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Wednesday arrived sooner than he had thought. The entire day, Harry had been jittery in anticipation and excitement of his first date with a woman he was hoping to get into a serious relationship with after such a long time. As he sat there in his office leaning back on the chair with his feet propped up on the desk, Harry reminisced his encounter with Susan the previous day.

They had met for another dueling session at Bones Manor, and curses were flying around the dueling arena, with lights and sparks of various colors reflecting off the walls. Gradually the atmosphere had turned sensual, typical of their regular sessions. Only this time, Susan decided to be a bit more... assertive. In all honesty, Harry should have seen it coming. Susan used to stay somewhat flustered when they had initially begun their trysts. However, she had long come out of her shell the more they saw of one another. Given their previous encounter, Harry was only slightly surprised by her advance.

She tackled him, his back colliding against the wall with a soft thud, and pressed herself against his muscular frame. Her big tits pressed up firmly as she rubbed her moist core against his slowly hardening member. Her lips locked on his neck as she kissed fiercely, and despite himself, Harry shuddered. Slowly, he grabbed her arms and pushed her back softly. She looked at him, her half-lidded eyes slowly scrunching in confusion as Harry pulled back.

The look on her face was one of profound shock when he told her about Elena and how he was finally going to get into a serious relationship. She looked downcast when she realized that their carnal sessions were about to end before engulfing him in a fierce hug. She voiced just how happy she was for him, and he smiled softly when she worryingly mentioned his failed relationship with Fleur before expressing her best wishes.

“If she's really as good as you described, I really hope it works out for you two,” she had said with a soft smile on her face, “and, when you feel like it, do bring her over. I’d love to meet the girl who finally found her way into my best friend’s heart.”

He also recalled his encounter with Lavender the day after he met Elena. The resident pervert had cornered him with Parvati in Hogsmeade, dragged him to one of the private rooms, and demanded all the details of the night. Parvati, embarrassed as she was, couldn’t do anything but feign disinterest.

The look on Lavender’s face when he told her that nothing had happened between Elena and him was one of abject bewilderment.

“So let’s see if I understood you correctly. You hit on the hottest woman in that club, made out with her in the middle of the dance floor, went out of the club with her all the way to her apartment, and you didn’t fuck her!?”

Her voice kept rising until she had shouted the final two words, compelling him to power the privacy wards up. Looking blandly at her face, he simply nodded.

“Yep. Didn’t fuck her.”


“However, I sure asked her out,” he had said with a smirk.

Lavender’s jaw had dropped at the revelation.

“You asked her out,” she whispered faintly, as though making herself believe what he had just said.

“Yep,” he replied cheerfully.

Lavender looked up at him before a wide grin etched on her face. With a shrill squeal, she threw herself on a surprised wizard and squeezed his frame tightly.

Harry smiled fondly at the memories of the two witches who he had been so close to, and he knew how much their support had meant.

A chime of the clock signaled him that it was 5 in the evening. He was going to pick Elena up at her place in an hour. Leisurely, he waved his wand, and his desk cleared up. Quills and inkwell found their spot, parchments rolled up and vanished inside the cabinet under the desk, and the files promptly gathered in the racks.

Dragging his legs down, he stood up and stretched before grabbing his blazer and making his way out of his office.

“Have a good time, Harry,” his secretary Katie beamed at him, and Harry grinned.

“Will do, Katie, and please deal with the final draft?”

“Will do,” Katie said and laughed.

With a shake of his head, Harry made his way out of his London office building and walked over to the apparation spot at the end of the street.

“All good, Jenny?” He asked the first-year intern at the Tonks’ law firm, and the girl in question nodded with a smile. Harry smiled back and turned on the spot, disapparating with a soft crack.

His feet made contact with the tiled floor of his home as the lights switched on automatically. Making his way over to his bedroom, he shrugged his clothes off and banished them to the washer before walking inside the shower.

Fifteen minutes later, a fresh and properly dressed Harry Potter made his way down the stairs toward his living room. Grabbing the keys to his car, he walked down the stairs to the basement where his garage was located. He still had over twenty minutes until 6, and he drove away to Elena’s apartment.

It took him fifteen minutes, as he parked his car at the spot and walked over to the building. She had told him that her apartment was on the thirteenth floor, and made his way up in the elevator. The soft ding alerted him that he had reached his destination, and he walked out. The floor had three apartments, and it didn’t take him much time to find Elena’s. Pressing the bell, he waited.

It seemed that she was as excited for this as he was because the door opened barely ten seconds after he rang the bell. However, the fact didn’t even register in his mind. His full concentration was on the vision of beauty right in front of him.

Garbed in a silver dress, she was a vision. The dress clung to her slender body perfectly, falling to mid-thigh on one side and a little lower on the other. It hung from her shoulders by thin straps. The soft silvery dress emphasized her natural curves - her full breasts, and her slim waist while diving just enough to show off a tantalizing amount of cleavage without being slutty. The dress looked perfect in every way, and complimented her grey eyes. And she looked stunning as she let her hair fall around her shoulders and down her slender back in shining waves, framing her beautiful face. She had put on a minimal amount of make-up, and Harry found that he loved how she looked.

His gaze slowly trailed down, taking in her perfect figure showcased in the silvery fabric and he noticed the angled dress showing off her long legs to perfection. She had put on perfectly matching heels and as Harry finally took in the beauty in front of him, he lost himself somewhat.

A soft clearing of the throat brought him out of his reverie, and Harry blinked. Looking up, he saw her chewing her bottom lip slightly, her eyes looking somewhere to his right, and he smiled.

“Well,” he began, “I surely feel underdressed now,” he chuckled. Elena looked at him with a soft smile on her lovely face, and Harry felt his lips reflexively mirror the actions of her own.

Elena hadn’t been idle either. The moment she opened the door, she came face to face with an elegantly dressed Harry Potter. One who looked entirely different from what she had seen of him back at the club.

He had gone classic. A white cotton shirt with the top two buttons open was tucked inside pitch-black trousers, encasing his entire solid frame and clinging to his muscles, and a shiny black belt was fastened with a silvery buckle. He had a matching black blazer on, unbuttoned, and a pair of polished black shoes finished the attire.

“Don’t worry Harry,” she said with a smile, “you look really good too,”

“Believe me, nowhere as good as you. I think I’ll have to keep a lookout tonight, don’t want someone else to kidnap my lovely date,”

Elena blushed.

“Flattery will get you everywhere,” she chuckled, and Harry smirked.

"Really?" He asked and Elena playfully swatted his arm.

“So... let’s go,” Harry looked at her and held his hand out. Elena locked her apartment and put the keys inside her purse. She took his hand with a soft smile on her face, one which Harry happily returned, and they walked over to the elevator. As the elevator dinged, Harry looked up and they walked inside.

“You’ve apparated before?” He asked, and Elena looked at him. Harry felt his breath get caught as he took in her face under the dim light of the elevator. She looked so breathtaking!

“No, but I’ve read that it’s pretty unpleasant,”

Harry snorted.

“Unpleasant is one word for it.”

“Wait,” Elena began, her eyes slightly widened, “you’re not planning to apparate us, right?”

“Oh no, no. I’ve brought the car. Don’t worry,”

“That’s good. I’m really not interested in anything unpleasant right now,” she smiled sheepishly, and Harry chuckled.

“Noted, ma’am,”

The soft ding alerted them, and the elevator door opened as they reached the ground floor. Together they made their way out of the building and walked over to where Harry had parked the car. Holding the door to the passenger’s side open, Harry smiled at her. Elena softly kissed him on the cheek and brushed her fingers on his arms before slowly getting inside. With a wink, Harry shut the door and walked over to the driver’s side.

The soft vroom echoed in the night as the new couple drove away to their destination.


Elena's heart fluttered inside her chest whenever Harry sneaked little glances at her. She knew how she looked and she had dressed to impress, and it looked like she had done a perfect job given how many times she had caught Harry while he tried to keep his eyes on the road.

Not that she was complaining, not when she was checking him out every once in a while as they made small talk. Maybe that’s why she was not much surprised when barely any time passed and they reached the restaurant.

Harry stopped the car by the entrance and got out. Like a perfect gentleman, he held the door open for her and helped her out, catching himself from looking down her dress, and Elena internally smiled. She locked their arms together, her fingers finding his and interlacing together as Harry handed the valet the keys with a smile.

Together, they made their way inside the restaurant. Elena looked around and despite herself, she was impressed. Harry had chosen tastefully. The setting looked straight out elegant, with red lamps and low lighting encasing the hall draped in crimson velvet. The restaurant was slightly crowded, but Elena could see a few empty tables.

They were approached by the manager himself, who recognized the man with her and gave him a friendly smile.

“This way, Harry,” he gestured them to follow. With a smile, Harry looked at her and they walked behind the man. He led them through a side door and Elena looked over to see the evening pianist playing a soft melody and inadvertently found herself relax. It was a private dining area with its separate bar and she could make out two more couples occupying two of the twenty tables scattered around an open dance area.

They were led over to the table right out in the open balcony, one she had overlooked, and Elena realized Harry had reserved the best table for the two of them. She looked over at him with shining eyes only to find him looking back at her with a soft smile. She barely stopped herself from kissing him.

Harry pulled out her chair for her, helping her sit before taking the seat right beside her on the round table.

“I hope it’s okay, I really don’t like sitting on the opposite side,” he began as Elena looked at him, “this way feels more... intimate,” he finished with a soft smile on his face.

Elena smiled. “I like it too,”

The manager smiled at the two of them as he cleared his throat softly.

“I’ll leave the two of you to decide, and have a good time,”

Harry smiled at him and nodded.

“Thanks a lot, Michael,”

“Anything for you, Harry,” and with a soft pat on the back, Michael walked away.

Harry’s eyes trailed his retreating back over her before they came to rest on her face. With a smile, he said, “You really do look incredible,”

Elena flushed.

“Thank you,” she replied, bashfully. Her fingers were pinching the tablecloth as she smiled at him.

“Should we order?”

“Mm-hmm,” and they picked up the menu, browsing through the list of options as the attendant walked over to note it down.


Delicious food and small sips of wine were flowing between them as the couple talked about things mostly innocuous.

“- and then she says ‘Now, if you two don’t mind, I’m going to bed before either of you come up with another clever idea to get us killed. Or worse, expelled.’

Elena laughed and Harry joined in with a chuckle and a shake of her head. Their conversation until now had flowed smoothly, and Harry was really glad that the night was going fabulously. The way her pretty face lit up whenever she laughed sent a thrill of excitement through him.

“Well... looks like she had her priorities sorted,” she said with a snort as Harry sipped his wine.

“Yeah,” he chuckled, “but you know what? I won’t trade them for anything, Ron and Hermione,” he said with a soft smile. Elena smiled at that. It was clear how close the three friends were, which was understandable, given what she had heard about the trio from various sources. Hardships brought people closer like none other.

“And I just remembered,” he started, and Elena fixed her gaze at him.


“This is the same girl who set a professor’s robe on fire without flinching, brewed a restricted NEWT-level potion the very next year and helped us break multiple school rules, and formed a secret group in direct violation of law a few years later. The audacity!”

“She didn’t!” Elena giggled with wide eyes at his dramatic finish as Harry looked at her with an exasperated smile on his face and nodded. Still snorting, she took a small bite of her smoked salmon and chewed slowly.

“She sounds wonderful,” Elena began, “I’d love to meet her someday,”

“I think we can easily do that,” Harry replied with a smile.

“Luckily I don’t have such kinds of deathly experiences. However exciting these adventures of yours might have been, I’m glad to stay well clear,”

Harry rubbed his neck sheepishly. A comfortable silence stretched between them for a few seconds as they helped themselves to the delicious meal that the chef had so wonderfully prepared.

“This salmon is really good,” Elena remarked, and Harry nodded.

“The steak is nicely done too, here...” He cut a small bite and picked it up with his fork and brought it over to her mouth. Elena looked at him in surprise before accepting it. Her eyes closed in delight as she savored the flavor as Harry looked on.


His breath hitched as Elena released a soft moan and he tried to calm his heartbeat. Her grey orbs opened slowly and locked on his emerald ones as she smiled shyly.

“It was really good,” she whispered. Her fingers slowly grabbed her fork where a small bite of salmon was uneaten, and she brought her hand forward. Eyes locked together, she brought the fork until it was right in front of his mouth.

Harry couldn’t look away. It felt like her eyes had frozen him in place, and he found himself unwilling to tear his gaze away. His mouth opened reflexively as he took the small piece of meat and chewed slowly.

“How is it?”

“Really nice,”

She smiled and placed the fork back on the plate. Their eyes stayed locked together, a sudden shift in the atmosphere palpable, one that sent a pleasant shiver through the alluring body of the beautiful vixen.

Elena could feel their faces come closer with each passing second. The soft breaths she could feel against her nose were as relaxing as they were provocative. She felt a flutter in her chest that she had rarely felt before, and her eyes closed on their own volition. Soft, featherlight touches on her lips were tantalizing, enriching the sensation of utter bliss she had been feeling ever since their lovely date began. His fingers softly brushing her soft cheek, hovering over her skin, and playing with her hair was oddly intimate and their lips moved together with no haste, yet not lacking in passion whatsoever.

As they continued to slowly move their lips together, Elena felt she could stay like that forever. Never before had someone burrowed one's way in her heart like Harry, and as much as it excited her, it terrified her even more. However, she couldn't bring herself to care, and not even the dull throbbing in the back of her head could spoil the moment.

The pianist looked over at the young couple with a smile on his face as his fingers kept working the black and white keys with the grace and skill honed with years of practice. The melody kept flowing through the hall as the couple in question quite simply lost themselves in a world of their own.


To be continued...


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