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A soft clearing of the throat brought them out of the little world they had submerged themselves in. The young couple pulled apart abruptly and looked at the attendant who gave a soft giggle.

“Your desserts, ma’am, sir,” she said sweetly with a smile and placed the plates on their table. Quickly, Harry composed himself and thanked her. The woman simply smiled and walked away.

Harry glanced at Elena and found her face flushed. She smiled happily when she found him looking at her.

“What?” She asked with a soft laugh.

“Nothing, just wondering how I got so lucky to meet you,” Harry replied silkily, and his grin widened when Elena flushed. She busied herself with her ice cream, purposely avoiding looking at him and Harry smiled. Time passed in relative silence as they finished their meal, exchanging small smiles whenever their eyes made contact.

“So,” Harry began, “what do you think your younger self would think about us?”

Elena looked thoughtful for a moment before she flushed.

“Sorry, I didn’t catch that,” Harry laughed, and Elena mumbled again.

“She’d freeze up in shocked happiness,”

Harry had to bury the laugh that threatened to burst out of his throat, and he was sure he partially succeeded if her flush was anything to go by.

“What about your younger self?” She whispered.

“Well, I think he’d feel his heart racing at the thought of dating such a remarkable woman,” Harry smiled softly and placed his hand on top of hers, closing his palm around it. Elena smiled back.

“Would you like to dance?” Harry asked her, and Elena’s smile widened.

Chuckling, he got up and helped her out of her seat. They joined another couple on the dance floor, exchanging smiles before he wrapped his arms around her waist. Elena wrapped her arms around his neck as they started swaying to the romantic music.

The room was bathed in soft aroma and glistening in soft lights from lamps scattered around, as the music wafted through their ears, calming them down. As Harry gazed at Elena, who was looking lovingly up at him, he felt he could stay like that forever. The feeling of her being in his arms was something special. It wasn’t like his past exploits with any of the girls. Most of them were purely carnal, with only two relationships getting serious, but Harry could say with absolute certainty that there was something about Elena that felt extraordinarily special.

He had done a lot of thinking over his sudden bout of affection for the young woman in his arms. He wondered whether he was so attached to her just because she was his godfather’s daughter and he was desperate to keep any link to him as close as he could. It had taken him a long time of pondering to realize that although the fact that she was Sirius’ daughter played a part, it wasn’t a significant factor. There was a genuine attraction between the two of them, and Harry was sure that he would’ve gotten together with her a long time ago if he had known about her previously.

Their movements felt so natural that any onlookers wouldn’t have been able to tell that it was their second time dancing together. The other couples looked on as the loving couple lost themselves in their own world, their eyes locked together, their faces close, as their bodies swayed softly in sync with the tunes. Harry and Elena were oblivious to the stares they were getting, so isolated were they in their own world. Their faces were closer than before, and just as their lips were about to meet, a round of applause jolted them.

The music had ended, and they were being applauded by all the couples as well as the artist in attendance. Elena buried her face in his chest, slightly embarrassed, as Harry simply smiled at their audience while stroking her hair softly. He chuckled when he saw the looks some of the women were giving their men and walked with Elena over to their table.

Their time at the restaurant slowly drew to a close, and as they walked out, his arm wrapped around her waist, they felt they had progressed together. Harry helped her inside the car and drove down the highway to her apartment.

The car slowly came to a stop in front of the building and Harry got out. Opening the door to the other side, he helped Elena out before they came to a stop on the pavement. It was oddly reminiscent of their first meeting when he had stood right there, looking into those grey orbs. Their faces inched close until his lips pressed lightly against hers. Savoring the moment, Harry smiled into the kiss as Elena wrapped her arms around his neck and pushed herself forward. This prompted Harry to grab her by her hips as he pulled her to him. Their lips moved together in perfect harmony, rubbing softly as he softly stroked her back before caressing her sides. Their bodies molded together, no space existing between them as they lost themselves in one another yet again. What felt like hours passed before they pulled back slightly, and as they gazed deeply into each other’s eyes, they felt the air slowly shifting.

“Do you... do you wanna come up?” Elena asked softly, and Harry’s breath hitched as he understood her implication.

“Are you sure? I mean...”

“Yeah, I am... do you?”

Harry looked in her eyes for a long moment before he nodded with a smile. Elena smiled before she grabbed his hand and started walking. Harry pressed the button on the keyring and the car beeped twice.

Together they walked over to the elevator and entered in silence. As they reached her floor, they walked out, hand in hand, and Elena unlocked the door to her apartment and flicked the lights on. Harry shut the door behind him as he entered.

“The bathroom is at the end of the hallway, first door to the left,” Elena gestured and Harry nodded. Giving her a quick kiss which she happily returned, Harry walked away, leaving her alone in the living room of her modest apartment.

The smile slipped off Elena’s face as she fell down on the sofa. A conflicted expression adorned her face as she buried her head in her hands, rubbing her eyebrows to stave off another jolt of headache. Why did it have to happen this way? It was supposed to be so easy. But she had never imagined that she would fall for him so quickly.

Slowly gathering herself, Elena walked over to her bedroom. Her heart was heavy and her mind was brimming with conflicting emotions. For the first time in her life, she felt unsure of something. Never had she thought that she would be unsure of what she was going to do. But it happened. She couldn’t help but feel deeply in love with him. And it hadn’t been even a week since they got to know each other. What kind of woman was she? Was there any truth to what he spoke? That they were compatible? Surely that was nothing but a superstition?

Elena walked into her bathroom and shut the door close. She took off her dress and threw it to the side, coming to stop in front of the mirror.

“I love him...” she whispered to herself.

“I love him so much already! What is wrong with me? This never happened before! So why do I feel this way for a man who I didn’t even know a week ago!?”

Elena felt confused. Harry had somehow wormed his way in her heart in quick strides, breaching through the walls she had erected over the years. And it scared her. It terrified her when she realized that she would do anything he asked of her, and she knew he would never ask her anything that would bring her dishonor. She had already deduced that much at least. The man was one of the purest souls she had ever met, and it terrified her that she would die before doing anything that would bring him harm.

“I love him...” She repeated in a small voice.

Suddenly, a throbbing headache ensued and she gasped, her hands grabbing hold of the basin barely in time to stop her fall. Various images rolled through her subconscious and she hissed when another throb tore through her.

"No... I won’t...” She whispered softly, gazing at her reflection in the mirror with bleary eyes.


The raven-haired wizard was oblivious to the internal struggle his new girlfriend was going through. He splashed some water on his face before wiping it clean. Looking in the mirror, he saw his attire and with a quick flick of his wand, he transfigured it into a round neck t-shirt and grey joggers. The t-shirt clung to his muscular frame, showcasing his toned muscles and the joggers were sightly loose so that they didn’t cling to his skin or remain too tight. He picked up his shoes and removed his socks. Stuffing the socks inside the shoe, he brought it out and placed it near the main door of Elena’s apartment.

He still couldn’t believe that Elena had asked him to stay. His first interaction with her had gone slightly off the rails, and he had taken a magical oath to prove that he wasn’t looking for a quick shag. Not that he was reluctant to. He had felt attracted to her since the first time he had laid his eyes on her. The more time they spent together, the more he realized that he was falling for her faster than he believed. Was it love? He didn’t know, but he was sure they could get there. And with the way things were going, he believed that day was not far. There was something about her that intoxicated him. And it wasn’t her physical looks. Although she was beautiful, it was the way she carried herself that endeared her to him. Someone with a soft heart with plenty of steel underneath, as evidenced by her outburst back then.

Harry considered himself a good judge of character, and he knew when someone was genuine and when they were putting an act. When he first met Elena, he had thought that she was not genuine enough, but as their evening progressed, he saw her getting out of whatever shell she was in until there was nothing but honest feelings brimming under the surface. The kisses they had shared so far had been full of passion. He had realized that she was as much attracted to him as he was to her, and now that she was ready, he would be lying if he said he wasn’t looking forward to where the night went.

As he looked around, he wondered where Elena went. His eyes caught the lights to her bedroom on and he walked over in that direction.

“Elena, you there?” He called out.

Elena was gazing at her reflection, her head aching as she tried to massage the sides.

His voice jolted her out of her thoughts, and her heart raced.

“Y-yeah... wait a minute, I’ll be out,” she called out, and she heard him walk inside the room.

Quickly, she splashed some water on her face and wiped it off with the towel, and pulled on a small black nightdress that came down to her thighs, exposing her sexy, long legs. The neck showcased her cleavage and the swell of her tits. Grabbing a robe, she put it on and checked her reflection once again. Finding nothing out of order, she turned the doorknob and pulled it open.

Her eyes fell on Harry, and her heartbeat escalated. He was standing right in front of the bed, dressed in a black t-shirt and grey joggers that fit him perfectly. She looked up in his eyes and saw the lust he had for her brimming underneath the surface. Her mind was already in turmoil, her head throbbing, but she disregarded it all and wasted no time as she pulled her robe open. 

Discarding the clothing, she looked at the stunned wizard and jumped on him. Her arms came to rest around his neck as her legs wrapped around his waist and she captured his lips in a searing kiss. 

The throbbing in her head intensified but Elena fought through it. Harry, although initially surprised, reciprocated quickly. His hands grabbed her under the thighs as his lips moved ferociously against hers. He groaned when he felt her rub her core against his hardening cock and deepened their kiss, pushing his tongue past her lips and into her sweet mouth.

Slowly he moved backward until he felt the back of his knees hit the side of the bed and let himself drop on his back. Her head still ringing, Elena moaned when she felt his hardening member furiously collide with her core, and their kiss intensified even more. Their hands didn’t remain idle, as Harry dragged them up to her round arse and palmed them over her thin nightdress. 

Elena moaned into the kiss when she felt him squeezing her rear, and as she caressed his hair, she bit his lower lip softly. Harry gasped and Elena wasted no time in shoving her tongue roughly inside his mouth. The two kissed passionately, their tongues moving together as she rubbed her damp lower lips against him.

She felt him hike her nightdress up before his hands grabbed her naked arse. Harry squeezed the supple flesh, his fingers digging in, and Elena groaned into the kiss. Her pussy was gushing now, her head throbbing but her mind full of lust and arousal as she dragged her hand down and grabbed his raging hard-on. She gave it a soft squeeze and was rewarded with a hiss of pleasure from her lover.

Suddenly, Harry cupped her cheek and pulled back. Elena looked down at him and found his eyes looking at her tenderly.

“Are you sure, Elena?” He whispered, “I would love to make love to you, but are you really sure this is what you want?”

Instantly, she felt her mind clear and what she had done came crashing on her mind. Her lustful eyes cleared before they widened. Their faces were close to each other, and when she looked in his eyes, all she saw was care, concern, and sheer tenderness. She couldn’t fathom how he could be so pure, so caring and so honest, and she felt tears threatening to leak out of her eyes. Unable to handle it anymore, she buried her face in his neck, sobs wracking her frame as she kept whispering ‘I’m sorry,’ over and over again.

Harry, confused at the sudden change and more than a little curious, wrapped his arms around her and brought her close, stroking her hair softly.

They stayed like that for a few minutes. She was still shuddering as he stroked her hair tenderly, whispering reassurances and trying to calm her down.

Her head was still throbbing in pain as rough spasms went through her and she closed her eyes tightly to keep it at bay. She could do it. She had finally managed to break out of it, and she couldn’t surrender to it yet again. It was easier said than done though, as she could feel her trying to claw her way out desperately.

Harry felt her trembling in his arms and frowned. Pulling away, he looked down at her and saw that she had her eyes shut tightly as she rubbed her head as if massaging it to stave off a headache and her body shook every few seconds.

“Elena, y-you okay?” Harry whispered, suddenly concerned. Something was wrong. She didn’t respond.

“Elena?” He shook her slightly. Suddenly he jerked back as her eyes shot wide open. Her entire body was shaking as she took deep breaths. Harry was flabbergasted. Just what was going on?

Slowly, she turned toward him, and he saw her eyes get filled with tears before she flung herself in his arms.

“H-Harry... pl-please don’t... please don’t leave me alone, Harry... please don’t leave me alone with her... pl-please...” She sobbed and Harry quickly engulfed her in his arms as he rubbed her back. She was terrified!

“Shh... shh... shh... I’m here, Elena, I’m right here... nothing will happen to you... I’ll never leave you alone,” he reassured her, caressing her hair as she sobbed into his chest. However, he was denied a response and when he glanced at her, he saw that she had fallen asleep.

With a sigh, he pulled them on the bed properly and covered themselves with the comforter before wrapping her arms around her, holding her close. His mind was running wild.

What just happened? She was terrified! And what did she say? Don’t leave me alone with her? Who’s she talking about?’

Fair to say, sleep came very late for Harry that night, his mind full of questions. However, one thing was clear. There was something wrong with Elena. Those headaches... and now this episode...

As he dropped a soft kiss on top of her head, Harry resolved to get to the bottom of this matter.


To be continued...


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