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Harry and Evelyn remained outside the wards for a few more minutes, making sure there was no one else to intrude. Once they were sure everything was fine, they began making their way back inside.

The walk was silent. While Harry was wondering about the Death Eater attack at the Order safe houses, Evelyn’s mind was somewhere else altogether. She was constantly reminiscing about the way he had assertively treated her, and as far as she could tell, it was done without any ulterior motives. That was entirely natural, and it made her even more aroused.

She had been so stimulated that she had started to pleasure herself while spellfire was going on in front of him. As she rubbed herself or thrust her fingers inside her, it was the thought of Harry pleasuring her that kept her arousal at its peak.

She saw Harry confronting the werewolf and the man with the axe on his own, and somehow she knew he would deal with them easily. As such, she continued to pleasure herself, imagining it was Harry’s manhood plundering her wanton depths and not her sinful fingers. She saw no need to join the battle, happy to leave it all to Harry while continuing to watch him take those lowlives down.

However, it was when that werewolf opened its mouth and uttered its vile intentions for all to hear that she saw red. The haze of arousal over her mind parted, giving way for her ire to gain prominence, and she whipped her wand forward, an icicle barely missing the werewolf’s throat.

The battle continued for a few minutes, and as she had predicted, Harry took care of them with ease. Now, here they were, walking back through the garden, and in the aftermath of the battle, her arousal returned with vehemence. She had interrupted herself before she could reach climax, and the thrum between her legs resumed with full force.

She recalled feeling his eyes on her body, lingering at the few spots where her nightrobe had been torn before he repaired it. She tried to find some meaning in the way he was looking at her when he tied the string around her waist or how he was caressing her after doing it. She wanted to believe there was no way it was platonic, but the glimmer of doubt remained.

They entered the manor, and the moment they came into the living room, they were confronted by Daphne, Astoria, and Tracey. Her youngest looked like she had haphazardly thrown over whatever piece of clothing she could find to make herself decent, and she could not help but notice the strap of what could only be a lace bra peeking over her shoulder. It was not hard for her to conclude what was going to happen during the night, and it intensified her arousal and her want for the man who was to be her eldest daughter’s husband one day and the lover of the other two.

“What happened?” Daphne asked immediately as she came over, looking at them to make sure they were alright.

Harry gave his girlfriend a loving smile and shook his head.

“We’re perfectly fine. The same can’t be said about the two Death Eaters and a werewolf though,” he replied casually, earning shocked looks from the three young women.

“W-werewolf?” Tracey asked faintly, earning a nod from Harry.

“Yeah. They were going to sneak in. I don’t think I need to tell you what their intentions were,” Harry said darkly. They pursed their lips in anger.

“I see,” Daphne said darkly. “I believe you took care of them?”

“You believe correctly,” Harry nodded. “I would’ve done much worse when they said what they wanted to do. But well, they didn’t deserve too much of our attention.”

“Why did they target us though?” Tracey asked with a frown. “Don’t they consider us neutral?”

Harry sighed. “I think I am to blame for that. They must have seen me with you at the platform and decided that you had chosen my side. Made you fair game for them.”

“You’re to blame for nothing,” Evelyn interrupted firmly, and everyone turned to look at her. “This was going to happen sooner or later. At least this way, we had your help to count on. I don’t think I would’ve managed to keep those Death Eaters away on my own.”

Harry sighed.

“She’s right, Harry,” Daphne replied.

“You should ensure the wards are upgraded,” Harry instructed Evelyn, who gave a firm nod.

“I’ll be casting the Fidelius as well. Don’t you worry,” the blonde replied. “No way they would ever find us again.”

“Even better,” Harry nodded. “And if you need a secret keeper, please know that I’ll be happy to help.”

Evelyn smiled at him and nodded.

“I can think of no better option,” she replied. “I trust you with all I have, and I’m sure the same holds for my girls as well.”

“You bet,” Tracey said with a smirk as she winked at Harry. Daphne shook her head with a smile and gave his hand a gentle squeeze.

“If all’s good, then let’s head over to sleep now,” Astoria interrupted. “It’s very late.”

“Sleep, yeah right,” Tracey replied sarcastically, looking at the brunette with a shrewd gaze.

“Whatever,” Astoria waved her hand and turned toward Harry with a promising look in her eyes. However, a frown took over her face when he shook his head gently.

“There was a Death Eater attack a little while ago on two of the Order’s safe houses,” Harry began, to his girls’ surprise. “The Order members were too late to respond. I fear there have been some irrecoverable damage.”

“And you want to know what the situation is for yourself,” Daphne nodded in understanding.

“The bigger issue is that Bellatrix led the raids,” Harry said gravely, and this time there was a moment of shocked silence. “I have a hunch as to what has happened, and I hope I’m wrong. In any case, I must go and see how bad the situation is.”

Astoria bit her lip as she looked at Harry before she gave him a firm nod. Harry smiled and wrapped his arms around her when she came over.

“You owe me one,” she whispered in his ear, earning a chuckle before Harry tilted her face to kiss her. With a final sigh, the brunette pulled away and stepped back.

“Don’t forget me already,” Tracey said jokingly as she kissed him.

“There’s no way I can,” Harry replied.

Finally, it was Daphne’s turn and she gave him a warm hug. Harry smiled. Daphne was the one who was the warmest of them all, at least until she was in the bedroom. Then she was a proper deviant. However, in front of everyone, she simply let him hold her close before she gave him a soft kiss in parting.

Evelyn watched the entire spectacle with mixed emotions. While happy for her girls that they had found such a caring and charming young man, the longing feeling put a dampener on it. Throw in her heightened arousal into the mix and she was standing there a very unfulfilled woman. Disappointed in herself, that she could not do anything about her predicament.

“I’ll be back soon, Evelyn,” Harry said softly, and to her surprise, wrapped his arms around her. She looked over and saw her girls looking at them with smiles and sighed before closing her eyes, enjoying the feeling of being in his arms. However, she was further surprised when he started to slowly caress her over her back and her breath hitched when she felt his hot breath on the sensitive skin near her ear.

“I’ll help you out the next time I’m here. I’m not the one to leave the people I care about stranded,” he whispered, and before Evelyn could regain her bearings, he pulled away. She stared at him, trying to comprehend what he meant by those words when he gave her a small smirk and twisted on the spot, apparating away.


Harry appeared in the basement of #12 Grimmauld Place and immediately, the wards of the house responded to him. He took control of them and felt around. No one was in the house right now. The dueling room was clean, which signified that people had been here recently, while the ritual room a little bit away from it looked untouched. He walked over to the dungeons and saw that it remained untouched as well.

The moment he came back to the dueling room, there was a faint pop behind him and Harry immediately turned around. His lips curled into a malicious snarl when he laid eyes on the filthy bastard who had played a significant role in Sirius’ death.

“Oh how good to see you again,” Harry said with a snarl.

“’Tis the filthy half-blood master… oh how mistress must be feeling… seeing the House of Black be sullied like this… but filthy half-blood master destroyed the evil locket… fulfilled Master’s last wish…”

“Oh I’ll make sure this house gets sullied so much your mistress will roll in her grave,” Harry chuckled with a glare. “Getting back to you, Kreacher. You killed your previous master, and for that, you will pay.”

“Filthy blood traitor was not master,” Kreacher screeched. “Kreacher celebrated when filthy blood traitor died, oh yes he did.”

“I see. Remember the locket, you filthy swine? Your dear master Regulus asked you to destroy the locket, didn’t he?” Harry asked suddenly, firmly keeping his anger under control. Kreacher’s demeanor did a quick 180. His eyes clouded with a look of defeat in them.

“Master did… master told Kreacher to destroy, but Kreacher failed.”

Harry nodded and raised his wand. Kreacher stared at him.

“Guess what, you asshole? I lied. The locket is in perfect shape, and I’ll never destroy it.”

It was almost as if the elf’s world ended right there. He stared, shellshocked, at an evilly smirking Harry.

“Now die knowing that you failed,” he hissed. “Die, knowing that you couldn’t fulfill your dear master’s last wish. Die knowing that your master’s dying wish will remain unfulfilled for eternity.”

A silent withering curse left the tip of Harry’s wand, and not even a whimper escaped the condemned elf’s mouth as the curse ate the creature away. Only crumbs of dust remained on the floor and Harry quickly vanished it with a flick of his wand.

“Bloody good riddance,” he muttered to himself.

Harry released a deep breath and looked around. Everything was as it had been before his arrival apart from a few scorch marks and a little dirt which he took care of with a quick swish of his wand. Nodding to himself, he walked upstairs.

The moment he entered the dining room, he heard the familiar whoosh of the floo flaring up. He looked over to see none other than Tonks stumble out. His eyes widened at the state of the woman.

“Fucking hell Tonks,” he whispered and quickly rushed over, supporting the woman. His hand quickly grabbed hers, and he looked at her bloodied knuckles, clicking his tongue in annoyance. Tonks did not resist, and she let him lead her over to a chair.

“Are you dumb?” Harry chided. Both her knuckles were bloodied, her eyes inflamed as she stared at the table, and Harry quickly flicked his wand out, casting healing spell after healing spell at her wounds. Once her knuckles sealed up back again, Harry pulled a chair closer and sat next to her, taking her hands in his lap and squeezing comfortingly.

“Talk to me,” he encouraged the metamorph who was glaring at the table. “Why did you do that to yourself, Tonks?”

“All that blood was not mine alone,” she replied in a scratchy voice, earning a frown from Harry. Slowly, she turned to look at him and Harry leaned back slightly.

“Start from the beginning,” he implored.

“The safe houses were attacked,” she began. “One was destroyed before anyone came. The second one was under my mum’s charge. Bellatrix… that bitch attacked the house… and when she saw it was her sister, her very blood… she did what she had done once already.”

Harry’s eyes widened.

“You mean…”

Tonks nodded, closing her eyes as tears sprung from them. Immediately, Harry wrapped her in his arms, rubbing her back consolingly as Tonks sobbed. His face twisted into a vengeful snarl at the realization of what Bellatrix had done.

“I lost my mother, Harry,” Tonks sobbed. “I lost my mother and Sirius, all in the space of one week! And who killed both of them? Someone they shared blood with! Someone I share blood with!”

Harry clutched her to himself as firmly as he could, and Tonks kept a tight hold of him in return.

“They say they care about blood, and here they are. Killing people they share blood with. Destroying lives without any care, taking pleasure in causing pain to others.”

“Shh… calm down…” Harry said softly. Tonks immediately pushed him away, standing up and glaring at him.

“Don’t you fucking dare tell me to calm down!” She shouted, eyes wild. Harry could only stare at her with sad eyes. “I lost my fucking mother! That bitch didn’t even hesitate as she tortured her bloody sister to insanity, and you expect me to fucking calm down!?”

Harry sighed and stood up as Tonks glared at him. Slowly, he wrapped his arms around her and pulled her close, running his hand over her brown hair gently.

“I know it’s hard,” he whispered as Tonks sniffed. “I know how it feels, but you do need to get yourself under control. Hurting yourself like this will help no one.”

Tonks clutched his shirt in her grip harshly as she gritted her teeth in rage before all her energy left her. Her legs gave away and she would’ve fallen if not for Harry catching her in the nick of time. Holding her gently, he pulled her down on the chair with him and ran his hand over her back in gentle strokes, trying with all his might to calm her down. Tonks sniffed.

“I told you that was not only my blood,” she whispered.

“Whose blood is it then?”

Tonks sighed.

“I couldn’t stay there in the hospital after they told me about mum,” she whispered. “I was so shocked, and so angry. So I apparated to Knockturn Alley.”

Harry’s eyes widened slightly.

“I found one of the men who had attacked the safe houses with that woman, and when he was alone, I…” Tonks took a deep breath. “I killed him.”

Harry’s hand froze on her back as Tonks clutched the front of his shirt.

“I didn’t feel any remorse after I killed him,” she continued as if she were talking about the weather. “But killing him was not enough. I was still overcome with anger. So I started punching his face, and I kept punching. Over and over again. I didn’t care who saw it. They must have thought some hag was hitting some drunkard, and it’s not uncommon in that alley for things like that to happen. I kept punching him until his face was unrecognizable.”

“And then you came here, hoping that no one would be here,” Harry finished for her. She nodded.

“This house remains mostly empty unless there is some meeting or time to regroup, so I thought I would be able to stay here without bothering anyone and without anyone bothering me.”

“Don’t worry,” Harry replied gently. “This is your home as well. You know you can live here whenever you want.”

Tonks pulled back slightly to look at him and smiled softly.

“Thank you, Harry,” she whispered. He gave her a small smile as she lowered her head against his chest once again.

They remained sitting together in silence for a while when Tonks said, “Now I feel you were right.”

“About what?” Harry asked inquisitively and Tonks pulled back to look up at him.

“That people like that deserve to die,” she replied with steel in her voice. “Capturing them is worthless. They don’t care what they do to others, and beings like that are not humans. They are animals. Vile, mad animals who are a stain on society and deserve to be put down. There is only one thing you were wrong about.”

“And what is it?” Harry asked with a raised eyebrow.

“You said it might seem cruel and unnecessary. But it is neither cruel, nor unnecessary. In fact, it is kindness. Kindness to give animals like them a quick death. And necessary too. Necessary to kill them so that they don’t bring misery to others. So that they don’t destroy any more lives. Those animals don’t deserve to live, Harry. I finally understand it.”

Harry looked at her searchingly for a long moment before he gave her a small smile.

“Glad to see you finally understand, Tonks,” he replied, earning a sad smile from the metamorph.

“Took me losing my mother to drive the point home,” she whispered. Harry sighed.

“I’m so sorry about that,” he said softly. Tonks rested her forehead on his chest and nodded.


Harry and Tonks remained that way for close to an hour, and it was past midnight when Harry finally decided that both of them should be going to bed. Together, they walked up the stairs toward Tonks’ room and came to a stop in front of it.

Tonks opened the door and the lamps lit up immediately. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath before turning around.

“Alright then, take care,” Harry gave her a small smile. “G’night.”

With a final parting nod, Harry turned around. He had decided to take the room he used to sleep in with Ron. It didn’t seem right to take Sirius’ room. However, before he could walk away, he felt a hand on his wrist. Frowning, he turned around.

“Something wrong?” He asked curiously, and Tonks took a deep breath before looking him in the eye.

“Would you like to come in?”

Harry’s eyes widened. The meaning behind her words was not lost on him.

“Are you sure?” He asked slowly, and Tonks gave him a small nod.

“I don’t want to be alone after…” she trailed off, and Harry sighed in understanding.

“Okay,” he gave her a small smile and walked in, closing the door behind them.

“I’ll go change in the bathroom. Can you get the bed sorted?” She asked. Harry nodded and watched as she walked away.

Sighing, he stripped down to his boxers and t-shirt before flicking his wand and setting the bed up. Once he was satisfied, he got under the covers and lay on his back, staring at the ceiling. A minute later, the door to the bathroom swung open and he looked over.

Tonks came over, clad in nothing but a thin satin camisole that came to her upper thighs and flared at the hip. He could clearly see her nipples pointing hard against the fabric and the outline of her knickers as she joined him under the covers. Harry sighed and closed his eyes.

Any other time, he would have thought about seducing her. However, right now, he knew it would not be right of him to make any moves on her.

Tonks made herself comfortable under the covers and lay on her side facing away from him. Harry glanced at her for a moment before he closed his eyes, breathing gently.

“Harry?” Tonks called out in a soft voice.


“Can you hold me tonight?”

Slowly, Harry opened his eyes and glanced at her. She was still facing away from him. Sighing, he turned on his side and gently wrapped his arms around her, pulling her close. Her body molded against his perfectly, and he brought his hands to gently rest on her belly as Tonks made herself comfortable against him.

“Don’t worry, I won’t go away,” he said with a small smile. She nodded and Harry released a deep breath before closing his eyes. He didn’t know how much time had passed when he felt her turn around in his embrace. His eyes opened slowly and he looked down to see staring at him.

“What?” He asked. “Something wrong?”

Tonks shook her head and before he could say anything, she gently kissed him on the lips. Surprised, he stared at her when she quickly pulled away.

“What was that for?” He asked in puzzlement as she stared at him.

“For being you,” she finally replied and kissed him once again. This time, Harry instinctively kissed her back, his hold around her tightening and pulling her close. However, his senses quickly came back and he gently pulled away.

“Tonks, we shouldn’t—”

“Please Harry,” she whispered, looking at him pleadingly. “Please… just for tonight…”

“Tonks I—”

“We don’t have to talk about this ever again,” she whispered against his lips. “Just this one time… please help me… please take this pain away…”

Harry stared at her in sympathy as he felt her hand bury inside the waistband of his boxers and gently grab hold of his manhood. She slowly started to move her hand, trying to bring him to full mast.

“Tonks, please think about it,” he tried again, groaning when her thumb stimulated the tip. “I don’t want you to regret anything tomorrow.”

“I won’t regret anything,” she replied in a clear voice, and Harry saw her looking at him seriously. “After everything that has happened recently, you are the only person I trust with all of myself.”

Harry’s eyes widened slightly. Tonks gave him a small smile.

“Please Harry,” she whispered, pressing herself close. Her breath ghosted over his lips, and she stopped.

At this moment, he had two choices. He could either pull away and keep wondering about it in the future, or he could meet her halfway and let nature take its course.

“Are you a hundred percent sure about this, Tonks?” He asked, a gentle whisper over her lips. Tonks’ response was to keep stroking his manhood. “Alright then.”

And Harry pressed his lips against hers. Their lips moved together slowly, and Harry marveled at the softness. When her tongue brushed his bottom lip, he allowed himself to meet her halfway, making her moan as their tongues rolled around together. His hands reached behind her and gently grabbed her ass, and Tonks moaned into the kiss when he kneaded them. She pushed herself forward, and as Harry lay on his back, she lifted her leg and threw it over his body, straddling him.

Pulling back, she looked at him through half-lidded eyes and saw the desire reflected in his emerald orbs.

“It’s true that I want the pain to go away,” she whispered against his lips. “But I’m very much doing this because I want to. Because I trust you more than anyone.”

Harry nodded, and Tonks smiled before she reached behind, grabbing the waistband of his boxers and pushing them down. Harry aided her, lifting his lower body, and Tonks freed his member.

“Look at you, all ready for me,” she whispered, grabbing hold of the base of his shaft and pulling her knickers to the side, exposing her wet folds. Harry stared at her face as she slowly guided him closer, and he watched as her eyes closed at the feeling of the head of his cock rubbing her lower lips.

“Last chance to back out, Tonks,” Harry called out as he grabbed her ass once again and rubbed her pussy over his cock. Tonks’ response was to line up the swollen head of his throbbing shaft against her entrance. Slowly, she lowered herself onto his thick girth, taking his erection inch after inch inside her. Her breath caught in her throat, and she threw her head back with a slight whimper as his rigid length slowly buried itself in her depths. Harry kept his palms full with her supple arse, gently guiding her down until she had taken the entirety of his throbbing manhood inside her welcoming pussy. Her wet heat enveloped him entirely, and he held her still over his member, letting her get used to the size and girth.

After a few seconds which she used to make herself at home atop him, Tonks looked down and opened her eyes, shining with unshed tears as she stared at him. Harry gently reached up and wiped her tears away.

“I’ll always be there for you,” he promised ardently, and Tonks leaned down to softly capture his lips in a searing kiss. His hands which had been kneading her ass gently caressed her back before he held her by the back of her neck and her hip, stroking lightly.

Tonks panted over him, feeling the way his manhood throbbed inside her. With every slight movement, she felt him lurch inside her and her hips jerked with each breath. Finally, after a few minutes of staying still, Tonks began to move, and Harry couldn't stop his groan. A gasp escaped her lips when she raised her ass until he was halfway inside her before she dropped with an audible slap. Eyes unseeing, she stared vacantly above his head as her core spasmed around his manhood, clenching around him and trying to suck it in entirely.

Harry remained still under her, resisting the urge to slam his prick vigorously inside her needy quim. She needed to be ready, and she needed to take charge right now. He was very much ready to let her do as she pleased. It was the least he could do for her after everything that had happened tonight.

Slowly, Tonks started to move again, and he felt how the slick walls of her wanton depths slithered along the veiny shaft, and he kept his arms around her. One hand gently held her by the ass, guiding her on his length as she moved her hips while the other held her by the back of her head, guiding her lips back to his. They kissed slowly, passionately, tongues caressing each other with no rush or worry as her ass slowly raised higher in the air before dropping with a faint smack, again and again.

Her hands remained on his chest, caressing him over his t-shirt before she pushed them under the fabric, feeling his bare skin. Harry gently pushed her upward so that she was sitting on his cock, and Tonks whimpered when she felt him push even further inside her.

Harry quickly pulled off his t-shirt and threw it away, and Tonks sat up straight, resting her palms flat on his solid chest. He lay on his back, taking in the heavenly sight of Tonks as she started to raise and lower herself faster on his manhood, pushing him further and further inside her with each slam. His eyes ran all over her alluring frame, clad in that thin satin black camisole. Her lovely tits were straining against the fabric, nipples protruding out invitingly and Harry reached up to softly caress her cheek.

The look of utter adoration she gave him almost made him gasp. Her pussy clenched around his manhood as she tilted her head, gently kissing his palm before smiling at him. Harry smiled back and held her by the shoulders. His fingers grabbed hold of the straps and he slowly lowered them over her arms. Tonks eagerly gave in to his wishes, pulling her arms out from under them, and he pulled the camisole down her tits, freeing them up for his pleasure.

Tonks gasped softly when her breasts popped free, and she stared at Harry who watched her tits bouncing around with her movement with a fascinated look on his face.

“Go on,” she whispered with a loving smile as she continued to move up and down his rock-hard prick. Harry obliged, sliding his hands up and cupping her heavy tits. He gently squeezed her luscious orbs, kneading them like balls of soft dough, and rubbed his fingers over her hard, swollen, and sensitive nipples, drawing another gasp of pleasure out of her mouth.

Her arousal skyrocketed, and Tonks began to bounce furiously on his length. No matter how this had started, this was all about pleasure now. She wanted it, and she wanted to give even more of it to this magnificent young man who she knew would be there for her no matter the circumstances. Her breath came out in shuddering gasps, and her tits flopped around enticingly in his palms. He didn’t seem to let go of them.

Harry could feel that she was close, and no matter what, he wanted her to climax first. He wanted to see the look of utter satisfaction on her face when she orgasmed, and when she trembled slightly, he knew she was on the verge.

Holding her breast with one hand, Harry reached down and gently flicked the engorged nub right over her womanhood once, and that sent her tumbling over the edge. With a loud wail, she arched her back and threw her head high in the air as her hips jerked. She let out a loud, pleasure-filled moan as her body tensed and quivered over him. Her walls clenched around his manhood in a painful vice and with a breathless gasp, she collapsed forward on top of him. Her lovely tits mashed erotically against his chest, and Harry reveled in the feeling of her alluring body entirely pressed against him. His arms wrapped around her gently and he stroked her back, slick with sweat despite the mild cooling charm in the room as she rode out her intense climax.

“You didn’t cum, right?” She asked in a breathless whisper as she finally came down from her orgasmic peak. Harry was about to tell her not to worry about it when she rolled over and pulled him on top of her. Harry looked at her in surprise, and Tonks merely gave him a soft smile.

“Go on, Harry,” she whispered, stroking his cheek lovingly. “Make love to me.”

Harry leaned down and gently kissed her, and Tonks happily wrapped her arms around his neck, pulling him close. He wrapped his arms under hers and holding her by the shoulders, he rested his entire body over hers. Slowly, he pulled back a little before he slammed inside her. The rhythm set in quickly, and soon he was pumping his hips with gentle but powerful thrusts, slamming inside her with a resounding slap. His hips rolled with each smack, grinding his crotch against her outer walls.

“Yes Harry… oh yes…”

His face buried in her neck as he clutched her to him, and Tonks threaded her fingers through his hair, nails scratching his scalp gently as he continued to slowly thrust inside her. His prick slid against her slick inner walls and he enjoyed the feeling of her soft, warm heat eagerly welcoming him in repeatedly. Her hands slowly ran down his back, leaving a trail of sinful fire until she cupped his ass and started to help guide him inside her.

The pace was gentle, and he was in no hurry, and despite that, he felt a powerful orgasm building up inside him. There was an odd sort of intimacy with Tonks, and it made his desire for her intensify beyond anything. It also drove the point home that he never wanted to let her go. She would be one of his queens, despite having little to nothing in terms of political power behind her. She was a daughter of the Blacks, and she would be right up there with him when he conquered the Isles.

The tightening in his balls intensified even further, and Harry finally let himself go. His hips jerked, and the speed of his thrusts escalated as he felt the head of his cock expand inside her quivering quim. His face was buried in the crook of her neck, and he felt her slick, hot quim clench around him once again as she moaned out loud. Her second orgasm crashed through her just as the first load of his hot, thick seed splattered her inner walls.

“Yes Harry…” she moaned in his ear, gasping for breath as her hold on his body tightened. He held her even more firmly than before, almost crushing her entire front over his as he kept shooting rope after rope of his cum inside her orgasmic pussy.

Panting, Harry breathed harshly as he groaned, his body shuddering in the aftermath of one of the most intense orgasms he had ever experienced. Tonks lay prone underneath him, softly stroking his hair as she kept her arms wrapped around him.

For a few minutes, they stayed still, holding each other firmly against each other until eventually, Harry rolled over, pulling her with him on their sides. Bodies slick with sweat, they looked at each other for a long moment before Tonks whispered, “Thank you.”

Smiling lovingly, Harry leaned down and pressed his lips against hers.


To be continued…



Damn I really didn’t expect Andromeda to be the one who died. Fuck Kreacher. Loved the way you exacted punishment for his betrayal. Weird that he mentioned Draco though. I guess both Narcissa and Bellatrix are going to suffer in this fic. I’m wondering if you can do something with their magic through casting them from the Black family for both kinslaying and conspiracy to commit murder / line theft. Really enjoyed how you are writing the Harry/Tonks pairing. I always love them together and they click so well. Excited to see what’s next! Cheers!


I like Narcissa a bit too much to make her suffer lol. She will be in the pairing.


Nymphadora Tonks has now officially joined Harry’s harem of Valkyries. Since I also follow the story on AO3, I’m well aware which girls/women will join the harem so I can’t wait for Harry to get both Amelia and Susan (maybe that will take place once Harry saves Amelia and Susan during Voldemort’s attack on Bones Manor) :3