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“I beg your pardon?” Evelyn Greengrass asked, flabbergasted. For his part, Harry only gave the woman a small smile. The woman exchanged a wide-eyed look with her other two daughters before she looked at her heiress who mirrored the smile on Harry’s face.

Off to the side, Tracey and Astoria stared at Harry in abject shock, as if they couldn’t believe what he had just uttered.

“You heard me. I will turn Wizarding Britain into the magical kingdom of old. And your daughter will be one of my queens. In fact, she will be the Queen Primary. Queen Daphne – does have a nice ring to it, doesn’t it?” He asked, looking at Daphne who smiled lovingly at him.

Off to the side, her mother, sister, and best friend stared at them with disbelieving eyes.

“You’re serious,” Evelyn whispered, still reeling from the revelation. Harry nodded.

“Utterly serious.”

Everyone took a few seconds to process the revelation.

“You mentioned queens,” Evelyn interjected with a frown. “You mean you’ll take multiple women as wives?”

Harry nodded. “I will. And before you try to object to it, Daphne knows everything and is firmly with me.”

“Is that true?”

Daphne looked at her mother with a resolute expression and nodded firmly. There was not even a hint of doubt in either her mind or her demeanor, and all Evelyn could do was try to gather her wits after this mammoth of a revelation.

It was ambitious, there was no doubt about it, and Evelyn could not help but be intrigued by such a unique proposal. Never had she heard someone say something as incredulous, yet enticing as this, and the Slytherin in her was rejoicing at the prospect of having her daughter become the Queen of the British Isles. That was more than anything she could’ve possibly arranged for her daughter. Coupled with the fact that she seemed to love this young man with all her being and the decision was fairly easy for her.

“Merlin, I don’t know what to say. You’re actually determined to do it,” she muttered with a disbelieving chuckle. Harry smirked.

“I take it you’re okay with this little plan and what it would entail?”

Evelyn looked at the young man in an entirely new light now. This was no meek young boy the Prophet had portrayed him as. She was still a bit overwhelmed and reluctant in equal measure. The fact that her daughter would be one of Merlin knew how many witches to share her husband’s bed, love and attention was something she had trouble accepting.

“Are you really okay with being one of many, dear?” Evelyn asked her daughter gently. “Have you really thought this through?”

Daphne smiled lovingly at her mother and nodded. “I have. And believe me, Harry has agreed to let me have a say in who should become the other queens. We are in this together, mother.”

Evelyn sighed and closed her eyes before nodding resignedly. There was nothing more left to be said if her daughter had indeed thought this through and reached a decision. She trusted her enough to not doubt her.

“Okay then. If that is what you want, I won’t stand in your path. You have my blessings.”

Daphne reached over and took her mother’s hand, giving it a comforting squeeze before assuming her place back beside Harry.

“Well then, I can’t say I’m not enticed by this idea,” Evelyn admitted. “However, you should know your path won’t be easy. Those in power won’t take it too kindly to having their position in the society threatened.”

Harry smirked. “They can try stopping me. But they will fail.”

Evelyn was somewhat taken aback by the absolute confidence Harry had in himself. He was still a Hogwarts student. No matter how capable he thought he might be, Evelyn couldn’t help but think that Harry was severely overestimating himself.

However, she was also intrigued. This young man had managed to do the impossible. He had defeated students years older than him in the Triwizard tournament and had also managed to survive an attack from the Dark Lord in its aftermath. Now, as revealed some time ago, he was well on his way to killing said Dark Lord – something she even now thought was unfathomable. Evelyn was not one to partake in gambling, but even if she was, she would’ve found this the biggest dilemma of her life.

“I’m hoping all of this is not simply blustering on your part, Harry. For both our sakes.”

Harry chuckled at the skeptical voice of the woman, who gave him a small frown.

“Well then, let me enlighten you with how I plan on going about this,” Harry smiled as he conjured a diverse map of the British Isles and started explaining.

Daphne sat in silence as Harry spoke, looking around. A few nights ago, she had been doing nothing but pleasuring herself at the thought of being with Harry. Now here she was, having had him so intimately and already on her way to being his primary wife. She knew her mother would agree to the match, not only for her but for Tori and Trace as well. She loved them and wanted nothing but the best for them. Daphne knew there was no match better than Harry, not after he had revealed his plan to them.

She had to admit that she had been shocked as well when he had first told her of it. A part of her was indeed excited at the thought of becoming a queen. However, the bigger part was looking forward to being with Harry for her entire life. She had only thought of approaching him so that she could be with a man she liked without getting separated from Tori and Trace. However, the situation turned out to be even better than she could’ve ever imagined.

Daphne smiled at her mother and nodded when she looked over at her questioningly. Her mother gave her a small sigh and returned to listening to Harry as he explained further, often pausing to ask a question or two, before nodding and asking for Harry to proceed. Daphne knew her mother well enough to know that she was getting more and more convinced as Harry kept elaborating on the plan.

Off to the side, she saw Tori and Trace staring at the developments with shocked looks on their faces. She couldn’t help but chuckle at that. They were indeed in for a lot of fun.

“Well, that was… illuminating,” Evelyn muttered once Harry was done explaining. “I can’t even imagine dealing with so many uh… responsibilities, let’s say. You’re sure you can handle them all?”

Harry chuckled and nodded. “Remember that I’m not going to be alone. We all will be mutually inclusive.”

Evelyn nodded, looking at her daughter in an entirely new light. She had no idea about her… proclivities when it came to affairs like that, and she couldn’t help but look at her daughter appraisingly. She had never thought about it, but now that she did, she could indeed see the appeal in that.

Sharing her husband with multiple women and being involved with them as well? It was uncharted territory for Evelyn, one she found equally terrifying and intriguing. However, that was a matter for future deliberation.

“Are you going to give the families the choice or will you decide for yourself?” Evelyn asked pointedly, and Harry shrugged.

“I think a combination of the two. We’ve not decided on the borders yet. Once we do, I’ll allocate the regions based on where the families currently live. That seems the most logical choice.”

Evelyn nodded, looking at the map where several dots were glowing, indicating the residences of the families Harry had taken an interest in, or rather, their women. Although she was a woman, she could still understand how this young man’s mind worked. It was equal parts ambitious and lustful. However, it was not her place to judge him or her daughter, not when her daughter had given her full assent and was looking forward to indulging herself as well.

Her eyes fell on the location of Greengrass Manor, and she looked around for the nearest houses. They lived in Plymouth, so naturally, her eyes were all over the southwestern arm of Britain. It was indeed a very large patch of land, and to have it all under the direct control of House Greengrass would indeed be brilliant.

“We can discuss the borders and how much land which family would get when we get things started, Evelyn,” Harry smiled, correctly guessing what the woman was thinking. Beside him, Daphne chuckled at her mother. She had indeed been right. The benefits of this plan were too massive for anyone to overlook, let alone her ambitious mother.

A seat on the Wizengamot seemed like nothing compared to being in full control of an actual province of the new kingdom of Britain that Harry was intending to create, and the fact that her daughter would be the Queen Primary was only icing on the cake.

There was only one thing left to tell her, and he smiled at Astoria and Tracey as he did so.

“Your younger daughter Astoria and your adopted daughter Tracey would be my concubines, as per their wish and request,” he stated nonchalantly. Immediately, Evelyn turned to look at the two young women, who nodded firmly.

“Daph initially came up with the idea that us three should get married to Harry because he has three lordships, but after this plan, those things seem trivial. We all like Harry, but we also understand he cannot marry every witch there is,” Tracey stated. Astoria took over from there.

“I don’t believe in this marriage thing anyway. Why should I need the approval of some official to be with the man I like? I’d happily be his concubine if it means I can be with him.”

Evelyn looked shocked once again before she sighed. In one day, it seemed the future was decided.

“Merlin, I don’t know what to say to that,” she muttered as she looked at the pair of brunettes. “You two are truly decided on this?”

They nodded, and Evelyn pursed her lips. There was no changing their minds when they decided something, and she could do nothing but nod in resignation.

“Very well then, if that is what you want, I won’t stop you from finding happiness. Harry, I’ll prepare the contracts this week and we can go over them before finalizing everything.”

Harry nodded with a smile as he stood up with Daphne in tow. “If that is all, I think I’d like to retire for the night.”

Evelyn nodded as she watched her daughter walk away hand in hand with the young man. Her other two daughters followed behind, and she couldn’t help but sigh.

“Like mother, like daughter, hmm?” Evelyn muttered to herself with a rueful chuckle with a shake of her head. “More like a hundred steps ahead, I’ll say,” she muttered.

Alone at last, Evelyn couldn’t help but recall the little incident during dinner. The feeling of something other than her fingers or her wand probing her lower lips was as foreign as it was suddenly welcome. She was not an idiot. She knew what kind of girl her youngest was. She must have done something, and Harry had definitely responded in kind. There was no other possible explanation.

For the first time in over a decade, Evelyn had reached climax because of someone else, and the entire discussion she’d had with the very young man had started to make her think about the possibilities. The matters were made worse when she remembered she had reached her climax right alongside her other two daughters.

Evelyn Greengrass looked at the picture of herself with her husband affixed to the wall on her right and sighed.

Try as she might, these thoughts won’t go away. Not anymore.


“Well, looks like everything worked out,” Harry chuckled as he dropped onto Daphne’s bed and looked up at her. His girlfriend leaned over and kissed him softly.

“Much better than we thought as well. I knew you had her when you started to explain the plan.”

Harry grinned and looked over at the pair of brunettes sitting on the couch.

“You two mentioned something about you not knowing or interacting much with me. How about we fix it?”

“Oh? Eager to get to know us intimately, Mr. Potter?” Tracey asked as she sauntered over and sat on his other side. Her fingers caressed his lips softly as Harry looked at her in amusement. “So impatient,” she whispered.

Harry took her fingers in his mouth and Tracey couldn’t help but moan as she felt him swirl his tongue around her digits, sucking gently. He smirked and released her fingers.

“What about we go out tomorrow? Me and you?”

Tracey smirked as she licked her fingers clean, and Harry couldn’t help the lurch of his manhood at the erotic sight.

“I can’t wait,” she replied, before softly kissing him. Harry moved his tongue over hers as he caressed her sides before the brunette pulled back with a smirk and got off the bed. Her vacant spot was immediately occupied by the other brunette who had already discarded the top she had worn for dinner. She was back to wearing that short crop top with one shoulder exposed.

“I hope you’ve not forgotten about me,” she said with a poke to his chest. Harry smirked and took her hand, planting a soft kiss on the inside of her wrist. Astoria smirked.

“The day after tomorrow is yours. I’m looking forward to seeing what you’re made of, Miss Greengrass.”

“Don’t worry, you will,” she whispered before kissing him firmly. Harry eagerly allowed her tongue access to his mouth and caressed her bare waist as she leaned over him, brushing her lovely tits over his chest.

“Goodnight, Harry,” she whispered with a final peck on his lips and hopped off the bed. Harry watched as the pair of brunettes smirked at him before they sashayed out of the room. Once they were out, Daphne closed the door with a flick of her wand and applied the privacy charms before she tossed it over to her bedside table and swung her leg over his waist, straddling him.

Harry looked up at her and smirked. “You’re truly insatiable,” he said as Daphne pulled her top over her head and threw it away, leaving her upper body bare. His eyes took in her large tits and those teardrop nipples before he allowed her to take his t-shirt off.

“I’m not getting you for the next two days anyway. Better make the most of it. Those two know better than to interfere before their turn comes,” she whispered against his lips. Harry smirked and grabbed her hair roughly, making her wince.

“Quite a scheming one, aren’t you? And what’s this? Got your sister and best friend all trained up as well?”

Daphne smirked. “I’m the Queen Primary. I always come first.”

Harry smirked back as he turned them over, and Daphne looked up at him breathlessly.

“You’ll definitely come first,” he smirked and captured her lips in a passionate kiss.


“This one looks good,” Tracey said as she led Harry over to the table in the deeper part of the restaurant. She took her seat before looking at him with an excited grin. Harry smiled before he took his seat beside her.

Evelyn had agreed to Tracey and Astoria becoming his concubines, or as Harry liked to call them, his mistresses, much to the pair’s elation. However, they knew almost nothing about each other. The idea of going on dates to start knowing more about each other came as the obvious one.

The waitress, a lovely fair-skinned woman with dirty blonde hair and bluish eyes who looked to be in her early twenties arrived with a grin, and Harry’s eyebrows furrowed. He thought he had seen her before, but for the life of him, he couldn’t put a name to the face.

‘Or body,’ he thought, staring at her enchanting figure hidden under her casual attire.

“Well… well… well… look who’s here. Little Tracey in the flesh, and with Harry Potter no less,” the woman teased.

Harry grinned at the foreign look of embarrassment on Tracey’s face, slightly surprised that this woman seemed to know him. They were in a muggle restaurant, so it was indeed unexpected.

“Shut up, Penny,” the brunette hissed.

“Now, that’s no way to talk to your big cousin, munchkin,” the woman said, to Harry’s amusement. She noticed his look and chuckled. “I’m Penelope Clearwater. Little Tracey’s very very distant cousin. Nice to meet you again, Harry Potter.”

Harry shook her hand, staring at the woman who Percy Weasley had dated at Hogwarts. He couldn’t believe she was the same woman. She looked entirely different.

He smirked as he looked at Tracey. “Munchkin, huh?”

Tracey jabbed him in the belly, making him grunt softly. Penelope chuckled.

“Hey, no abusing the stud here,” she winked at Harry before asking what they would like.

“It’s still fairly early, so no alcohol. Just a Lemon Ice Tea for me,” Harry smiled. The woman nodded and looked at Tracey. “You don’t need to tell me. I remember,” she smiled and walked away. Harry stared at her and could swear her hips were swaying exaggeratedly.

“I so regret coming here,” Tracey muttered. Harry looked at her and grinned.

“Come on, it’s not as if we ever get to see you all embarrassed,” he teased as he nudged her with his shoulder. Tracey nudged him back.

Their date had gone very well in his opinion. They had talked more than they’d ever had. Harry had pointedly avoided talking about her parents or her childhood, instead trying to get to know what her likes and dislikes were. They had a good time together, and she'd told him how much she liked their walk along the beach.

“Here you go, lovebirds,” Penelope came over with their drinks and said teasingly. He chuckled and took his Ice Tea before looking over at Tracey’s drink.

“You really do have a sweet tooth,” he remarked with a chuckle as he saw the caramel floating on top. The brunette grinned at him.

“I told you, didn’t I?”

“Will there be anything else?” Penelope asked with a smile.

“Not at the moment, thank you,” Harry smiled back. The blonde nodded and walked away. This time, Harry couldn’t help but take a good look at her rear. Indeed, she was exaggerating the sway, and he couldn’t help but wonder what her game was.

“Can’t blame you,” Tracey interjected as she chuckled. Harry looked at her in confusion. “She’s really hot, isn’t she?”

Harry smiled. “Sorry, it was hard not to notice, especially when she’s practically asking for it.”

“You don’t need to apologize, Harry,” Tracey shook her head. “Ever since her breakup and the makeover she underwent because of it, Penny’s become very confident in herself. It sometimes comes out with her trying things without being overly explicit when she sees someone she finds attractive, and I can’t blame her. You’re quite a catch,” she smirked, her hand stroking his thigh under the table. Harry grinned. It seemed she and Percy had indeed broken up.

“Is that so?”

“Mm-hmm,” Tracey replied as she took another sip. “Although I’m kinda pissed she chose to do this knowing it’s me here with you. I thought she’d spare me at least. Apparently not.”

“Perhaps I’m so hot she couldn’t help it,” he said with a smirk. Tracey shook her head. He was really full of himself, but she couldn’t help getting more attracted to his confidence.

“I’m sure that’s exactly why, but don’t get any ideas, mister. Today, you’re all mine, and I’m in no mood to share,” she replied. Harry simply chuckled in response as Tracey smirked and leaned over so that her ruby-red lips were almost touching his ear.

“Perhaps we could arrange something at a later date though. Truth be told, I’ve been wondering how she’d be like ever since she got dumped by Weasley, no offense,” she whispered. Harry turned to look at her.

“I couldn’t care less about Percy. And what’s this? You’ve got hots for your cousin?” He asked with a chuckle, whispering so that they couldn’t be overheard. Tracey shrugged with a grin.

“I’m not blind, Harry. She’s become one hot woman.”

Harry sipped as he looked over at the blonde who was now at the counter. At this angle, he could see her from the side and take in her alluring curves. One hot woman indeed.

“Percy’s one hell of a moron if he dumped her,” he commented. Tracey shrugged as they continued to stare at the woman who went about her way. That dress truly hugged her curves and emphasized them.

“Well, color me interested then,” he replied as he turned away from the blonde. “However, I’d rather talk about you now. Tell me something more about you.”

Tracey smiled.

“There’s not much more to talk about. I lived with my parents until their death and Daph’s mother asked me to live with them. I’d considered living with Penny, but she’s already had so much trouble being a muggleborn that I didn’t want to bother her with myself as well.”

“What do you mean trouble being a muggleborn?” Harry asked with a frown. Tracey sighed.

“Penny’s had very good grades in both OWLs and NEWTs, but muggleborns are heavily underpaid at the ministry. That’s why she had to take a job here in this muggle restaurant. It’s tedious, but she manages somehow.”

“It’s that bad?” Harry asked in surprise. Hermione had said several times that muggleborns were discriminated against in the Wizarding society but he’d never imagined it would be so bad.

Tracey nodded. “Every year, Hogwarts gets an average of two muggleborn students who have to leave the Wizarding World after graduation for this very reason.”

“Pathetic bigotry. Another reason to get rid of this ministry then,” Harry remarked, prompting a sigh from the brunette. Harry decided to change the subject. “You mind if I ask you a personal question?”

“Go ahead,” she nodded and took a sip.

“What made you agree to become my mistress? I know Astoria doesn’t believe in marriage and such, so it makes sense for her.”

“I somewhat share her sentiment,” Tracey replied. “I don’t believe people need to be married to be together, but I did think that if I ever got together with someone, I’d like to get married to him as well. However, it’s not as big of a deal. I’d be open to marrying you even now, but I don’t have any issue being a mistress either. Anything works as long as I’m with you.”

“I see,” he said, nodding. “What about your future? What do you want to be?”

Tracey smiled. “I’ve been planning to become a healer. My mother was one, and I’d like to follow in her footsteps.”

Harry nodded, smiling. “Fortunately that won’t change when our plan comes to fruition. Healers will always be wanted in the world, and being the official healer of the Royal Family does have a nice ring to it.”

Tracey smirked at that as she leaned closer. “I’d love to give you a thorough inspection whenever you’d like.”

Harry chuckled. “What made you decide you wanted me though? I never got any vibes from you before Daphne told me everything.”

Tracey grinned. “I always found you attractive, but it was not until I saw you fucking Bell in the locker room that I started to fantasize about you.”

Harry smirked at that. “I never thought so much would come out of it. I didn’t even know someone was watching, let alone you three.”

“What else did you expect?” She asked rhetorically. “That was when the thoughts began, and Merlin you’ve no idea how I’ve been keeping myself at bay ever since that evening.” Her eyes gained a predatory gleam to them as she stared at him. “Even now, you have no idea how badly I want you to take me.”

“Is that so?” He asked in a husky whisper and softly stroked her bare thigh. She had opted for a plaid skirt and a full-sleeve black top which showcased her ample curves, and Harry had full access to everything below that skirt. Tracey’s response was to open her legs wider, and Harry accepted the silent invitation.

“Merlin you’re soaked. You minx,” he whispered in her ear as his fingers rubbed her lower lips over her panties, feeling her arousal. He pulled his hand out from under her skirt and sniffed his fingers before he licked her juices off right in front of her face. Tracey could only stare at him with lustful eyes.

“You’re really an asshole. Teasing me like this, knowing I can’t do anything here,” she whispered. Harry smirked and caressed her lower lips over her panties once again.

“Who said so?” He asked as he stood up, and Tracey looked at him in surprise. Harry stared her firmly in the eyes.

“Meet me in the men’s room, and make sure your dear cousin sees you. She’s been such a lovely vision today. It’d be a shame not to let her have a show,” he smirked and without a backward glance, he walked away, smiling at Penelope when she looked at him. Tracey could only stare at his retreating figure with a lustful gaze as she touched herself. Merlin, she was really soaked.

As instructed, she stood up and purposefully walked toward where Harry had asked her to meet him. She made sure to discreetly glance at her cousin and smirked to herself when she saw her watching her with furrowed brows. She had her attention. Nice.


Harry smirked when Tracey came in and the brunette wasted no moment in tackling him against the wall. Her lips mashed against his as she wrapped her arms around his neck and pushed her alluring body flush against his. Harry immediately grabbed her ass over that plaid skirt and pulled her firmly against his groin, rubbing his hard cock against her body. He was already so turned on, and he was aware that she was faring no better.

He had been with multiple witches over the past few days, but that only intensified his sexual appetite. He wanted more of this enchanting brunette, and he’d be damned if he didn’t get all of her.

He had already cast the necessary charms around the area so that only Penelope could enter, and as he pulled back from the kiss, he peeked over Tracey’s shoulder to see the blonde beauty hiding behind the wall. Perfect. Time to put on a show for the lovely cousin.

Harry’s hands grabbed Tracey’s top and he pulled it out of her skirt. The brunette eagerly lifted her arms in the air and helped him take it off.

“We could’ve managed without undressing,” she whispered against his lips and Harry chuckled.

“Where’s the fun in that?”

He raised his hands and let her pull his t-shirt off his frame, rendering him bare from the waist up. Tracey helped herself to his torso, filthily licking his hard skin and probing his nipples with her sinful tongue. Harry quickly unhooked her bra and pulled it off her, leaving her upper body bare.

Smirking, he grabbed her tits and leaned forward. Tracey moaned out loud when he started to suck her tender nubs. She had always had sensitive nipples, and it was more evident now than ever.

“Make some more noise, my dear slut,” he hissed, and Tracey’s moans intensified as he squeezed even more firmly. Her eyes clenched shut as she wrapped her arms around his neck, pulling him as close to her naked tits as she could.

Harry eagerly feasted on her tits and turned them around so that Tracey was leaning back against his front. From this angle, Penelope had a nice view of her cousin’s delectable assets being fondled by him. He found her behind the wall and smirked as he continued to grope Tracey, nibbling on her neck sideways.

Tracey’s eyes opened blearily and she also noticed her cousin hiding behind the wall. Smirking she pushed him off her tits and made him turn sideways. Harry looked on in anticipation as she eagerly dropped to her knees and grabbed his cock.

“You want me to suck your cock?” She asked, looking up at him with hooded eyes. Harry glanced to the side, taking in the wide-eyed look of Penelope as she stared at the sight of Tracey’s dainty hand stroking his erection. He smirked before looking down at his lovely mistress.

“Get to work,” he instructed.

“Yes, my king,” Tracey smirked up at him as his cock lurched and took him fully inside her mouth.

Harry grunted in pleasure as he felt her tongue slide up along the side of his cock, and she quickly found a rhythm. In no time, Tracey was eagerly bobbing her head back and forth, feeding his cock to her mouth. It felt incredibly slutty to have her cousin watching her as she took her man’s cock in her mouth, and with muffled moans, she hungrily pressed her mouth deep into him, taking as much of him inside her mouth as she could.

As Tracey briefly moved her mouth back to pantingly catch her breath, she saw strands of her saliva dangling between her mouth and his cock in her hand. She looked up at him with a sultry smirk before rubbing the entire saliva all over her tits. Quickly, she went back to blowing him off.

“Oh fuck, you’re so good at this,” Harry grunted, and Tracey took his cock out of her mouth with a lewd pop.

“I’ve been practicing this for you,” she grinned up at him and emphasized her point by taking him inside her mouth once again and rapidly pumping his shaft with her hand. Harry could only shake his head at the sight of this kinky slut as she blew him off furiously and stared up at him with hooded eyes. Her red lipstick was all smeared, and she truly looked like a wanton whore who couldn’t wait to get fucked. Merlin, he couldn’t believe he’d gotten so lucky!

‘Oh Maria, thank you!’

He glanced to the side and couldn’t help but smirk. Penelope thought she was hidden behind that wall, but she had no clue what a show she was providing him as well. The woman had half her top undone, and Harry could clearly see her large tits hidden inside that powder blue bra. Her skirt was bunched up around her waist, and he could see her fingers rubbing her lower lips under her panties.

Harry had half a mind to call out for her to join in as well. However, this was about Tracey today. He didn’t want anyone else to join in. Perhaps at a later date. Penelope would have to stay content with only being a voyeur today.

Tracey sucked him off furiously, and the sounds of her muffled whimpering were mixing with the lewd and sloppy sounds of her wet lips as they slithered all over his raging hard-on. She’d never imagined a blowjob would ever excite her this much. Perhaps it was because she was finally doing this with the man she had the hots for, or maybe it was because she knew her cousin, the one she had been lusting after since her alluring transformation, was watching her doing it. Tracey didn’t care. She wanted more of this feeling, wanted to feel sluttier, and wanted everyone to know that she belonged to Harry and no one else.

Pulling away with a lewd pop once again, Tracey looked up at him and smirked.

“I want you to fuck me now.”

Harry was not an idiot to deny her, and he quickly hoisted her to her feet before bending her over the sink. Well aware that their audience was watching this display keenly, he pulled her skirt and panties down before he positioned himself behind her so that Penelope could see everything.

“Ready?” He asked as he rubbed the head of his cock over her soaking entrance. She was already so wet that he didn’t even need to prepare her for penetration. The brunette nodded and arched her back as Harry waved his hand and slowly entered her for the first time.

Tracey let out a long, drawn-out moan of sheer bliss as Harry started to slowly slither in and out of her. His cock was large and thick, and he was making her pussy accustomed to his erection. His charm had taken care of the pain and any mess that could’ve been caused, and only pleasure remained.

In no time Harry had built up his pace, hammering into her furiously from behind as Tracey howled in pleasure. Her bubble butt jiggled with each thrust as Harry fed his thick cock into her. The room was filled with animalistic lust and Tracey could see Harry’s as well as her cousin’s reflection in the mirror. Both she and Harry looked at her cousin’s lustful visage. Her tits had spilled out of her bra – more than a handful and capped with perfect, pink areolae – and her panties were slid to the side, exposing her pink labia surrounded by her fingers as she furiously rubbed herself.

Satisfied with the sight, Tracey turned her head around and captured Harry’s lips in a searing kiss. Her man responded by gripping her ass harshly and fiercely slamming inside her. The stimulation of his touch, his marvelous cock, and the knowledge of her cousin watching her fucking her man were enough to send her over the edge.

With a howl, Tracey came around his cock, making him grunt. Harry felt her pussy walls grip him in a vice, trying to milk him for all he was worth. His hands grabbed her swaying tits harshly, and Tracey cried out when she felt him tease her sensitive nipples again.

She panted harshly when her orgasm wafted over her, and realized he had held himself back from going over the edge using his sheer willpower. There was no way she was going to let him go like that.

Harry felt Tracey push him back and he reluctantly pulled out of her. The young woman immediately turned around and climbed on the counter before wrapping her legs around his. Her arms pulled him closer and Harry felt her press her lovely tits against his chest.

Hugging him to her and looking over his shoulder, Tracey smirked at the sight of her half-naked cousin fingering herself furiously. She leaned up and said loud and clear so that even her cousin could hear, “Fuck my ass, my love.”

Harry’s eyes widened when he saw her gather her orgasmic juices and rub them all over his cock and her puckered hole. Casting the spell to lube up the inside of her ass for good measure, Harry slowly buried himself halfway inside her rear door in one thrust.

Tracey gasped in pleasure as Harry slid in, and watched as Penelope stared at her with wide eyes. She smirked before pulling Harry entirely inside her. Her heels dug into his naked arse, and only now did Tracey realize that her skirt and panties were still around her feet. She quickly shook her legs to get rid of them.

“Yes, fuck me, Harry!” She shouted out loud when Harry gave a particularly hard thrust and whimpered when he started to fuck her in earnest. She gripped him firmly against her, feeling her sensitive nipples rubbing against his chest, and buried her face in his shoulder. The stimulation was beyond anything she could’ve ever imagined.

“I’m close,” he grunted, and Tracey’s response was to hug him harder as she moaned out loud. Another wave of ecstasy shot through her body as Tracey screamed out. Her orgasm hit her, and through dazed euphoria, she felt his hot seed shoot inside her ass. Tracey could only grab onto him, shaking in the aftermath of her second orgasm as Harry finally unleashed his potent load inside her.

Harry had Tracey firmly between his body and the mirror behind her with his head leaning against the glass as he slowly pulled out his cock out of her well-fucked ass. The brunette moaned at the feeling and looked at him. She was still on an erotic high, her body tingling with the aftershocks of her second orgasm.

“Fucking hell, you’re brilliant,” she whispered, and Harry chuckled as he firmly kissed her. They heard the rustling sound from behind, and Tracey sighed when she saw her cousin fix her clothes before walking away as stealthily as she could. Chuckling to herself, she embraced Harry firmly, relishing the skin-to-skin contact with him.


“I hope you won’t be a stranger this time,” Penelope said with a small smile as she stared at Tracey before she looked at Harry and bit her lip softly.

“You too, Harry.”

“I’m sure we’ll be over soon,” he nodded, and Penelope smiled. Looking at Tracey, Harry took her hand and they walked out of the door together. The blonde stared at them for a long moment before she sighed and leaned back against the chair.

Inadvertently, her mind went back to the sight of Harry taking his cousin, and try as she might, she couldn't help but touch herself once again.

'Fuck, I want him.'


To be continued…


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