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The next few days were spent in relative isolation inside his bedroom at #12 Grimmauld Place. Harry Potter had nothing to do apart from reading the various books he had found in the Black Library. The ancient library was a well of knowledge, some that even he had never heard of.

Ever since Harry had been hit with the killing curse a few days ago, there had been subtle changes in his personality. He was not as impulsive as he had previously been. Instead, his demeanour became more calculating, more unforgiving, and dare he say, more ruthless.

The changes didn't stop only with his personality though. His body had also undergone several changes within the span of only a few days. He could feel the way his body had developed slightly. The skinny, practically bony frame of his that was a result of severe malnutrition during his childhood had seemingly started to wither away, giving way to what was a healthy body for an 18-year-old. His eyesight stood corrected, a fact that he realized the first morning he woke up in his new room.

Happily, he had thrown those glasses of his away, to Sirius' delight. That was another aspect of his new life that slightly perplexed him. Sirius had been actively supportive of him, showing immense trust in his judgment regarding how he wanted to live. Only once had the man asked him why he had spent the last few days in isolation. It took only a short explanation from Harry on how he wanted to be prepared to face Voldemort when the time came.

Completely agreeing with his assertion, his Godfather actively took part in his studies and training, learning along the way. They had had a few duels and training sessions in the basement, and it made for quite a bonding experience.

What Harry had not shared with anyone else though, was the fact that he had gained something else from the event, as he called it. He knew the Horcrux had been destroyed when Voldemort hit him with the killing curse. That was how he gained these personality traits and an improved body. But he also gained knowledge – knowledge that people would kill to have.

Voldemort was a master of magical arts. His knowledge of the dark arts was rivalled by none, and he was not an amateur at other branches of magic either. From warding to potions to ritualistic magic, Voldemort had it all in spades.

Harry would have been scared shitless at the prospect of facing a dark wizard with such knowledge. Unfortunately for the said wizard, he had marked his downfall. This knowledge, coupled with the additional improvement he would undergo himself, would give him a significant edge in their future battle.

Harry had spent the past three days carefully sorting through the knowledge he had gotten from the dark wizard. It had been a tedious task, but a very important one nonetheless. His encounter with those cunts who had tried to rape and murder Fleur had left him with no choice. The girl had asked no questions, seemingly trusting him, and Harry knew he had to master the boon that he had been inadvertently given to ensure he could use it when needed in the future.

With his newly discovered affinity for Occlumency, the task had become slightly easier. It took the Horcrux dying for Harry to know he had an affinity for the subject. He had tried to learn the obscure mind art since he had first found a book on it in the Restricted Section during his research for the tournament, but quickly found that it wasn't for him.

Only when he gained his bearings after that encounter in the graveyard did he realize he already had some formidable shields that had been a result of his efforts during the year.

Actively working on his shields since then had worked wonders, and Harry was sure he was at least competent enough to keep an expert-level Legilimens out of his mind.

Sorting through the knowledge was not the only thing Harry had done during the past few days though. He had taken out two thick tomes from the Black Library. One was a book that detailed the inner workings of the Fidelius, while the other one was on certain esoteric branches of magic, particularly rituals and types of bonds.

Harry knew about rituals. A branch of advanced alchemy – that was used to gain certain benefits while giving up something of equal value. A large majority of rituals were very dark, demanding huge sacrifices while giving admittedly significant rewards. But these were not worth it in his opinion.

Sure, he could gain the ability to throw spells that required high power for hours but sacrificing his ability to care and feel remorse was not something he was willing to do.

Just because a large majority of rituals were dark, they had been branded as restricted arts. Harry thought it was a generalization. It reminded him too much of the way Ron used to think. Just because a large number of Death Eaters came from Slytherin, that didn't mean the house was evil as a whole. Just because a large number of the so-called light wizards came from Gryffindor, that didn't mean the house was saint-like as a whole.

This, coupled with the new personality traits that urged him to think critically, made him think about how beneficial it would be to undertake a ritual that would not demand a heinous sacrifice while giving him some significant boons to combat future adversaries as well.

His perusal through the tome brought to his attention a seemingly innocent ritual, which, at first glance, didn't seem anything worth looking into, but after slight pondering, seemed significantly more meaningful.

That was what brought him to the ritual chamber. Sirius had been initially reluctant to let him undergo a branch of magic he considered too risky and volatile, but after he explained it to him, the man was slightly mollified. He was still slightly reluctant but was not opposed to the idea.

The Ritual of Foedus, as per the tome, was a ritual that gave a person the ability to gain significant allies that never betrayed him. Both the person and the ally shall have a close bond, would trust one another, and would aid one another in time of need.

Seeing how his parents' and Sirius' lives had unfolded, Harry's explanation to Sirius had made the old marauder a lot more agreeable. He knew if they had undertaken such a ritual, chances were that the situation with Pettigrew would've never turned out the way it had.

"You ready with the items, Harry?" Sirius asked gravely. This was not a time to joke. His godson was going to undertake an actual goddamn ritual.

Harry was arranging the Unicorn hair inside the pentagram that had been drawn on the hard concrete floor of the ritual chamber. The chamber was a closed space with no ventilation and only one exit, the walls a morbid grey and a rough concrete floor. It wouldn't look out of place as a torturer's dungeon.

"Yeah. Just a minute," Harry replied, copying the runes from the tome on each side of the hairs scattered around. There were eight segmented partitions inside the massive circle, the middle one being where Harry would stand. Eight – the magical number signifying Infinity.

Harry was finally finished with the task of constructing the runes around every ingredient there was, namely an assorted collection of bowls, each filled with a thick paste made of Runespoor Eggs, Moonstone, Sapphire petals, and lime water. Unicorn hair was then added to the mix. As he dropped the final piece of hair inside the bowl, he took out a small pin and pricked his finger. Slowly, he went around and dropped one drop of his blood inside every bowl before healing the cut.

"Done," he called out, and Sirius nodded.

"Good luck," Sirius muttered and walked out of the chamber. The door shut behind him and he turned around, leaning against the opposite wall.

Inside the room, a naked Harry Potter walked inside the middle circle and sat down cross-legged, closing his eyes and taking a deep breath. Slowly, he released the pressure and chanted.

'Sine me esse comitem tuum. Mane mecum in eternum. Adjuva me, suscipe, obtine amorem, amicitiam et admirationem in perpetuum. Invoca me cum opus est, audi vocationem meam cum te requiro, una est beatitudo nostra, et dolores nostri sunt.'

A soft glow emanated from the runes, slowly encompassing the bowls before it covered him. Harry kept his eyes closed, the meaning behind his words echoing through his very being as he exercised his occlumency to stay focused on the task at hand.

He never noticed the thin tendrils of golden light that probed his head, slowly covering his eyes and lips before trailing down his neck. Once they reached his chest, they spread over his torso and back, covering the entire expanse of his developing frame. His whole body glowed for a second before all the bowls gave a quiet puff and exploded in smoke.

Harry's eyes slowly opened and he looked around. The ritual room was filled with thick smog and Harry could barely make out the fading runes that had been etched on the floor.

With a grunt, he got up on his feet and walked outside the pentagram on the floor, and summoned his clothes. As he donned them on, he looked inside the ritual circle. The bowls had all vanished, the runes almost wiped out, and observed that the smog was slowly receding.

He wondered if anything had changed with him, and closed his eyes. Concentrating hard, he tried to find if any difference was noticeable within him or in his demeanour. Currently, he could find nothing of that sort.

Shrugging his shoulders, Harry opened the door to the chamber and walked outside. He noticed the smog was not leaking out of the door and closed it. As he turned around, he saw Sirius lifting himself off the wall right opposite him and pulling him into a hug.

"You okay, Harry?" Sirius' voice was slightly different, Harry thought. He gave it no mind though, clapping him on the back and replying positively.

"Yeah, can't feel any changes though. Let's hope it's worked though,"

"Oh, it has worked for sure," Sirius remarked with a chuckle.

"How do you know that?" Harry cocked an eyebrow and asked with a smile.

"For starters, I feel really relaxed now that I think about it," Sirius admitted. "It also feels like we're the best of friends, or rather, family, I guess. I feel protective of you, more than before."

Harry pondered Sirius' words for a moment before frowning.

His older self would've been okay with sacrificing himself in a heartbeat for something or someone. The newer him was not that naive though. However, as he thought about Sirius, he thought that he would gladly do anything to keep him safe.

"Now that you tell me about it, I think I feel the same way. You seem like a close family member and it feels like I can do anything to keep you safe," Harry remarked, stroking his chin.

"There you have it then; the ritual has increased the bond we have between us. The fact that you saved me from Azkaban and getting kissed by the Dementors probably also counts,"

"I guess so,"

They had walked downstairs and made their way into the kitchen. It was still early into the evening. Harry waved his wand.

7:17 PM.

Almost dinnertime then.

They took their seat at the dining table. Instantly, freshly cooked dinner appeared before them courtesy of Dobby.

That was another change in their lifestyle. The slightly unhinged house-elf, once he heard Harry had left the Dursleys and was going to live in a magical household, all but begged for him to make Dobby his elf.

Initially, Harry was reluctant to indulge in slavery. However, he relented when Dobby accepted his proposal of incentives in exchange for services rendered.

House-elves did not need coins. Their requirements were different from humans, so they had to come to an understanding wherein Harry would pay Dobby in terms of food, shelter, and magic through their master-servant bond.

"Thanks, Dobby," Harry called out. A large slice of Treacle tart popped up on the table in response. Harry chuckled.

"Listen Harry, there's something we need to talk about," Sirius started. Harry turned his gaze on him, looking askance.

"You know this is the headquarters of the Order. The matter is, with the current situation, Dumbledore has asked me to allow a few others to stay over the summer,"

Harry nodded. He didn't have any problem with others staying over. They had enough space.

"That's fine. As long as they are not intrusive and behave accordingly, there's no issues,"

"I just wanted to let you know before they start arriving,"

Harry hummed.

"Do I know them? Those who will be living here, I mean..."

Sirius laughed.

"Well, the Weasleys will be here. So will your friend Hermione, was it? My cousin Andromeda has a daughter. She will come over as well, and so will a few others who you might not know," Sirius looked thoughtful for a second, "and yes, Mad-eye will also stay,"

Harry's eyes widened when he heard that Moody will also stay there. This could be a good opportunity. The paranoid auror was a force to be reckoned with on the battlefield, and going through the drills with him would help him a lot.

"Yeah, I like that gleam in your eye. James got the same look whenever he got an idea," Sirius chuckled. Harry simply smiled.

The two were soon finished with dinner and bid each other goodnight. Sirius was going to stay downstairs for a while, and Harry made his way to his room after taking a quick detour to the library to pick up a couple of books on magical balance and affinity.

He knew things, and he knew he had the power. What he had to do was to master the spells, develop muscle memory and find the balance between power and precision.

Opening the door to his room, he walked inside and dropped on his bed. A few hours later, he was finished with the comparatively thinner book. He laid back on his bed for a while, thinking of the war ahead and how his newfound knowledge was going to help him out. One thing was clear though, he had to master the knowledge he had gained, especially the spell repertoire that Voldemort had, both lethal and non-lethal. And he had to do as much as he could before Hogwarts started.

With a sigh, he turned the lighting off and drifted to sleep. However, he was plagued with a peculiar dream that night, one that prompted him to wake up all hot and laboured.


The guest residents started to arrive the next morning. Harry had just come down the stairs after getting freshened up when he saw Remus Lupin sitting at the dining table reading the latest edition of the rag people called the ´Daily Prophet'.

The moment Remus saw him, he put the paper down and greeted him with a smile.

"Harry, how're you doing?"

Harry shook his hand with a smile.

"I'm good Professor,"

Remus shook his head.

"I'm no longer your professor, Harry. You can call me Remus or Moony,"

Harry smiled. "Alright, Remus."

Suddenly, there was the sound of something crashing down in the hallway. Harry exchanged a look with Remus and the two darted out. What Harry saw left him confused.

"Err... who are you?"

He was even more surprised when her hair changed from a light pink to bright red.

"Uh, hi. I'm Tonks," she said, sheepishly.


Nymphadora 'don't call me Nymphadora' Tonks was walking through the hallway, whistling a jolly tune when suddenly her feet collided with something and she fell over.

"Ow..." she muttered, rubbing her behind as she winced in slight pain.

"Err... who are you?"

She looked up startled at the voice only to freeze. The most astonishing, alluring, captivating pair of deep emerald eyes stared back at her in confusion. Confusion?

Her brain cleared as she realized just what her predicament was and her eyes widened. Her hair inadvertently turned bright red and she could only muster a sheepish "Uh, hi. I'm Tonks,"

The man nodded in understanding.

"You're Sirius' cousin, then. He mentioned you'd be coming over. Here, let me help you," the handsome man said charmingly and held his hand out for her to take. Dazed, Tonks took his hand and let herself get pulled up.

"Breakfast's here. Come, join us," he invited her, and Tonks internally swooned.

Wait a minute...

She swooned!?

No! Tonks never swooned, especially not for a guy she had met for barely a minute. Belatedly, she realized she still held on to his hand and she quickly pulled it out of his grasp. Harry looked at her bemused while Remus simply looked on with an amused look on his face.

"What's the matter?" Harry asked her, his head cocked to the side. Tonks flushed slightly before muttering a quiet "Nothing," and walking toward the kitchen.

Harry looked at Remus who simply shrugged. The two followed behind Tonks and took their seats at the dining table. It didn't take long for Sirius to come downstairs and the four indulged in breakfast as conversation flowed.

Harry learned that Tonks was a rookie auror and the last one trained by Mad-eye Moody. Impressed, he asked her for a practice spar which she hesitatingly agreed to. Weird, Harry thought.

"When is everyone else due, Sirius?" Remus asked. Harry looked over to where Sirius was sitting at the head of the table.

"Well, the Weasleys are due to arrive in the evening. I assume Hermione will be with them," Sirius nodded to Harry.

The mention of the Weasleys and Hermione brought the vivid dream he had had the previous night to the forefront of his mind.

He opened the door to his bedroom and froze. The sight before him would make any impotent man horny as fuck.

Hermione Granger, his best friend, was kissing Ginny Weasley, his best mate's sister. And not just an innocent kiss on the cheek. This was full-blown snogging, right there on his bed.

However, the even bigger surprise was the fact that both of them were wearing skin-tight outfits. Hermione had a deep blue one, while Ginny was in a deep scarlet.

He stood there, transfixed, as both women continued to kiss each other erotically. His heartbeat increased when Ginny's hands reached behind Hermione and grabbed her sexy butt through the thin tight dress.

Hermione's moans were music to his ears and he watched on as Ginny slowly took control of the act and pushed Hermione down on the bed, still kissing her furiously.

Slowly, Ginny lowered herself on top of her, and Harry saw their soft tits press up. The scene was so hot that Harry was already hard as fuck. He saw Ginny start to grind her pussy against hers, as she laid a bit sideways, scissoring over their outfits, and he admitted there had been no other sight so alluring, captivating, and erotic as the one he was witnessing right in front of him.

Ginny slowly dragged her lips down to Hermione's neck and started peppering her flesh with soft kisses, while her hand caressed her sides. Slowly, agonizingly, he saw Ginny cup one of Hermione's breasts and squeeze softly.

Harry's silent groan was in perfect sync with Hermione's loud moan and she shivered as Ginny started to furiously scissor her wet pussy lips with her gushing cunt. Harry could see a wet patch forming right where their pussies were, and the thought of seeing them naked suddenly popped into his subconscious mind.

As if they had heard him, Ginny and Hermione stopped scissoring and slowly sat back on their knees right there on his bed. With a sexy smirk, Ginny stood up on the floor and slowly slithered out of her tight scarlet dress. Inch after delectable inch of perfect ivory flesh was laid bare for his viewing pleasure, and Harry drank her alluring form in. The thought of her being his best mate's little sister didn't even register.

Only Hermione following in Ginny's footsteps and discarding her deep blue dress brought his attention away from Ginny. Her slightly tanned complexion made her look incredibly hot, and Harry ogled her with a heated gaze.

As he looked at both of them alternatively, he observed that both of them were not too different. Their tits were both very firm and looked inviting, both had a flat stomach that gave way to glistening wet pussies, and a pair of round asses that he longed to caress and squeeze.

Without a moment of respite, he saw them embrace one another and share a wet kiss that looked hot and dirty at the same time. Slowly, the two pulled away before twin mischievous grins adorned their faces. As one, both of them turned and looked, right at him. Harry's eyes widened slightly when they smirked.

"Liked the show, Mr. Potter?" Ginny asked sultrily.

"The evidence suggests he more than liked it, Ginny," Hermione whispered, looking at the bulge in his pants with a grin that did make his cock twitch. She smirked.

"Is that right?" a new voice chimed in. Before he could turn around, Harry felt someone hug him from behind. Their twin mounds of absolute perfection pressed up snugly against his back, their hands caressing his chest as they rested their head on his shoulder.

"Well, Mr. Potter deserves the best, and it's up to us to make this the best experience for him, right?" she finished sultrily and Harry shivered as her breath caressed his ear.

Suddenly, she pulled away and Harry heard a rustling of clothing behind him. She had pulled her clothes away from her.

Slowly, Harry turned around, and the sight left him even more stunned than before.

With her porcelain skin on full display, her large and firm tits jutting out proudly from her wonderful chest, a flat and toned belly giving way to puffy, lower lips, and her ass big and round and jiggling with every movement of her lower back, Fleur Delacour was a wet man's dream.

"I never thanked you properly for saving me back then, did I, mon cher?" She whispered sultrily, and with a wink, she dropped down on her knees, right in front of him.

"Ugh..." Harry grunted when she fisted his cock out and stroked softly. He was ramrod straight in no time. With a wicked smirk, she took an inch, and another, and another until every single fucking inch of his manhood was buried inside her hot mouth. His eyes rolled back inside the socket as Fleur started to hum around his cock, the vibrations rocking through him.

Without any prompting, she started to bob her head back and forth, taking him out of her mouth until only the tip remained in, swirling her tongue around the tip and licking the precum off of it, before burying him back down her throat.

The sensations were otherworldly. Harry couldn't even begin to describe how it felt, but one thing was for sure, he would do anything to make her do this to him for as long as she could. He felt two sexy bodies on either side of him and looked to see Hermione and Ginny standing, their arms around his frame and embracing him.

His arms were buried between their wonderful tits, occasionally touching their navel before Ginny captured his mouth in a searing kiss. Harry returned her kiss with equal enthusiasm, probing his tongue and tasting her lips and mouth before he felt his head turn around. Before he could get a hold of himself, Hermione planted her lips on his, slightly nervous before she got her bearing and pushed for a heated kiss. Harry did not disappoint. As he had done with Ginny a few moments ago, he kissed her back passionately, their lips loving together wetly before his tongue buried itself inside her mouth. He sucked and licked every corner of her mouth, his tongue ferociously rubbing with hers before he pulled away with a grunt.

The reason became apparent soon enough. Fleur had started bobbing her head on his cock at a furious pace, and he knew he couldn't hold out for too long.

As if sensing the fact, Ginny bent down and took Fleur's place, and started sucking his balls off, giving his cock some respite. Harry hissed and groaned. The pleasure was no less before Fleur pressed up against his front. Looking down, Harry could see her large tits firmly pressed up against his chest, her cleavage prominently formed up and her lustful eyes locked with hers.

He gave no quarter. With no inhibitions whatsoever, Harry kissed her hard. Fleur returned the kiss with equal fervour, grabbing his hair and pulling him down while Harry started to squeeze her and Hermione's supple asses. Both girls moaned and Hermione started nibbling on his neck while Fleur and he kissed heatedly. Their tongues were locked together, rubbing and moving erotically against each other. Thick streams of saliva were swallowed in heat as Ginny continued to suck and fondle his balls.

Finally, it was Hermione's turn and she wasted no time. Quickly, she took Ginny's place and swallowed more than half of his cock in one go. The head of his cock hit the back of her throat and she gagged slightly. Her eyes teared up slightly but her enthusiasm never waned.

As Hermione continued to furiously suck his cock, Ginny took her previous place at his left and started kissing along the side of his neck. His hand grabbed a handful of her plump rear and squeezed hard while his other hand did the same to Fleur.

All three of them stood there right beside the bed, kissing and sucking each other's skin while Hermione sucked his cock furiously. Harry grunted in pleasure as he felt his orgasm imminent as Ginny turned his face toward her and kissed him. Harry returned her kiss by pulling her even closer, pressing her soft tits flush against his arm while Fleur kissed his neck and rubbed her bountiful breasts on his chest. His fingers which were squeezing their arses trailed down and cupped their gushing mounds. The two witches gasped in pleasure and Harry inserted one, two, and then three of his fingers inside their sodden cunts.

Both witches buried their faces in his neck, sucking and nibbling along the skin as Harry continued to finger them furiously while his thumb worked their engorged clits.

Hermione continued to suck him off and fondled his balls when she suddenly felt something touch her pussy. She looked down and saw a glowing apparition of a hand fingering her pussy while the thumb worked her clit. She moaned when she looked up and saw the same bluish glow surrounding Harry's hand that was buried inside Fleur's cunt.

All three girls were shivering under the unforgiving assault of his fingers, their legs clenching and unclenching along with their inner walls as Harry worked wonders with his magic to bring them to a release.

The man himself was at the precipice of his orgasm when suddenly Ginny cried out loud and buried her face in his neck. The reason soon became apparent when her hot, fluid juices gushed out of her cunt all over his hand. Hermione followed suit mere seconds after Ginny, her juices trickling out of her sodden cunt and all over his proxy hand. The girl started sucking even more furiously, fondling his balls with her hand and Harry almost came before somehow controlling his release.

Fleur looked up at him, her face flushed and her eyes wide as Harry buried another finger inside her love canal. Each finger of his hand was now showering her pussy with all its attention and with a cry, she came over his digits. Harry cupped her cheek with his free hand, still gushing with Ginny's juices, and pulled her lips up to kiss her softly. Fleur melted into his kiss as Ginny dropped down to her knees and took his balls inside her mouth.

Harry grunted. The double assault would make him come undone in no time given the state he was in, but he was in no mood to delay it any longer.

"Get on your knees, Fleur," he ordered, and the witch obliged quickly. With a smile, she dropped to her knees right in the middle of Ginny and Hermione and looked up at him with lust. Harry caressed Hermione and Ginny on the head and pulled his cock out of their mouths. With a grunt, he stroked his cock as the three girls watched with wanton desire blatant.

Looking at their faces, Harry grinned. The first shot of his cum landed on Fleur's face, coating her forehead and nose before dripping down onto her lips. The lovely veela wasted no time and opened her mouth. Another shot landed on her cheek and Harry quickly repositioned his cock to cover her entire face with his load.

With a smirk, he sprayed Hermione's face with his thick, hot cum, covering her forehead and nose before shooting another load horizontally over her face. Ginny's turn came next, and Harry repeated his actions. A thick drop of his seed splashed against her face, some shooting inside her eye and coating her entire face. Harry, finally utterly spent, rubbed his cock against all their faces, getting rid of every last drop of his cum, and plopped down on the bed.

The sight in front of him was one he would never forget. Fleur, Ginny, and Hermione, naked on their knees right in front of him, their faces covered with his cum which they licked and swallowed while thick globs dripped down their faces and landed on their supple tits. The alluring sight of the three girls stayed in his mind as he dropped back on the bed, his eyes closing of their own volition.


The loud shout of his name brought him out of his reminiscing. He looked around and saw all three of them were looking at them in concern. Trying to act nonchalant, he asked, "What happened?"

"What happened to you? Sirius has been calling you for about a minute now and you were lost in your own little world!" Tonks exclaimed.

"Oh, I was thinking about a new spell I saw in the book yesterday and how I could apply it in a battle," Harry lied.

"You have a one-track mind, Potter," Tonks muttered.

'If only you knew what track it was,'

"Anyway," Sirius interrupted, "I was saying that the Weasleys will arrive this evening and will stay all over the holidays. Molly had insisted you and Ron to share a room but I told her that it would be up to you to decide,"

"I'll stay in my room, thanks," Harry quickly replied.

"Right. That's sorted then. Ron can have a room to himself on the first floor. Arthur and Molly will have one, and one for the twins. All other children have refused, so that's three rooms. Nym, you have a room in the family area, however, it's possible you might have to share,"

"Don't call me Nym! And with who?"

"Don't know. Dumbledore made a last-minute request. Some new member perhaps. Don't worry, he said she's only a couple of years younger to you, so you won't have any problem. I would've given her a room with the Weasleys but we have only four rooms on that floor, so the family one it is," Sirius finished. Tonks thought for a second before she nodded.

"Alright. Fine by me,"

"Moony, you have your room up top with us. Feel free to settle yourself whenever you want,"

"Don't think I'll need to settle, per se," Remus remarked, "Dumbledore has asked me to talk to the werewolf clans. Either to convince them to join us or at least make sure they don't join Greyback," he finished with a growl.

Sirius nodded, and Harry frowned. Greyback had been the one who had turned Remus into a werewolf back when he was a child.

"Alright then, you two go and do whatever you'd like down there," Sirius said to Harry and Tonks who looked at him, "remember though, get as sweaty as you want, but with your clothes on," he smirked. Remus simply shook his head in exasperation as Tonks turned red. Harry stared at Sirius for one moment before flinging a wandless stinger right at his face. Sirius dodged it by the skin of his teeth and looked at him with wide eyes.

"Since when can you cast wandlessly!?"

Harry got up and downed his juice in one big gulp.

"Since now," he said before gesturing to Tonks, "come on," and walked out toward the basement.

"Sirius," Tonks murmured, and the two marauders looked at her, only to see her looking at the door Harry had just left through.


"I'm going to fuck your godson,"

Remus' eyes widened as Sirius guffawed.

'Oh Harry, I'm so proud!', Sirius thought, as he wiped an imaginary tear of pride out of his eyes.


To be continued...


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