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“Dad, there’s something we need to talk about.”

James Potter walked inside the living room with his arm wrapped around his wife’s waist. He looked up in slight surprise as he perceived the seriousness in Harry’s voice. He looked at his son, only to see him looking at Narcissa. He watched, perplexed, as he gave her a nod. The confusion turned into surprise when his wife detached herself from his side, and his surprise transformed into abject astonishment when she walked over to Harry and did something he’d never envisioned in his entire life.

His eyes widened when he saw the scene in front of him. His wife pressed herself up against his son and furiously kissed him, and his son returned her kiss with equal vigor. He could only stand there in silent shock as he saw the two of them fucking each other with their mouths as their hands wandered over each other’s bodies. He watched as they sucked each other’s lips vehemently, their arms wrapped around one another’s bodies as they pressed themselves flush against each other.

He saw Harry caressing his wife’s lower back before looking on with wide eyes as he trailed his hands down and grabbed her ass tightly. He didn’t know how long he stood there, doing nothing but watching them ravenously make out in front of him without a care in the world.

Finally, he watched as his wife and his son slowly pulled away from one another before they turned around to look at him, their arms still wrapped around each other’s waist as they pressed themselves together. He noted Narcissa looking at him nervously while Harry simply stared at him.

An abrupt silence had taken over the living room of the Potter household as the two men of the house stared at each other, one filled with absolute resolve while the other tried to comprehend what had just been revealed.

James Potter could not believe what he had just seen happen right before his eyes. His wife had just made out with another man in front of him, in a manner so lewd and arousing that he couldn’t comprehend, and with his very own son, no less.

“Is… is this a joke?” He whispered, but the voice carried throughout the room and he saw Narcissa purse her lips slightly.

“We can explain, Dad,” Harry began, before shutting up abruptly when he saw his father glare at him.

“Oh, you’d bloody well explain yourself,” he snarled, before sitting down on the sofa and taking a few calming deep breaths. A few seconds later, he opened his eyes and gestured for them to sit down as well. Once all of them had taken their seats, James fixed them with a stare and gestured with his hand for Harry to start explaining.

Never had he thought that something like this would happen. He knew that he had told Narcissa that she could take a lover to satisfy her needs, but not even in his wildest dreams had he imagined that it would be his son who would fill that role.

“Well? What are you waiting for?” James asked with a raised eyebrow, trying to calm himself down with every second that passed.

Harry took a deep breath and started explaining. He told him how he had been attracted to Narcissa since the moment he laid his eyes on her in that outfit, something that seemed to grow with every moment he spent afterward near her.

James listened with rapt attention as his son explained how they had kept up the act of a married couple in front of all the guests, how he had treated her exactly how James would have, how they had treated each other on the dance floor, and how, as the night progressed, their lust mounted to such an extent that they had fucked each other in his office. He listened, his heartbeat quickening with every word that came out of his son’s mouth, how they had fucked each other again in the parking area, and back home in the shower before spending the night in his bed.

All the while James focused on his son’s voice and his face as he explained how everything unfolded. He noted how not even a detail was omitted and how his son’s voice would take a whimsical tone whenever he explained the way he and Narcissa had been together.

His eyes roamed over his wife as well. He noticed how she sat a bit straighter than normal, how her face glowed, and the small curve of her lips whenever Harry explained his time with her as if she was remembering every moment in perfect detail and living all of them yet again, reminiscing all of it in real-time.

Finally, Harry was finished with his explanation and James sighed. He looked at his wife with a soft look and nodded, and Narcissa picked up.

Like Harry, she explained how it had been entirely platonic between them in the beginning. She told him how the events unfolded, how they acted like a perfectly married couple, so perfectly in fact that no one could tell that they were not married. She admitted to having provoked Harry when he didn’t react to her by sitting on his lap and how he had treated her by squeezing her tits in front of his coworkers, something which earned Harry a raised eyebrow from him. He heard her explain how their inhibitions lowered as the night progressed, how they had made out and ground against one another on the dance floor, how she had gone to take a breather afterward and tried to forget whatever happened between her and Harry, and how, try as she might, she couldn’t deny the arousal and attraction she felt toward his son at that moment.

He listened to her explanation of how she had finally, after all these years of celibacy, given in and how they had fucked each other in his office, the parking area, and finally, in the shower before repeating all of it in his bed as they finally went to sleep together.

Narcissa looked on with bated breath when she saw her husband lean back on the sofa and look up at the ceiling before closing his eyes and sighing loudly. Harry looked at his father from his place beside Narcissa before exchanging a look with her. They had explained everything to him, with nothing left out, and they waited with bated breath to hear his response.

James’ mind was reeling as he assimilated all the information that had been dumped over him in such a short time. After the whole deal with that blonde cunt, he had thought that he would relax during the holidays. It seemed nothing was so simple after all. He chuckled internally.

After what felt like hours, James sat straight and fixed his gaze on the two of them. He could see how satisfying the entire ordeal had been for the two of them and sighed.

“You know… when I told you to take someone to bed, I never thought it’d be my son,” James started, looking at Narcissa who flushed slightly. He paid her no further heed and turned to look at Harry, who gave him his full attention.

“Before I say anything further, I’ve got to clear something up,” he began, and Harry nodded, “I hope the two of you haven’t fallen for each other.”

Harry’s eyes widened slightly before he shook his head, and James nodded.

“What about you, Cissy?”

Narcissa turned to look at Harry and then James and gave a small shake of her head.

“That’s important. I’ve seen many cases wherein people confuse momentary lust with love, and down the line, there are numerous issues to tackle. A lot of them end in criminal offences of some kind.”

Their eyes widened.

“We don’t love each other like that, Dad,” Harry remarked, looking at Narcissa who nodded, “I won’t deny that I like her a lot, and that I care for her very much, but love is taking it too far. There is attraction, I admit, but nothing beyond that.”

Narcissa nodded yet again.

“I can’t deny that I care for Harry, a lot in fact, but love in a romantic sense is taking it too far. I do find him attractive though. I’d be blind not to.”

James nodded.

“That’s fine then. Still, if there are any possible romantic notions in your mind, no matter how small, I’d suggest you forget them,” he remarked sternly, and they shook their heads slightly.

“It’s fine that you find each other attractive and care for one another. That’s perfectly understandable. But there cannot be any romantic feelings involved, no matter what happens.”

Harry was about to speak up before James held up his hand.

“Hear me out. You have your entire life ahead of you, and you deserve to go out there and find someone special. Someone who you could love and have a family with. Cissy is not that person.”

He saw Narcissa frown slightly and looked at her.

“Am I wrong?”

Narcissa sighed.

“No, you’re perfectly right. It won’t be fair to keep him from actually living his life with someone he could be with forever.”

Narcissa turned around to look at Harry with tender eyes as James spoke up yet again.

“It wouldn’t be fair to you, Harry, if that chance is taken from you. You might share your body with Narcissa, but your heart? You can’t.”

Their eyes widened at the admission as they looked at each other before looking at James.

“You mean…”

James nodded.

“I’ll admit that this was shocking and something I’d never imagined, and I’d be lying if I said that I’m happy with what has happened, but I had promised Cissy that she could take a lover as long as she maintained discretion. Until now, she never found that person. Now that she has, it’d be unfair to her if I denied her that.”

Harry and Narcissa smiled at James and he cleared his throat.

“I don’t have any problems with you two sleeping together. Just make sure the public doesn’t find out. I won’t have the reputation of our house tarnished. You are a public figure as well, Harry, and at the verge of reaching your prime. There can be no controversies surrounding your name, you understand?”

Harry nodded. What his father was saying made perfect sense. There had been many celebrities who bathed in controversies every day, and he had no intention of joining the infamous gaggle.

“I’m glad you do. Now, is there anything else I should know about?”

Harry exchanged a look with Narcissa before giving his father a nod.

“Every time we had sex, it was without any protection,” he admitted, and James’ eyes widened. This was another thing he had not expected, even after knowing that the two of them had fucked since the previous night. He turned his wide eyes toward Narcissa who nodded at him with a resolute look on her face.

“Are you really sure, Cissy?” James whispered, knowing what the look on her face meant.

“You’ve known how much it’d mean to me, James. I want to feel it too,” she whispered, and James closed his eyes before leaning back.

“I understand. Fuck I don’t like it but I understand. There’s too much of that going on today for my liking,” he chuckled mirthlessly before looking back at them once again.

“I will allow it, but on one condition,” James began, and he knew he had their undivided attention.

“What is it?” Harry asked, and James turned to look at him.

“You cannot be the father in public,” he declared, and Harry’s breath hitched. As he made to open his mouth, James cut him off, “Use your brain. What would happen if the public knew that Narcissa, your father’s wife and your stepmother was the mother of your child!? Your entire name would be tarnished, and the public outcry would be very detrimental to your career prospects. The only alternative is that we hide the pregnancy from everyone, and deny Cissy the right to play the role of a mother, something I’m sure none of us wants,” James frowned.

Damn, it made sense, but it didn’t mean Harry liked it.

“What about the others though?” Harry started, and James looked at him askance.

“There are people who know about your condition. What would happen if they saw Narcissa get pregnant? Won’t they make a connection that she slept with someone else?”

“Although the only people who know about it are Proudfoot, Robards and Savage, all of whom have sworn oaths to keep each other’s secrets, we’ll concoct a story about how I was healed when we found an obscure spell in our family grimoire. No one will inquire much into a pureblood house’s affairs if a grimoire is involved.”

“So it will be Cissy and your child whenever we’re in public,” Harry whispered, feeling an odd sense of loss as he looked at his hand.

What his father said made absolute sense, but he didn’t like it. But there wasn’t any other viable option either. And he couldn’t be recognized as the father in public. Nothing was stopping him from acting like one though, either in public or private. Harry sighed, before giving an understanding nod.

“Alright. I agree, and we’d make sure the truth doesn’t leak out. But I have a condition too,” Harry stated firmly, and James nodded. Narcissa simply looked at the two of them talking it out between themselves, feeling at a loss of what she could say.

“Once the child is mature enough, we’ll reveal the truth. He or she deserves to know it,” Harry declared. James looked at him before looking at Narcissa, who gave a firm nod.

“Alright. That’s fair.”

Harry sat back with a relieved sigh and Narcissa released a breath she had been holding before looking at him and smiled at him. Harry returned her smile with one of his own.

Despite himself, James smiled as he looked at their faces. There was nothing that mattered to him more than those two, and if this is what it took for their happiness, he’d accept it will all his heart.

What James didn’t admit to them was how exciting he suddenly found the prospect of seeing his wife with another man. The fact that it was his son didn’t matter much. He had never thought he’d feel like this. Whenever he had thought about Cissy with someone else, he’d been filled with a sense of loss and despair, but when he saw them make out in front of him without a care for anything in the world, he found himself oddly excited.

Smiling to himself, James leaned back on the sofa and admitted to himself that maybe it wouldn’t be so bad, as Narcissa stood up.

“Well, now that we’ve discussed it all, I’m going to prepare the dinner,” Narcissa smiled, and with a deliberate extra sway to her ass which kept the two men glued to her retreating backside, she walked off toward the kitchen with a giggle. It felt oddly liberating to do this now.

Harry shook his head with a chuckle before standing up. As he was about to walk over to his room for some shut-eye, he felt a hand on his shoulder. Surprised, he turned to find his father looking at him.

“I have to talk to you about something. Go get changed into something casual and meet me outside in fifteen,” James told him before he walked off with a nod.

Surprised, Harry turned around and slowly made his way toward his room, all the while wondering what his father had to talk about.


To be continued…


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