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Lord Voldemort’s throne room was as imposing as always. A massive cavernous structure that screamed oppressiveness. The giant staircase led to the ornate throne perched atop it, and right in front of the stairs stood a collection of people clad in black robes, silent.

The only source of light in the hall was the moonlight from the pair of windows to the right, encasing the floor in a pale glow and making the darkened surface gleam maliciously. High above the surface hovered an unconscious human figure, with limbs twisted at odd angles and blood dripping all over the floor.

This was the sight that greeted Lucius Malfoy when he arrived, and immediately he felt the full force of his lord’s penetrating stare, rooting him on the spot.

“You are very late, Lucius,” said the high, clear voice of Lord Voldemort. “Take your place. We have much to discuss.”

His throat bobbing, Lucius gave a respectful nod and walked forward to take his place among the group of Death Eaters already in attendance.

“Your place is not there today, Lucius.”

Frowning, Lucius looked up into his lord’s crimson irises which peered at him in disdain.

“Come forward and stand in the middle.”

Lucius’ pulse quickened at the instruction, but there was no way he could deny his lord. Shaking legs took him forward and he planted them right in the puddle of blood that was dripping from what he now knew was a corpse.

Voldemort sneered at the man and flicked his hand, throwing the body to the side where his faithful familiar pounced on it without any delay. Lucius forced himself to keep a straight face.

“I am sure you are wondering why I have called you on the spot today, Lucius,” came the almost-soothing voice of Voldemort which was anything but. Lucius remained silent.

“No? Let me enlighten you then,” Voldemort smiled chillingly and pulled out a pair of envelopes from his robes. “Wormtail.”

The rat animagus hastily ran up the stairs and reverently bowed before taking the envelopes from his lord’s hand.

“Give these to our dear associate here,” Voldemort whispered. Wormtail bowed low and quickly ran downstairs, holding out the envelopes for Lucius. The blonde wizard took the envelopes and opened one. His eyes bugged out as he read it.

To Lord Lucius of House Malfoy,

This is to inform you of the successful annulment of your union with Lady Narcissa of House Black. Lady Narcissa has exercised the dissolution clause and your marriage stands void. As per the clause contained in the marriage contract which the two of you attested to, all monetary assets attributed directly to her have been allocated to her maiden vault. We advise you to contact Gringotts in case of any dispute or appeal.


Rudolph Collingwood

Hall of Family Records

His hands shaking, Lucius opened the other envelope which was noticeably thicker and the true reason for his current predicament dawned on him.

To Lord Lucius of House Malfoy,

This is to inform you that the contract for marriage between your heiress, Lady Cassandra of House Malfoy, and Heir Harry of House Potter, has been recognized by the familial magic governing the Hall of Family Records. As bequeathed by you previously, a dowry of One million galleons has been transferred from the Malfoy Family Vault to the Potter Family Vault.

Please find enclosed a copy of the marriage contract herewith.


Rudolph Collingwood

Hall of Family Records

“That bitch,” Lucius seethed as he crumpled the letters in his palms, glaring at the bloodied floor.

“Now Lucius,” Voldemort whispered dangerously. “I believe you understand why I called on you today. I am sure everyone here would be very interested to hear what you have to say for yourself.”

Wide-eyed, Lucius stared at his lord as the realization of how precarious his position had suddenly become dawned on him.

“M-my lord… I-I had no idea about this. You must believe me. I-I did not know about any of this!”

“Oh I know, Lucius,” Voldemort hissed. “I know perfectly well that you had no involvement in this unfortunate development. After all, I can see everything.”

Lucius cried out in pain and dropped to his knees as the mark on his arm burned. The sensation of a million pinpricks tearing through his wrist wafted over him, overwhelming his senses and all he could do was writhe in pain, knees rooted to the bloodied floor as his lord commanded supreme control over his body.

“But I cannot discount such a travesty, my friend,” Voldemort continued nonchalantly, uncaring of the plight of one of his most faithful. “I know very well just how incompetent you can be at times, Lucius. The very fact that you could not keep a tight leash on the two women in your life speaks volume of your shortcomings. Alas, it also makes me rethink your position in our hierarchy.”

Lucius gasped as the pain disappeared, and he blearily stared upward at his lord who was glaring down at him. The memory of what had happened to Avery and the others in this very room came to the forefront of his mind, and Lucius felt faint.

“P-please, my lord. Give me one chance. I will fix this. I will bring those two back into the fold at the earliest,” he beseeched, voice laced with desperation.

“Empty words, Lucius,” Voldemort scoffed. “I could not care less for your wife, barren as she was. However, it is your daughter that is a significant blow to our cause, oh yes. To see the daughter of a house that prides itself on the purity of its blood getting sullied by the filthiest of blood makes my heart bleed.”

Lucius stared upward helplessly, unable to say anything.

“You do know it has happened, don’t you, Lucius?” Voldemort sneered. “I know you did not authorize that marriage contract, which means your daughter sullied herself with filth to enforce it. I must say, I had expected better from your heiress.”

Everyone around the room seemed to stare at Lucius with judgmental gazes, and he found that for the first time in his life, he could not dare to look them in the eye.

“You must remember what Avery and the others had to endure, Lucius,” Voldemort continued, staring into the man’s fearfully widened eyes. “They failed to raise their sons as the future Death Eaters that they should have been, and now, it seems so have you. Such a shame. For all your boastfulness, your daughter did turn out to be nothing more than a tramp.”

Lucius gritted his teeth in rage. Narcissa had done it this time. He should have been firmer with that bitch.

“Let us get it over with, Lucius. We have more affairs to attend to,” Voldemort said dismissively and instructed the man to come forward.

Fear clouded Lucius’ mind, and he dropped to his hands and knees, looking at his lord pleadingly. His words came out in desperate gasps.

“P-please m-my lord… have m-mercy… I have always been faithful to you… I assure you I will bring her back. Cassandra will indeed give birth to the future generation of Death Eaters. P-please count on me, my l-lord…”

“Count on you, you say?” Voldemort asked mockingly. “Even if you bring her back, what makes you think any upstanding pureblood would even touch a sullied piece like her? No Lucius, your daughter is lost to us. There is nothing she could offer to our cause now.”

“If I may, my lord…” A scratchy voice came from the side, and Voldemort looked over. The man pulled his hood down to reveal a bestial face with a multitude of scars adorning it. His teeth were bared in a malicious grin and his amber eyes glowed in the dark.

“Ah, Fenrir. You have my permission.”

Fenrir Greyback grinned before looking toward the slumped man who was still looking at their lord with pleading eyes. His teeth bared, he looked at his lord.

“As my lord just said, no upstanding pureblood would touch spoiled goods. But my lord, us werewolves do not care. I can assure you my pack will take good care of the lass, not to mention I’ve always found that piece of meat fascinating whenever I gazed at it.”

Voldemort stared at the werewolf for a few seconds before he let out a deep laugh which made the hairs on the back of Lucius’ neck stand in fear.

“Is that so?” The dark lord asked in amusement and looked into Lucius’ wide eyes. “Look at that. Seems your daughter isn’t a lost cause afterall. You should thank Fenrir here, Lucius. He has made a compelling case for you.”

Fenrir Greyback smirked before walking back into the shadows.

“Alas, even that is not enough for me to allow you to keep my mark, Lucius,” Voldemort hissed. “A lost asset is a lost asset, and your incompetence makes me deem you unworthy of the mark. I am sure there are several among us who are vying for the honor, and are deserving of it as well.”

“M-my lord… please… I beg of you,” Lucius pleaded. “I will do anything, my lord. Please command it and I will see it done. Please… Please allow me one last chance to prove my worth as a member of your circle…”

Voldemort stared contemptuously at the pitiful man in front of him and let out an exaggerated sigh.

“I see. Again my benevolent self decides to act,” he whispered with an exasperated voice and looked at Lucius. “You will have your wish, Lucius. I have two tasks for you. Fulfil them for me within a year and you shall keep your mark. Fail even one and I shall grant it to someone more deserving of it.”

“My lord is merciful,” Lucius groveled pathetically and Voldemort stared at him in derision.

“Ensure my most faithful are freed from Azkaban and you deliver what that prophecy says to me. I shall allow you to keep that mark. You have one year, Lucius, more than you deserve.”

Lucius Malfoy bowed so low his head was almost touching the bloodied floor.

“I shall not let you down, my lord,” Lucius whispered as he stood up. He was about to walk over to take his usual place when his lord’s voice made him stop.

“I did not say you could escape your much deserved punishment, Lucius,” Voldemort hissed and Lucius had barely a moment to brace himself before the full force of his master’s Cruciatus hit him firmly, sending him sprawling on the floor and making him scream his heart out.


Nothing remained hidden for long in pureblood circles, so it was natural that the news of the annulment of Lucius Malfoy’s marriage spread throughout the ministry like wildfire, and so did the enforcement of a marriage contract between Cassandra Malfoy and none other than Harry Potter.

Those who held the man in contempt were happily mocking him while a few who considered themselves his allies were either seething or concocting plans to deal with the former Lady Malfoy, her daughter, and the Potter heir. One belief prevailed over all else – Harry Potter was the reason behind the destruction of the formerly united Malfoy family.

One such discussion was taking place in the office of the Minister for Magic. Cornelius Fudge was an old, rotund man with a double chin and a portly belly. He was bald at the front and always wore a top hat to hide the shiny patch on his head. Clad in an ornate black robe which he caressed with one hand while rolling the paperweight on his desk with the other, Fudge sighed.

“It’s tragic, what happened… I never thought there were problems in Lucius’ marriage. Him and the former Lady Malfoy always seemed so cordial with each other… a perfect representation of an upstanding magical couple,” he remarked, staring into the fireplace.

“I am telling you, Cornelius. This is nothing but another way to target you and your seat of power. What better way to weaken your standing than to go after the man who is your most influential supporter?” The shrill girly voice of his undersecretary coaxed a frown from the old man who sat contemplatively, his eyes not leaving the dancing fire.

“You really think so, Dolores? Will Dumbledore go so low as to destroy a happy family?”

“Why not, Cornelius?” Dolores Umbridge asked flippantly. “The old man puts this act of kindness, but we both know his true colors. Why, could you ever imagine him resorting to lying, and that too by talking about the return of a dead Dark Lord?”

Fudge had to admit that he had indeed thought too highly of Dumbledore. Dolores was right, as always. If the old wizard could use the fear of the wizarding populace to garner more power for himself, what care did he have for a happy family? If it helped him further his goals, the old man would resort to whatever he deemed fit.

“I think you might be on to something, Dolores,” Fudge nodded in agreement as Umbridge smiled. “And don’t get me started on the other news. How in Merlin’s name did Lucius’ daughter get involved with Potter of all people!?”

“I believe that something much sinister is going on, Cornelius,” Umbridge replied gravely. “I think we have vastly underestimated the Potter boy as well. I have full belief that he lusted after the Malfoy heiress, but he knew Lucius would never agree, so he concocted this evil scheme with Dumbledore to kill two birds with one spell. He will get his filthy hands on the girl, and Dumbledore will take out a crucial ally of yours.”

Cornelius Fudge’s eyes widened in alarm at that, and he looked at his undersecretary in shock. Stammering, he said, “D-do you r-really t-think so? P-Potter is capable of something like t-that!?”

“Why not, Cornelius?” Umbridge replied with a shake of her head. “I know how the mind of a lustful teenager works full well. Remember those news articles Miss Skeeter wrote last year? With Potter going after multiple witches and breaking their hearts? I am certain that he is nothing more than a brat who thinks he can do anything he wants just because he has some fame. I truly feel for that girl, Cornelius. You know Lucius would never agree to a marriage contract between Potter and his daughter, and there is only one other way to enforce one without the father or sole guardian’s consent.”

Fudge’s wide eyes stared at Umbridge as realization dawned on him.

“Merlin, the boy has brainwashed Lucius’ girl as well! You can only enforce that contract by mutual consummation. What kind of mind games has he played to turn the girl to his side?”

“This brat managed to swindle his way into the Triwizard, Cornelius. Who knows what else he is capable of?”

“We… we need to do something then!” Fudge replied frantically. “Oh that poor girl, living under the delusion that Potter is the one for her, when he is only using her to satisfy his lustful urges…”

“And once he is done with her, he will just throw her aside like every other witch he has,” Umbridge spat.

“Too right, Dolores. We need to bring him down, and Dumbledore as well. No way they can get away after destroying Lucius’ entire life like that,” Fudge remarked.

“Don’t worry, Cornelius,” Umbridge smirked. “I’m sure something can be arranged to take care of them.”


Turned out Harry was indeed using Cassie to satisfy his lustful urges. However, it was entirely mutual, as made evident by the lovely brunette firmly pulling his face against hers and planting her lips on his with primal hunger.

As discussed previously, Cassie had spent the night with Nat, who had shown her meticulously the various ways she could pleasure a woman, and their man as well. Meanwhile, Harry had spent the night in the clutches of his two lovely girls in Nym and Fleur, with the threesome having slept well into the early hours of the morning after several rounds of pleasurable workouts.

It was truly a blessing that the family wing of the Black townhouse was barred from anyone not granted entry, otherwise, they could have given quite a show to the Weasleys. Ginny and Hermione were fair game though, and he had ensured they could access the family wing whenever they wanted considering what his intentions toward them were.

Cassie pounced on him right outside the door to his bedroom and wasted no time in demonstrating how much she had already learned.

“You’ve become pretty daring pretty quick, haven’t you?” Harry asked with a smirk as he continued kissing her. Cassie moaned into the kiss as she snaked one hand inside the waistband of his trousers, grabbing hold of his already hard length and stroking him furiously. Her thumb rubbed over the head, accelerating the build-up of his climax.

“Looks like Nat taught you a few things. I’ll be sure to reward her properly,” Harry chuckled as he pulled away and started to suck her neck, leaving her breathless.

“Better think about rewarding this one first,” Cassie gasped as she pressed his face firmly against her breasts which he quickly freed up by pulling the front of her sheer nightgown downward.

“Gladly,” Harry smirked as he grunted. Cassie’s hand was flooded with his release and she scooped as much as she could, rubbed her hand over the head of his cock before she brought her hand to her mouth and started to eagerly feast on it.

Harry’s cock lurched at the sight of his lovely betrothed lapping away at his seed and he quickly pushed her knickers to the side. However, right when he was going to bury his length inside her, the door to the side opened and they came face to face with the Black sisters who stopped dead in their tracks, staring at the scene that greeted them first thing in the morning.

“Really?” Narcissa asked, pointedly ignoring the sight of his large erection touching her daughter’s quivering quim which was clearly glistening with her arousal. “Last night wasn’t enough for you two? And in the corridor, no less?”

Harry shrugged and to the inaudible complaints of the lovely brunette in his arms, he pulled his cock back and fixed his trousers.

“Later, I promise. We’re already pretty late for the day as it is,” he whispered in her ear and nibbled her earlobe softly, leaving her yearning for more. Cassie nodded with a sigh and with a stink eye to her mother which was pointedly ignored, she fixed her nightwear and went back to the bedroom which she would be sharing with Harry from now on.

“See you ladies soon,” Harry winked at the sisters, smirking at the obvious flushes on their skin. Turning around, he walked back into his room to get ready for the day.

It was almost an hour later when everyone was gathered in the dining room for brunch. All the residents of 12 Grimmauld Place were in attendance, and Harry took a seat with all his four women, Narcissa, and Andromeda on one side of the table. He could see a few distrustful looks directed toward Narcissa. Meanwhile, Ron, Ginny, and Hermione were staring at Cassie with frowns on their faces.

“Oh, I’m the last one? Sorry,” Sirius remarked once he arrived and took his place at the head of the table, and the Weasleys turned to look at him.

“I know you all must have some questions, but rest assured that I’ll answer all of them,” the man smiled. “In case you don’t know, this is Andromeda Tonks, Nymmie’s mother and my dear cousin. After asking for hundreds of times, she has finally agreed to leave that lonely house she used to live in and come to live where she belongs.”

Andromeda smiled at the others who returned the gesture.

“Now, here’s where things get interesting. As you have already guessed, this is my other cousin Narcissa and her daughter Cassandra. Narcissa has annulled her marriage with Lucius as she wants to do nothing with the dark tosser and his associates. However, she is a very capable witch and will aid the Order in their endeavors. Naturally, Cassie believes the same. They will also be living here, as they should. And before you ask, they have indeed taken the required oaths, so you have nothing to fear from either of them.”

There was a noticeable relief throughout the room and even his three friends ceased their frowning, looking much more appeased.

“Oh, and Cassie here is also Harry’s betrothed. They will be married in a few years, so there’s that,” Sirius announced nonchalantly, and immediately, a hush fell over the table as everyone not already in the know stared at the brunette.

“Does Dumbledore know about all of this?” Molly Weasley asked with a frown.

“Dumbledore has no say in who lives in my house or who my godson gets married to, Molly. He is a member of the Order, like everyone here, and the headmaster of Hogwarts.”

Molly Weasley didn’t look too appeased but didn’t say anything else. Meanwhile, Ginny looked at Harry with a questioning look to which he gave a nod and a smirk. She nodded with a small smile.

However, Ron and Hermione wore visible frowns on their faces, and Harry knew he would have to have a word with the pair. He didn’t want them to say anything about her being a Slytherin and similar crap that he couldn’t give two fucks about.

“This news came out of nowhere, Sirius. Why the sudden betrothal?” Kingsley Shacklebolt’s deep baritone prompted the man to look at Narcissa.

“You want to explain?”

Narcissa nodded and looked at everyone at large.

“I am sure everyone here is aware of a few Hogwarts students from Slytherin who went missing at the end of the school year?” She asked, prompting several nods. “Well, as it turns out, they were all sons of some of the members of the Inner Circle. You-know-who came to know that they had gone missing with another boy from Gryffindor, and deciding that they had run away with the boy to… get a certain appendage of theirs wet, he punished their fathers for failing to raise their heirs in accordance of what their station demanded.”

Harry exchanged an amused glance with Fleur, who interjected with barely an accent in her voice, “You mean raising them to become future Death Eaters?”

Narcissa gave the beautiful veela a nod, pointedly ignoring the image from the previous night that popped into her mindscape the moment she looked at her. Clearing her throat, she continued, “The punishment included taking away their Dark Mark, which is not a normal tattoo and comes with certain advantages and more importantly, prestige among the ranks since it is not bestowed upon just anyone.”

Understanding nods were exchanged throughout the room as Narcissa kept speaking, “The punishment also included a lot of torture, and that was the final straw for me. I had to get myself and Cassie away from that environment. Lucius is a lost cause and he has no care for either of us. Annulling my marriage was the easiest task, but there was still a risk that he could use his influence over Cassie to force her to do something since she is a Malfoy by blood.”

“That is why the betrothal. To protect your daughter,” Molly Weasley remarked with a frown. “It is understandable why you chose to do this, but why Harry?”

“I think this should be obvious, Molly,” Arthur Weasley replied with a smile as he looked at the couple sitting together. His wife looked over and understanding dawned on her.

“I see… A very fortunate coincidence then,” she gave the brunette a small smile which Cassie returned. Harry squeezed her hand softly under the table.

“Indeed,” Narcissa nodded. “Now Cassie and I both are safe from the clutches of my ex-husband owing to the protections afforded to us and we would aid Harry in his endeavor to bring the dark lord down.”

Everyone not involved with Harry nodded with smiles at that declaration while Harry and the women smirked at the wordplay. If a conflict ever arose between Harry and Dumbledore, they had no doubts about who the Order would side with. Not them though. Their allegiance and their loyalty lay with Harry, and no one else.


Harry was sitting in the library, relaxing on the couch with the evening edition of the Prophet sprawled on his lap. The headlines and the images accompanying them made him chuckle.

“And what’s got you so cheery?” The amused voice of Narcissa prompted him to look up, and he smirked before giving her a once-over. She was wearing a black dress that was cut a bit too much to be considered proper in pureblood circles. Harry wasn’t complaining though since it provided him with an ample sight of her wonderful cleavage. Narcissa let him take her in and smirked. It felt good to see she could have this sort of effect on someone who had frankly been with women she believed were much more desirable than her.

“Nothing, just happy that my dear mother-in-law made the front page,” he replied, holding the paper up for her. Narcissa ignored the remark and took a seat beside him on the couch, taking the paper from him and looking at the headline.

“Well, I pretty much expected this,” she remarked, staring at the news article that announced for all to read that the Malfoy couple existed no more. “And this as well.”

Harry chuckled. It was indeed a pretty flattering picture of him, to be honest. Harry recalled he had worn that attire during the Yule Ball. Cassie, on the other hand, was in some party gown she must have worn at one of the parties the Malfoys threw on occasion.

“What can I say? Anything to do with Harry Potter has to make the front page. My name sells,” he remarked with a casual shrug. Narcissa chuckled but didn’t say anything.

“So what’s this project you want my help with?” She asked instead, and Harry immediately sobered up. The sudden change in his demeanor prompted Narcissa to look at him seriously.

“Before we proceed,” Harry began. “I would like another oath from you. You shall never try to replicate this, nor will you ever divulge this to anyone. Secrecy is a must here.”

Narcissa frowned. “The oaths I have taken so far mean nothing then?”

“The previous oaths mean nothing. The fact that I trust you above many others means nothing. You being Cassie’s mother means nothing.”

Narcissa stared at him keenly. “You extracted this oath from the other women you’ve been fucking as well?”

“I’m not fucking you, yet,” he replied immediately. Narcissa’s lips pursed.

“So all it takes is for you to get your dick wet and you trust these women with your deepest secrets then. Figures. You’re really a hormonal teenager who thinks with his cock,” she retorted.

“I don’t expect you to understand the bond me and those women have when you’ve neither had a semblance of love in your life nor have you experienced how it feels to connect with someone on such a primal level,” Harry spat, and Narcissa recoiled as if struck. Her eyes widened and Harry sighed.

“I’m sorry. That was uncalled for,” he replied. “Look, Narcissa… This is something very important, and if we are successful, we could significantly improve our chances in this war and even beyond. I would not have asked for this if it wasn’t necessary. I do trust you, but we don’t have the bond I have with the other women in my life. It’s not only about sex, as you so crudely put. This ritual has far-reaching effects… effects even I don’t have the entire knowledge about. It’s this feeling I have, that I can trust them with anything in my life. Perhaps it requires us to connect at a deeper level, if you catch my drift, perhaps not. I don’t know, but I don’t have this feeling with you. That is why this oath is necessary.”

Narcissa stared at him stoically for a long moment during which Harry apologized for his insensitive remarks once again. Sighing, she nodded and gave the requisite oath, prompting Harry to give her a genuine smile.

“What is it then?” She asked, and Harry scooted closer to her before conjuring the array he had been working on. Narcissa’s eyes widened as she stared at the most complicated runic array she had ever laid eyes on. She had studied the wards around Malfoy Manor, and not even they were so complicated.

“Merlin… you created this?” She whispered as she leaned forward, taking in as much as she could.

“I had some help, but yes. More or less,” he replied, and he couldn’t help but glance downward. With the way she was leaning forward, her cleavage was entirely exposed to his gaze, and he could easily make out her perfect mounds inside her flimsy attire. Encased in what he could see was a black lace bra, they were easily more than a handful. Her breasts heaved with every breath she took, and Harry’s eyes couldn’t help but follow the alluring movement.

“You can stare my tits sometime else as well, you know?” She asked with a chuckle, and Harry leaned back slightly. Giving her a small smile, he shrugged.

“Couldn’t help it.”

Shaking her head, Narcissa gestured toward a particular point that was detached from the entire sequence.

“I assume this is where you are stuck?”

Harry nodded. “That is one of the points. I know how it works, but not enough to properly replicate it. I’ve come to the conclusion that only a perfect hand at runes could hope to connect the sequences, and I’m afraid I’m not as proficient as I wish I was.”

“Not your fault,” Narcissa remarked. “Even runic masters would be hard-pressed to create what I’m sure is a very delicate chain. I can try, but I can’t guarantee that I’d be successful.”

“Your best efforts are the most I can ask of you,” Harry smiled at her. Narcissa pulled a parchment from the table in front of them and looked at Harry with a smirk. He was in the middle of wondering why she was smirking like that when his eyes widened. She put her hand inside her ample cleavage and fished out her wand, making her tits jiggle enticingly. Staring at the spot where her hand had just been, Harry missed it when she flicked her wand and etched the hovering runic array on the parchment.

“I think I should start to dress more modestly if this is how it’s going to be,” she teased, and Harry looked at her.

“No straight sexual male, no matter how experienced he might be with the fair sex, can think straight when a woman like you pulls stunts like that. Show me one and I’ll bend over for you right then and there,” Harry replied.

“A man bending over for me? Sorry, but I’ll pass. That kind of thing doesn’t entice me. The reverse of it though…” She trailed off with a smirk as she stood up, looking down at him mirthfully.

“I’ll be working on it. If I manage something, I’ll get back to you with it. Focus on something else until then. A bit of Occlumency should be a start. It won’t do if you meet someone on the field of battle and spend the better part of it staring at her tits. You’ll lose your head in an instant.”

With a final smirk and a wink, Narcissa turned around and walked away with a purposeful sway of her wide hips, leaving a thoroughly aroused teenager with a massive tent in his pants.

Sighing, he leaned back and closed his eyes.

“That tease,” he muttered to himself.

“I thought so,” a voice came from in front of him, and Harry opened his eyes to see Cassie looking down at him with a smirk. “Last night when I played with the girls in the living room, I thought there was something going on. My mother as well, Harry? I never knew you were so depraved.”

Harry leaned back as she straddled him, leaning close until her lips were hovering over his.

“Merlin, I never imagined it would make me so hot thinking about it,” she whispered. “It’s so fucked up, yet so unbelievably sexy at the same time. You taking my mother and me at the same time, fuck.”

Cassie had already fished his cock out of his trousers and lined him up against her.

“You owe me for this morning, remember?” She whispered, and slowly sunk on top of him, taking his entire length inside her. “Ohh fuck yes…”

In no time, his lovely brunette betrothed was bouncing on his lap, sending the sound of her plump ass smacking his thigh reverberating throughout the library. The bastion of knowledge was yet again converted into an abode of depraved debauchery as the brunette claimed her man, her mind wild with lust as she chased the pleasure she had been mercilessly denied a few hours ago.

“How many women do you want, you magnificent bastard?” She whispered, looking at him through half-lidded eyes. Harry’s hands quickly pulled down the straps of her gown, freeing up her bouncing tits for his viewing pleasure as the fabric stayed bunched over her waist. “Ooh yes… suck them… oh just like that…”

Harry feasted on Cassie’s soft roundness one by one as the brunette kept taking his entire length inside her.

“Merlin, I thought I would share you with only Daph and Trace… I never imagined you’d have a line of witches ready to pleasure you…”

“Don’t you worry,” he grunted as he felt his climax approaching rapidly. “You all are in this for me as much as for yourselves. We are one big, happy family that shares everything. And when the time comes, Daphne and Tracey will be welcomed with open arms.”

“And open pussies as well,” she quipped with a keening sigh as Harry chuckled. “Merlin, Harry. If I had any idea it was going to be like this, I would’ve confessed everything long ago. We could’ve spent so much time fooling around, me, Daph, Trace, and you.”

“Best we make up for the lost time then, eh?” He replied as his hands over her tits tightened their hold. “Merlin I’m close,” he grunted.

“Me too, oh my love me too…” She gasped, breathless.

It took only a few thrusts and slams of her ass, and with a loud wail of pleasure, Cassie creamed around his cock, burying her face in his shoulder and biting down hard to keep her cries at bay. The pressure around his cock was so tremendous that Harry didn’t even notice the pain on his shoulder. The head of his cock expanded inside her satisfied quim, sending spurts of his seed deep within the cavern of her welcoming pussy. The brunette shook erratically, only held upright by the hold he had kept on her large tits, keeping her steady.

“Merlin,” she whispered once her spasms subsided, and looked down at where she had bitten. It was bleeding slowly, and she leaned down to start licking over the cut.

“They say our saliva has medicinal properties. Takes care of any cut easily, that’s why we don’t have a cut for too long inside our mouths,” she whispered against his ear as she continued to lick the cut, stemming the flow of blood. “Let’s see how true it is.”

“I think that’s very true,” he replied, giving her tits a soft squeeze. “After all, that’s why you women love when we eat you out. Prepares you well for the hammering that follows.”

Cassie giggled and started to suck the small cut as Harry pulled her firmly against him, burying his face in her silky dark hair. Like all his women, the fragrance of her shampoo was really nice.


To be continued…



This would be the perfect story for Fudge to have a gorgeous OC Daughter that Harry seduces as revenge for all the shit Fudge and Umbridge are gonna try and pull this Coming year 😂 Great chapter - enjoying the dialogue between Harry and Narcissa


Great chapter. I agree with Robert about the dialogue. Definitely have to come up with a creative way to get revenge on Fudge, Umbridge, and good old Lucy Malfoy.