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The atmosphere was one of tense anticipation inside the trunks. The group of aurors was getting ready for the battle that was about to commence once again. Dawn was already past them, and a few minutes ago, they had received the Patronus from Auror Shacklebolt telling them that they would be reaching in no time at all.

The aurors were putting on their uniforms and armor calmly, their minds programmed for such situations over the years. The war had left its imprint on them, and this battle was only going to be a replica of that. It didn’t make this something to be taken lightly though; the terrorists had made it tough for their group last night, so much that they had had to take refuge behind those barricades inside the trunks and wait for reinforcements to arrive.

Hours later, the reinforcements did arrive, but for both sides. That complicated things somewhat, since the enemy had more wands now. But they were not worried. More wands didn’t mean better wands, and if last night was any indication, it was clear that they could win against superior numbers.

“All ready, Savage?”

The auror nodded and fired a small blast. Proudfoot and Robards marched in, garbed in their attire with not a hair awry.

“I hope you guys are ready to rumble,” James grinned.

“More like make them piss their pants,” Robards snarled. There was a moment of absolute silence as the other three simply stared at Robards. The auror was starting to get uncomfortable under their stares before they broke into loud laughter. Robards looked around at the laughing wizards before he too began to laugh.

“That’s... that’s right. We’re going to make them piss their pants and shit their undies!” James grinned. Suddenly, the suspended mirror in front of them came to life, and all the other groups were visible.

“Alright, gentlemen?” James asked, all business-like.

“All good and ready, Captain,” Taylor grinned, “we’ll make these swans shit their pants,”

James’ group laughed. “Very good people! Shack is up with reinforcements, and he’ll send the signal anytime soon. If the luck in in our favor, they’ll get here before their reinforcements arrive and we could join to overwhelm the group from last night. If not, well, we’ll run into the fray and take down all those bastards,”

“Cast to kill, then?”

“Cast to kill,” James nodded.

“Remember everyone, this group might not be as big as those death munchers of Moldyshorts, but make no mistake, their crimes are as heinous as those of Moldy’s pricks. Rape, torture, murder and extortion run rampant. You all saw what happened to our mole last night. That’s tame to what they do with their so-called entertainment. Keep in mind that with every asshole you kill today, you’ll save countless lives in the future. Fight for that!” James finished emphatically.

The aurors nodded, their eyes shining with determination and a firm resolve to carry out their duty.

“But remember gentlemen,” James began, attracting their attention once more, “just because we have to do our duty, it doesn’t mean we won’t make them shit their pants! So let’s go out there and make them piss and shit!”


The glowing lynx chose that moment to arrive and the deep voice of Kingsley Shacklebolt sounded out.

Their reinforcements are also here. Make haste and join the battle. We’re moving in!”

The aurors inside the trunks looked at each other and nodded.

“Alright people, move out! Make sure to watch your backs and support your comrades. You won’t get any better ones,”

Wasting no time, the aurors pulled the latches off and started climbing up the stairs.


“Move fast, you fucktards!” Lucius Malfoy grunted at his underlings as they waded through the snow. They could see the tree line and knew that’s where they had to arrive. The light was seeping through the canopy, making visibility possible in the post-dawn period.

“Fucktard huh? You’ll know who a fucktard really is. Soon Lucius, very soon,” Yaxley muttered. Since the moment they had finalized the plan to betray Lucius, he had been feeling dirty every time he had to cater to the cunt like a loyal lapdog. If only he didn’t have so much dirt over him... Yaxley would’ve betrayed Lucius long ago. Fear of his dirty secrets being uncovered was the only reason why he had stayed by his side, following and aiding him. It was the same for all of them. Every one of his associates had secrets better left in the darkness of the closet, never to see the daylight. But they could if Lucius babbled.

“Asshole thinks himself all high and mighty, no wonder old Arcturus never let his granddaughter marry such a piece of trash,” Rosier whispered so that only they could hear.

“Don’t worry, we’re almost there,”

The group of miserable evil twats exited the small forest and reached the small clearing. The sight in front of them chilled them to the bones.

Long rows of trees were charred, the ground devoid of snow despite the heavy snowfall in the region, and the dirt blackened as steam wafted from the surface.

“Fiendfyre,” Snyde muttered as he looked ahead.

“They used Fiendfyre?”

“Only the cursed flames leave such remnant. This place will remain heated for a while. A good thing too, as we won’t have to bother with these pesky snows while fighting,” Lucius grinned. Yaxley once again wondered what exactly happened to the handsome lord of House Malfoy that he was in his youth. Just because he didn’t get Narcissa he lost himself so pitifully? Talk about a loser!

“You’re finally here huh?” A voice from their right sounded, and they looked up. Perched upon the boulder there was Randolph Selwyn, smoking those cigarettes he was so fond of.

“Seeing as you’re so incompetent, is it any wonder we had to come Selwyn?” Lucius taunted. Selwyn’s nostrils flared as he blew out a large puff harshly.

“I am incompetent? You send pathetic rookies with me to face off against one of the strongest auror teams and you have the gall to say I’m incompetent!? Fuck off Malfoy!”

Lucius looked murderous.

“Mind your words, Selwyn. Don’t forget who you’re talking to!”

“I know very well who I am talking to, you grown up brat! You might have risen to become the leader of this organization, but we all know how that rise came to be. You know what you are? Huh Lucius?”

Lucius didn’t reply, choosing to glare at Selwyn murderously instead.

“Let me tell your pea-sized brain what you are. You ever seen a cock? A real cock, not whatever hairpin you have down there. You are the head of a cock. The only way you can rise up is if the cock rises up. That’s all you are. A dickhead!”

“You dare!” Lucius snarled.

The remaining morons simply stood there, watching the drama unfold in front of their eyes. They couldn’t believe what was happening. And they couldn’t decide how to react. They were on the verge of a battle and these two were fighting between themselves!

A few of them couldn’t hold back their snickers at the words that came out of Selwyn’s mouth. They had to shut up when their comrades hissed at them to shut up. But it was very tough because the scene in front of them was so bloody hilarious. Lucius the dickhead! What a title!

However, the situation seemed to escalate when both of them pulled out their wands and pointed at each other, the tips glowing green. There was no doubt in either of their minds that the other was ready to kill.

And that was when the rookie who had sent the message to the headquarters saw the force of aurors in the distance.

“Mr Selwyn!”

Selwyn glanced at him and snarled, and the rookie shut up.

“You flobberworm, I remember I’d told you to scram, didn’t I? Why are you bothering me right now? Fuck off and let me do this!” He snarled and pointed his wand back at Lucius.

“B-but sir, the aurors... the aurors are already here!” He shouted.

Suddenly the group turned as one, and true to his word, the entire auror reinforcement was running forward, wading through the snow until they reached the clearing. They saw a tall, dark-skinned, and muscular man come forward and they recognized him as Kingsley Shacklebolt, one of the best the ministry had to offer.

Kingsley looked at the group of morons scattered across the clearing in front of them. Were they fighting amongst themselves? It would be a huge boon for them if they were such idiots then. However, he couldn’t count on that fact and he pressed his wand to the side of his throat, amplifying his voice.

“Listen up you dipshits. Your order of Black Swan or whatever it is, it’s going to end today. This is not a warning. This is an announcement. Right at this moment another team is raiding your manor, Lucius Malfoy, or should I say Jones?” Lucius’ eyes widened. He hadn’t expected the aurors to know his true identity. Only Potter knew who he was, and he never expected him to reveal that fact.

“Oh yes, we know you’re the leader of this pitiful band of hooligans masquerading as the successors of the death eaters. A rather poor job you all have done, to be honest.”

The morons bristled at the dismissive tone, their teeth grinding.

“Now now Shack, let’s not be so harsh on them,” a new voice chimed in, and they looked to the right to see James Potter and his team walking toward them, smiling.


“Oh hey Lucy, long time no see,”

“You just wait Potter. After I kill you, I’ll go visit my wife-to-be. Don’t worry, I’ll let her have a little time with your carcass, but only after I’ve broken her under me,” he smirked nastily.

James felt his anger boil under his skin and it took his entire effort not to lash out.

“Yeah, we’ll see about that,” he waved his hand dismissively, and Lucius grit his teeth at the casual way the asshole had done so.

“Now,” Potter looked over at the group of black robes, “you all have two options. You could either surrender yourselves and I promise all of you will have a fair trial. If you’ve indulged in the vices that I know many of you have, well you know the punishment. But if you’ve done nothing so far and are only initiates, well the judiciary will treat you as such,”

Lucius looked around, and to his horror, he could see a few of his underlings listening intently.

“The second option is fairly straightforward, and I hope the true criminals among you really choose this one. Ready?” James looked around and saw a few nods.

“Nice. The second option is we fight. You get your asses kicked to kingdom come, and we get to kill you. Fairly simple, right?”

Lucius interjected before anyone else. He guffawed.

The two groups looked at the singular laughing man who kept laughing. 10 seconds passed. Then another 10. And then another 10.

“Okay, is he gonna stop?” Nott asked no one in particular.

“No clue. Just stand still,” Bulstrode muttered.

“Oh Potter Potter Potter, very funny. You’re still that joker, aren’t you?” Lucius asked rhetorically, his face set into a wide smile.

“A prankster actually. Slight difference, I reckon your pea-sized brain won’t get it though,”

Selwyn snorted at the repeated words as Lucius glared.

“Tell me Potter,” he snarled, “how will you take on all of us? We number almost double of what you have. Accept it. There is no chance you will make it out alive today.”

“Is that so?” James chuckled.

Lucius nodded.

“Indeed. So let me give you two options now. One, you surrender yourself to me and send these irrelevant fuckwits away and I kill you, after which I’ll go and fuck Narcissa. And two, you could try to fight, and we kill all these worthless minions before I kill you, after which I’ll again go and fuck Narcissa. How does it sound?”

James looked on with a tight smile and Kingsley caught his eyes. The strapping auror gave him a small nod and James sighed. Looking back at Lucius, he grinned ferally.

“Bring it on, bitch! Ossis Fragmens!”

James’ bone-breaker tore through the air and hit one moron in the front line, right at his throat. The wizard choked and died in moments.

Everyone stood shocked for a second before someone shouted. That seemed to shock everyone out of their stupor.

“Aurors, charge in formation!” Kingsley shouted as he pointed his wand forward and fired a blasting hex at Selwyn. The wizard shielded himself against the hex and returned fire.

“Come forward and face me, Potter! Yaxley, Bulstrode, Nott, with me!” Lucius shouted as he rushed forward to meet Potter head-on. The three wizards looked at each other and nodded before following behind the blonde idiot.

“Ah Lucy, you need three other wizards to fight me? Not confident you could take me down on your own? Such a shame on the Malfoy name, but then if I think about it, what exactly is the value of the Malfoy name? You upjumped stewards of the French lower class!” James snarled before swatting a severing hex aside and retaliating with a blood-boiler. Lucius desperately dove down to dodge, but the wizard behind him was not so lucky. He turned around to see Potter’s curse had struck another irrelevant grunt in his sternum.

Fascinated, they watched as the grunt’s skin started burning before slight fumes emanated from the surface. His skin bubbled in heat as his agonizing screams echoed around the mountain. In no time, the grunt’s skin tore itself apart as bubbling blood gushed outside into the charred ground.

Lucius looked at the corpse in sheer shock. That could have been him!

He looked at Potter who seemed to have been waiting for him because he had his wand pointed at him without doing anything. He turned to look at his companions, and to his shock, he found they had their wands held to their sides.

Still in shock, he saw the three wizards walk over to James Potter before handing their wands over to him and lowering themselves to the ground, their hands behind their necks in a gesture of surrender.

“You imbeciles...΅ Lucius whispered in shock before rage took over.


Yaxley looked at the murderous face of Lucius Malfoy and with a sigh, he snarled, “Fuck you Malfoy. May you rot in hell!”

Lucius, murderous, fired a sickly green light at Yaxley, only to look on in shock when Potter summoned a rock. The killing curse struck the rock which exploded into pieces, which Potter levitated in front of himself before he transfigured them into sharp spikes and sent them barreling toward him.

He raised a shield to block the incoming projectiles before he felt his back erupt in pain. He looked down and saw blood gushing on the ground and realized his back had been torn open. He turned his head back and saw Snyde had his wand pointed at him.

“You too?” Lucius whispered in shock.

“It’s over Lucius.”

“No!” He whispered, vehemently denying what came out of Snyde’s mouth.

A bone-breaker connected with his left shoulder and he was sent spinning down to the ground with a loud painful cry.

A hand gripped his hair and forced his head to look up.

“Look around, Malfoy,” James Potter whispered as he tilted his head, making him look at the surrounding area forcefully. His mind barely registered the fact that it was Rosier who had hit him with that bone-breaker as he took in the carnage. A small group of grunts was tied up in one corner. They must have surrendered. Otherwise, the entire clearing was surrounded by dead bodies of his grunts and a few aurors who had perished.

His entire group had been wiped out.

“See this?” Potter snarled in his face, “This is it. Your gang of wannabe death eaters is done. All gone in one battle. Yeah, it has sunk in, hasn’t it?”

Lucius looked at him murderously.

“Protocol dictates I take you in. But for you, I’m going to make an exception, Malfoy,” Potter snarled.

Malfoy had no time to react before he felt the wind get knocked out of his lungs. Potter kneed him in the stomach once again, and Lucius doubled over in pain. He felt his nose get crushed as Potter slammed his knee right on his face.

He dropped down to the ground unceremoniously, his fingers gripping his wand loosely. Suddenly he cried out in pain when Potter stomped on his hand. He felt the bones in his fingers get crushed under the impact as his wand dropped down. Gazing forlornly at his designed wand, he tried to reach it with his other hand when a boot stomped on it, splintering it into pieces. Lucius could only look on in horror as his wand was shattered into pieces before a small flame burnt it down. All that remained was ash indistinguishable from the charred ground.

James Potter looked down at the cunt with a disgusted look on his face as the auror team rounded up the group and took charge of disposing of the dead. They prepared the bodies of their comrades who had fallen in battle. Although no senior auror lost his life, a dozen junior ones did.

His team rounded up everyone who had surrendered. Yaxley, Nott, Rosier, Bulstrode, Snyde. They were among the ones who had surrendered their wands without hesitation but rather with a resigned look on their faces.

“What’s to be done with him?” Savage asked as he came over.

“Report that he was killed. I’ll deal with him,” Savage nodded and walked to the side, leaving James in the middle of the clearing with the broken and battered body of Lucius Malfoy.


To be continued...


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