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Harry felt an immediate surge of panic at Nym’s reply as he stared at her with wide eyes.

“Death Eater attack? Already?” Amelia asked in surprise.

“We don’t have time to tarry,” Harry replied quickly, catching his bearings as he looked at the redhead. “We have to go and help them.”

“Kingsley and a few others are already on their way,” Nym replied immediately. Harry nodded.

“Let’s go then,” he made to walk forward when he suddenly felt a soft hand grab his arm. He abruptly turned around and met Susan’s apprehensive eyes.

“Harry, these are Death Eaters. Let auntie handle this,” she said, frowning when Harry shook his head and pulled her hand away from him.

“I’m more than capable of doing this,” he replied firmly before looking over at Amelia. “The aurors?”

“Won’t be mobilized in time,” she sighed. “Fudge has cut the corps and the numbers are at an all time low.”

“Got it,” Harry replied, definitely not happy as he gave a curt nod.

“But I’ll come with you,” the redhead declared firmly as she transfigured her attire, earning surprised looks from everyone present.

“A-auntie you…” Susan trailed off when her aunt raised her hand to stop her.

“You all stay here,” she said, looking at Harry meaningfully. She could feel his power rolling off him, and she knew he was more than capable of holding his own. “I’ll go with Harry and Auror Tonks and help the Order out.”

Harry nodded at the meaningful gaze she directed at him, confirming that they would be having a talk in the near future. Currently, there was something else that took precedence.

Susan bit her lip softly and nodded.

“Please be safe, you all,” she whispered. Harry gave her hand a gentle squeeze and walked over to Amelia who quickly prepared a portkey that would take them to Greengrass Manor.

“Ready?” He asked, looking at Amelia who gave him a nod.

“Cast to kill,” she said as the countdown began, and Harry’s eyes narrowed in understanding. “Even though we are not officially at war, the situation warrants for it. You have my permission.”

“Duly noted,” Harry nodded, and barely a second later, the world spun around them as the trio vanished.


The sight of Greengrass Manor was enough to stagger them. Half the manor was blown apart, the garden burning as thick and putrid smoke hung over the property, darkening the evening sky and hiding the setting sun from view. A trio of wizards were standing a bit away from them, hiding behind the hedges as they looked ahead.

“Shack,” Nym quickly whispered, and the wizards turned around. Harry recognized none of the wizards accompanying Kingsley and guessed they must be some random Order members.

“Tonks, Director,” the dark-skinned auror said, eyes widening at the sight of his boss who held her hand up.

“We’ll discuss this later,” she said firmly. “Right now, what’s the situation?”

“At least twenty Death Eaters inside,” he replied. “We don’t know who is leading them, but given they have set up wards, I believe it’s a member of the Inner Circle. Morris here is almost done taking down the wards.”

They saw one of the two wizards working meticulously over the wards before they let out a static.

“It’s done,” the wizard gave a firm nod.

“Let’s go in then,” the other wizard said and made to charge in, only to be held back by Kingsley.

“Don’t be reckless, Martin,” the man chided. “There are twenty of them inside. We’re only six. Stealth is our only choice.”

“Why are only three of you here?” Harry asked in a furious whisper. “Surely the Order has more members to spare?”

“Almost all are out on their missions, Potter,” Kingsley replied with a grimace. Harry clicked his tongue in annoyance.

He looked over and saw the group of Death Eaters outside the manor. They were laughing maniacally as they cast spells against the outer walls. There were about ten of them, and Harry realized with alarm that almost half of the attackers had already managed to get inside the manor.

“We can’t delay any further,” he said firmly. “The family is in danger, and we have to save them at all costs. Here’s what I propose. I’ll sneak into the manor while you all take care of the Death Eaters on the grounds before joining me inside.”

“And how do you plan on getting inside the manor?” One of the wizards with Kingsley, Martin, asked. Harry’s response was to pull out his Invisibility Cloak and he draped it over himself.

“I’m going to sneak inside and somehow try to take them on. Would be easy enough for me,” he replied, and before anyone could say anything, he draped it over himself once again and darted forward.

“Well,” Amelia muttered as she brandished her wand. “You heard the man. Let’s do what’s required of us. This lot doesn’t look too dangerous. Still, be cautious and take them down as soon as you can.”

The wizards gave her resolute nods, and Amelia said, “You have my permission to take them down in any way you choose.”

Wide-eyed, the wizards looked at her.

“Director, you mean…”

“Yes, Shack,” Amelia nodded. “This is wartime situation right here. You have my permission to cast to kill.”


The Death Eaters were happily casting blasting curses at the walls on the destroyed part of the manor, and Harry seethed. This lot was having fun here. They did not expect any retaliation and were taking their time in destroying the once-pristine residence of the Greengrass family.

He did not have time to bother himself with them, and he quickly sneaked past them, entering the manor and looking around for the sight of Daphne and her family.

“Point me Daphne,” he whispered, and his wand quickly turned to the right. Harry dashed in the direction, following the path shown by his wand, and heard the sound of struggle before a loud female cry rang out from the room he was rushing toward. Harry’s eyes widened.

The sight he was subjected to chilled him to the bone, and he lost it. The wand whipped forward and a ribbon cutter shot forth, cleaving the heads of all four Death Eaters in one swing, sending blood and gore scattering throughout the room as Daphne cried out in shock. Eyes wide, she looked around frantically, and Harry quickly darted inside, locking the door and taking his cloak off him.


Daphne recoiled at the sound before her eyes widened at the sight of him, and the moment he came close, she threw herself in his arms, sobbing profusely. Harry clutched her to himself tightly.

“Shh… I’m here… You’re okay now,” he whispered in reassurance as she shivered in his arms, gently holding her almost naked frame to himself.

Slowly, he pulled back and flicked his wand, conjuring an immaculate witches’ robe over her body. Daphne pulled it firmly against herself and Harry stared at her with a sorrowful gaze.

“I’m so sorry I took so long… If I’d been only a few moments late…”

“Shh…” she whispered, caressing his cheek lovingly and hugging him close. “You arrived. You didn’t let anything happen to me. That’s more than enough.”

Harry sighed and held her close, rubbing soothing circles on her back and feeling her calm down. The connection he felt with women was the strongest with Daphne, even stronger than the one he felt with Cassie, and almost as strong as the ones with Nat and Fleur. Her magic was practically singing in relief, and Harry felt an overwhelming desire to just take her with him and flee somewhere far away, where no one could find them.

“Cassie told me everything. She said you’d be coming today,” she whispered. “I was waiting for you. Both Trace and I…”

Suddenly, Daphne’s eyes widened in alarm.

“Trace is in her room upstairs,” she pulled back, staring at him with frantic eyes. Harry nodded immediately and took her hand, pulling her close and draping the cloak over their bodies. Daphne stood in front of him, leaning against his back as Harry wrapped his arm around her while the other kept his wand pointed forward.

“No one can detect us under this cloak,” he whispered, caressing her belly lovingly, and Daphne nodded as she gently rested her hand on his. He opened the door and they looked on either side, making sure no Death Eaters were coming for them to deal with. Once they were sure the coast was clear, they urgently started walking toward the staircase.

“Point me Tracey,” he whispered, and the wand pointed toward the left. They walked up the stairs with quick, long steps, as much as the cloak allowed. It was quiet, too quiet as they walked forward before they finally heard the sounds of hooting, cat-calling, and malicious taunting.

“Morgana’s tits, look at those knickers! Bitch must’ve been preparing herself for something special,” a lecherous voice reached their ears, and their eyes widened at the sight they were greeted with.

Three females were suspended in the air, surrounded by six men clad in the black robes of Death Eaters while another man who had a golden skull mask on stared up, standing at the front. The females all had been stripped to their undergarments, just as Daphne had been minutes ago, and the Death Eaters were using suspended levitation spells to twirl them around.

It was easy to recognize who they were. The blonde woman was without a doubt Daphne’s mother, while the two brunettes were her younger sister Astoria and Tracey. They were all conscious, eyes wide in fright and trying with all their might to cover themselves. However, the Death Eaters kept twirling them around, playing their sick game of humiliation.

Harry’s rage skyrocketed, and his grip around Daphne tightened. He felt her hand clutch his tightly, and he knew what she was feeling.

Harry held her firmly as she made to step forward, and Daphne looked up at him with wild eyes.

“We’ll kill them,” he whispered his promise, trying to make her understand with his eyes. “There’s an Inner Circle member with them. We have to make sure we deal with them and nothing happens to those three as well. They don’t have anything to lose, we do.”

Daphne gritted her teeth in rage and nodded in understanding. Harry gave her hand a gentle squeeze.

“How good is your defensive magic?” Harry asked her softly, keeping his rage firmly in check as the Death Eaters continued to spin the women around, hooting and cackling.

“Good enough to save them,” Daphne replied with gritted teeth. Harry nodded.

“Stay under this cloak and the moment I get out, go to the furthest corner and do nothing but keep the strongest shields you know over them. I’ll handle the rest,” he whispered. Daphne nodded and gave his hand a soft squeeze. Harry smiled and tapped his wand on his head, and the feeling of slime covering his body oozed over him. Slowly, he stepped out of the cloak and Daphne slowly walked over to the corner of the room, keeping her wand at the ready.

A powerful golden shield materialized in front of the women and Harry took action, sending a gouging curse right at the three Death Eaters closest to him. Their heads exploded in a shower of blood and gore, sending their flesh scattering throughout the room as the Death Eaters shouted in alarm.

“Someone’s here!” One of the Death Eaters shouted as they started sending a volley of dark curses toward where Harry had been mere moments ago. Right after casting the curse, Harry moved to the window and looked outside to see how the others had progressed.

There was no sign of anyone outside, and Harry hoped they had managed to get in. However, he didn’t have any time to waste as he quickly dodged under the Killing curse the lead Death Eater fired at him.

“Well, this is a surprise,” the masked man said as Harry’s disillusionment charm came down. “Harry Potter, in the flesh. Today must be my lucky day.”

“If you mean your deathday, then you’re spot on,” Harry retorted and immediately shielded against the volley of dark curses. His defense held on admirably, and he saw the Death Eater stare at him appraisingly.

“Someone else’s here, innit?” He asked. “The shield’s held strong.”

“You won’t stay alive long enough to find out,” Harry retorted and flung a volley of arrows toward the black-robed wizards who conjured shields. The arrows collided with the glowing blue shields and exploded into puffs of smoke.

“That’s all? I expected more,” the Death Eater called out. Harry smirked as they brought their shields down.

It was a very sneaky spell, with a false sense of security. The arrows looked like metals, and once anyone shielded against them, they thought it was enough. What they didn’t know was that the arrows exploded into grey mist upon impact, sending transdermal poison scattering in the area. Even though the Death Eaters were covered head to toe in their black robes, there was no stopping the fragments of the poison from seeping through the pores of their robes or the little bare skin they had visible.

And once they breathed it in… It was game over.

The lead Death Eater’s mask flashed and his eyes widened.

“Stop breathing!” He shouted out toward his fellow Death Eaters. However, his warning came a little too late as the four wizards tumbled to the floor, arms and knees bent at odd angles as they were rendered paralyzed.

“And then there were two,” Harry smirked as he twirled his wand and flicked it, conjuring appropriate robes for the three women who had been staring at the entire encounter with wide eyes. He didn’t miss the looks of gratitude they gave him, and he only smiled in reassurance. The women breathed sighs of relief and smiled back, knowing that they were in safe hands.

“Don’t think you’ll find me easy, Potter,” the Death Eater snarled, and before Harry could react, he flung a killing curse at Lady Greengrass whose eyes widened. Under the cloak, Daphne’s heart almost stopped as the emerald beam of light shot toward her mother.

Harry quickly banished one of the Death Eaters, intercepting the curse with his body, and the wizard went limp. However, that left him exposed to the gouging hex the Death Eater sent toward him. Just as he was about to move, although knowing it was in vain, a golden shield blocked the curse, sending a resounding boom echoing throughout the room.

Harry and the Death Eater both had their eyes widened, but it was the former who caught his bearing first as he flung a powerful stunner at the dark wizard, who swatted it aside in the nick of time. That didn’t save him from another powerful stunner from Daphne, and Harry watched as the wizard went limp before falling over, face first, to the floor.

There was a moment of terse silence in the room before Harry looked over at the entrance. He saw none other than Amelia Bones lowering her wand before coming inside, and he realized it was she who had cast that shield to block the curse. He looked at her in gratitude, earning a simple nod.

“All taken care of here, I see,” she remarked, looking around disdainfully at the sight of wizards who had either their heads blown apart or were paralyzed. She glanced at the corpse of the Death Eater she had seen Harry intercept the killing curse with before her eyes fell on the stunned masked Death Eater.

“Allow me,” Harry said before she could move and flicked his wand, unmasking the Death Eater.

“Florian Avery,” she muttered, and Harry recognized him as one of the Death Eaters from the graveyard. Belatedly, he recalled another Avery who he had killed at Hogwarts, and he realized this one must be either the father or another family member.

“You taking him in?” Harry asked Amelia, who frowned.

“You can’t!”

They turned around and saw Daphne emerge from under Harry’s cloak, glaring furiously.

“None of them deserve to live,” she hissed, blinking back tears. “Not after what they were about to do. Scum like these deserve death.”

She kept glaring at Amelia who stared back with a stern face before she looked at him. He said nothing and simply shrugged, leaving the decision to her. Amelia nodded at his tacit approval and flicked her wand, a silent cutting curse cleaving through the wizard’s throat.

“I have zero tolerance for Death Eaters,” Amelia said firmly. “No matter what the ministry’s stance is, this is what will happen to any Death Eater I find. And I hope you do the same.”

“Would I be right to assume I have your permission to kill Death Eaters?”

“As long as it’s done out of sight or in front of those who can cover up for you, I will turn a blind eye,” she nodded, and Harry had to admit that he was surprised. Everyone had said that she was a woman of integrity who always abided by the law, but it seemed even she knew when and where to draw a line. It was in no way an unwelcome development, and Harry gave her a firm nod.

“Good to know,” he replied and looked at Daphne who was staring at the bleeding corpse with a small sneer. Taking her hand in his, he gave it a small squeeze.


Daphne turned around and was immediately swarmed by a pair of brunettes, and she quickly wrapped her arms around the pair, hugging them firmly. He watched as she rubbed their backs soothingly, and he had to admire how after going through that harrowing ordeal herself, she was here, offering comfort to them. He felt eyes on him and turned around to see Lady Greengrass staring at him with a grateful look in her eyes.

“Lord Potter,” the woman whispered, bowing low humbly. “Please allow me to express my gratitude for coming to our aid. House Greengrass is in your debt. Please ask of anything and I’ll ensure it is done as long as it is within my capabilities.”

Harry quickly held the woman’s shoulders and brought her upward, squeezing comfortably. Tears of relief cascaded down the woman’s cheeks and Harry gave her a comforting smile.

“I did not do this to incur a debt with your house, my lady. However, I shall not disrespect your house by letting this go. House Potter humbly acknowledges the debt House Greengrass owes it. We can talk about this later. For now, please come with me.”

“My lord?” The woman asked with a small frown. Harry sighed and looked over at everyone. Nym and the others had finally arrived, and he saw Kingsley and the two other wizards staring at the carnage with wide eyes. He smiled reassuringly at Tracey and Astoria, both of whom gave him grateful smiles before his eyes met Daphne’s. He gave her a warm smile and looked back at her mother.

“Your home is destroyed, my lady, and I don’t believe it is safe for you to live here, at least for the foreseeable future. I’m sure you would be restoring this manor to its former glory. That is why I wish to extend my invitation for you and your family to live with us. As you must be aware, Daphne and Tracey were to arrive today to spend the rest of the summer with Cassandra. I’m sure the house can easily accommodate two more guests.”

“My lord I—”

“Please let me say that you would not impose on anyone in any way, my lady,” Harry interrupted gently and quietly implored her to agree. The woman looked over at her daughters and Tracey, and once they nodded in agreement, she sighed.

“I would be very grateful for this noble gesture, my lord.”

Harry smiled and turned to look at Nym, who looked around and winked. He had to suppress a chuckle at that.

Leave it to his minx of a metamorph to look for opportunity in every scenario.

Turning toward Amelia, Harry said, “I believe this is where we part ways for now, Amelia. I’m sure we have much to discuss, and I’ll be open to it in a few days.”

“I understand,” the redhead replied with a small smile. “I’m looking forward to our next meeting, Harry.”

Harry nodded and watched as the woman twisted on the spot and apparated away. He nodded toward Kingsley who sighed and gave a firm nod back before he apparated away with the other two wizards as well.

“I’ll leave you all to pack your items,” Harry said with a smile as he looked at them, who nodded. Turning toward Nym, he took her hand in his and walked away, leaving a pair of brunettes and a pair of blondes staring at his retreating figure in silence before they turned to each other and took a moment to comfort each other.


“What’s going on in that wicked mind of yours, if I may ask?” Harry asked as they walked the grounds. The once pristine garden was torn apart. Plants were burnt to ashes and the decorations were demolished. It was a pity what had happened.

“What makes you think that?” She asked with that smirk of hers – one which screamed that she was cooking up a scheme that would entail the world of fun for both him and all the women in the harem or coven, whatever she liked to call it.

Harry simply gave her a knowing look to which she giggled and looked upstairs where the women were packing the belongings that they wanted to take with them.

“Cassie deserves a special reward for bringing those two beauties with her,” Nym said, licking her lips, and Harry inadvertently let out a chuckle. “You felt a connection with either so far?”

Harry shook his head at her smirk before he sighed resignedly. “Susan, Amelia, Daphne, Tracey, Astoria, and Lady Greengrass,” he replied, and Tonks’ eyes bugged out.

“Morgana’s tits, the two MILFs as well,” she whistled, an excited gleam in her eyes. “And how thoughtful of you to include bosslady as well. I’ve always fantasized about how she would feel…”

Harry rolled his eyes.

“Little Bones is a beauty indeed,” she continued. “And the other three are no different. Must say, the coven is developing nicely.”

“Leave it to you to find something positive even in the midst of something tragic,” he replied with a small smile, and Nym turned to look at him.

“I know what could’ve happened here today,” she said softly, pressing herself close to him. Harry’s arms immediately wrapped around her waist, gently cupping her rear. “But nothing happened. You saved them, and now they are in your debt. I know you will not abuse this power you have over them. You are so much pure, so much better than that. But this is a repeat of what Fleur went through, right?”

Harry released a deep breath and nodded. Nym smiled.

“And what did Fleur do? She tried to find some happiness with you, the man she had already felt some sort of connection with, after suffering through that. You better bet those four will do the same.”

“Well, no one would find me complaining,” he replied with a soft chuckle, coaxing a giggle out of her.

“And if I’m guessing correctly,” she whispered with a conspiratorial look on her face. “Lady Greengrass must’ve been auntie’s roommate at Hogwarts. Think how that could play out.”

“Alright, you’ve made your point,” Harry responded with a chuckle as he stole a quick kiss which Nym was all too happy to reciprocate.

“What did they look like, by the way?” She asked once he pulled away.

“Hmm?” Harry asked as they started walking back toward the half-destroyed manor.

“Daphne and the others. You saw them almost naked, didn’t you?”

“You’re a lecher, Nym,” Harry shook his head. “In that situation, those thoughts were as far away from my mind as possible.”

“I know, Mr. Obvious,” she rolled her eyes before smirking once again. “But now they’re not in any danger, are they? And you saw them, so you’re free to think about how sexy they are. Go on, recall how they looked like.”

Harry stayed silent for a few seconds as they walked through the burnt plants and grass before he shook his head, banishing away the thoughts of Daphne’s bubble butt which one could bounce a quarter from, and her breasts, large and easily more than a handful. Nym giggled.

“No need to feel guilty about it,” she whispered as they came back and saw the four women descending the stairs, having changed into their clothes. “After all, we all are yours, just as you are ours. You can think about us however you like, just as we do about you. Even now, I bet they are thinking about you and how much they want to fuck you until none of you could walk straight.”

Harry steadfastly ignored her sinful words and smiled at Daphne who came down first.

“Ready?” He asked, and at their nods, he took out a small piece of parchment from his pocket and held it out for them.

Roughly a minute later, they were standing in the living room of #12 Grimmauld Place in front of all the other occupants who looked at them in surprise.


The new guests had settled in nicely. The moment Cassie saw them, she wasted no time in smothering her two lovers and Astoria with hugs before she took them away with her to their room, intent on making sure they were alright.

True to Nym’s speculation, Lady Greengrass, or Evelyn, as she asked him to call her from now on, was indeed in Narcissa’s year at Hogwarts and the two women had shared a dormitory for seven years. Harry didn’t know it, but they were very good friends and it was Narcissa who had encouraged Cassie to make friends with Daphne when she got to Hogwarts. However, he didn’t think even she would’ve imagined just how close the two would get.

Evelyn told them why they were attacked. Lucius Malfoy, like the slimeball that he was, could not rest easy until he had his runaway wife and his investment, or daughter for the decent folk, back under his thumb. The man knew Cassie was a close friend of the Greengrass heiress, and he had tried to extract any information from the matriarch of the house when he saw her in the ministry one day. When Evelyn didn’t seem to be forthcoming, the bastard decided to teach her and her family a lesson. Narcissa blamed herself for what befell Evelyn and her family, while the woman consoled her, telling her explicitly that nothing was her fault and that if anyone was to blame, it was Lucius and his entire group of thugs.

The two women soon left with Andromeda, and Harry was happy to see that they were recovering well after the ordeal they all had gone through.

In his bedroom, a small group of women was gathered. However, it was more accurate to say that all the women Harry had been with were present, in addition to Daphne, Tracey, and Astoria. Nat, Nym, and Fleur were sitting together on the couch, with Cassie sitting with her lovers and Astoria on the bed while Ginny stood leaning against the wall. They had just finished explaining everything to the girls who sat there, listening in shock as they realized the extent of what they were getting involved in.

Daphne and Tracey had previously thought that they would be sharing Harry with only Cassie. Never in their wildest dreams could they have imagined that Harry would have a harem of his own, or that things would be so complicated.

Nat, as the woman asked them to call her from now on, told them everything about the ritual before Fleur took over, answering all the questions they had. Once they fully understood the gravity of the situation, it was much more understandable as to why such a complicated system had been put in place.

Meanwhile, Ginny felt faint when she heard everything. She had always wanted to be with Harry, and to know that he was involved with something so complicated made her worry for him. She knew she would have to share Harry with these women. She had told Hermione as much. However, it was only now that she was realizing how serious everything was.

“This is a lot to take in,” Daphne remarked softly as she looked around herself.

“You’re right. You’ll soon be taking a lot in,” Nym replied with a smirk, earning her a playful slap to the arm from Fleur as Daphne flushed slightly, the innuendo not lost on her.

“Now that you all know what you’ll be getting into, you still want to go ahead with it?” Fleur asked firmly. Daphne looked at the beautiful veela and gave a resolute nod.

“I love Harry, and I want to be with him. I have no problem with this arrangement.”

“Same,” Tracey replied with a nod.

“What about you, Astoria?” Fleur asked. “We knew about Daphne and Tracey here from Cassie, but we didn’t expect that you will be here as well.”

Astoria blushed slightly.

“I’ve always had a crush on him, and I also owe him for what he did for us today. It helps that I find this coven idea to be very… interesting.”

“I see,” the veela smirked. “And Ginny? We've already had a talk about this and a bit of... let's say preliminary session. You still set on it?”

The only daughter of the Weasleys looked at Fleur and smiled.

“I’ve wanted to be with Harry since before I even knew him. Once I did get to know him though, I realized how different he was from what I thought he was like, but instead of being disappointed, I liked him even more. Then he saved me in the Chamber of Secrets, and ever since then, I’ve wanted to be his. This summer has been…” she smiled softly, “special. I never thought I could feel like this, and I want to feel it forever. I will happily be a part of this, and I’ll do everything in my power to help protect him.”

Fleur smiled at all the women and nodded.

“I’m glad we’re all on the same page. We’ve already explained your responsibilities and the rules which all of us will abide by.”

Everyone nodded.

“I must repeat, there must never be a sense of entitlement toward Harry or any selfish complex within the coven,” she said. “We all are with Harry, and we all are with each other. This is for happiness and to ensure a good future for all of us.”

The women nodded in understanding, and everyone knew that even if something bad was about to happen, the magic of the bond they shared with Harry, however faint right now, would solve the situation before it could worsen. Still, it was better to prevent any strife from taking place altogether.

“It’s remarkable how so many of us are with Harry or want to be with him because we have a life debt to him,” Nat remarked softly. “I think apart from Nym here, all of us do.”

“You know what they say,” Nym smirked. “Whatever you do for others eventually comes around to help you in the end. For everything Harry’s done, he’ll have us for life.”

“And we’ll have him and each other as well,” Cassie replied, smiling at her cousin who nodded.

“Now then,” Fleur smirked. “Once you all have officially joined the coven, you’ll be able to give yourselves to Harry. I hope you like the experience, and even if it’s awkward right now, I’m sure you’ll come to love it in no time. Although something tells me that won’t be an issue.”

“You three can take your time, you know,” Nat interjected, smiling gently at Daphne, Tracey, and Astoria who looked at her in surprise. “After what you experienced mere hours ago, no one will think any less of you. Don’t forget, we all have gone through hardships, be it assault or discrimination, and no one can empathize with you more than those who are present here.”

They watched as Daphne got up and walked over to where Nat was sitting, and the Scandinavian beauty stood up when the younger woman came closer.

“Thank you,” Daphne whispered before she slowly pressed her lips against Nat’s.

“Well then,” Nym said as she cast the locking and silencing charms before starting to strip. “Let the fun begin before you can be with Harry for good.”

She looked on as Tracey turned toward Cassie and the two women began making out heatedly before someone came up to her.

“I’ve always been fascinated by you,” Ginny whispered as she pulled her top over her head and dropped it to the floor, revealing her bare upper body clad in a modest white bra.

“That’s good,” Nym replied as she helped Ginny take off her jeans, revealing a similar set of knickers. “But we need to get you proper sets of undergarments. No way you’ll be wearing these from now on. The same applies to all the others.”

Ginny got down on her knees and gently dragged Nym’s knickers down her legs, and the busty metamorph stepped out of them.

“I have a couple of nice ones, but I wore those only when I planned to seduce Harry,” the redhead said as she flicked her tongue out, tasting a woman for the first time.

“Good girl,” Nym grinned. “But now you can be with him anytime you want, so you better start taking care of yourself with that in mind.”

The room devolved into a female orgy in no time. Tracey and Cassie were rubbing their naked pussies together before the latter switched over to Astoria, who eagerly joined her. Meanwhile, Fleur took charge of Tracey, laying the brunette on her back before straddling her in a 69.

The moans and groans of all eight women echoed inside the room as they kept switching partners every few minutes until they occupied the entirety of the bed, pleasuring each other with either their mouths, fingers, or feet. If anyone could see them from above, they would’ve seen their bodies forming the sign of infinity as they continued to tongue or finger each other, forming a complete chain and driving each other to climax.

It was Ginny who came first, furiously sucking Cassie’s lower lips as Astoria brought her to her orgasm, and that sent all of them crashing over the edge. Daphne’s lower lips clenched around Nym’s fingers as the metamorph kissed her marvelous round arse and she intensified her ministrations on Fleur’s pussy, rubbing her clit furiously as she sucked her, triggering the lovely veela’s climax as well who sucked Astoria’s young virgin cunt furiously, sending her into the throes of pleasure.

Meanwhile, Tracey kept tonguing Nym’s rear door while simultaneously fingering her slick, wet pussy, feeling her hot canal sucking her digits in when Nat’s lips sucked her clit hard, sending her tumbling over the edge. She came with a vehemence, coating the huldra’s face with her release.

And Cassie, like the obedient student she was, sucked her teacher’s pussy lips erotically, running her tongue over and over as her fingers stroked her clit, making Nat fist the bedsheet as her climax tore through her before Ginny’s ministrations made her orgasm tear through her.

Utterly spent, the eight women lay on the bed, panting as their respective releases ran down their legs, over their respective partners’ mouths, or on the bed.

“And that’s that,” Fleur whispered. “Welcome, girls. You all are one of us now.”

There was no reply as everyone breathed heavily in the aftermath of their orgasms. However, the new young women certainly felt the magic of the coven take hold of them. They sighed in pleasure at the sensation.

“Just wait until you’ve become one with Harry,” Nat whispered, gently caressing Cassie’s lovely tits with her feet, rolling one of her nipples around with her toes. “The bond will make you feel so close to him, and to each of us as well.”

Daphne looked down at Nym who gave her a loving smile, and she smiled back.

“I can’t wait.”


To be continued…


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