym leaned against him and whispered, “Hopefully she sees sense and agrees.”

Harry simply smirked. He knew she would. She had no other choice, after all.

To be continued…