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The forbidden couple trekked to the main door of their home. Harry tapped his wand on the knob and with an audible click, the door opened.

The entire hallway was cast in a dim glow emitted by small lights embedded on the ceiling and over the lower half of the walls. They got inside and Harry closed the door behind them. It locked on its own owing to the built-in locking runes crafted on the metallic object.

The house was eerily quiet and shrouded in darkness apart from the soft glow from the hallway as Harry and Narcissa made their way inside. They reached the living room that was adjoined with the open kitchen and Narcissa flicked her wand to turn the lights on.

“Looks like James isn’t home yet,” Narcissa remarked as she silently took in the state of their house.

“Seems like it. Or is he asleep already? It’s possible.” Harry observed as he looked over at her.

“Let me check,” Narcissa said as she turned around to walk out.

“Well…” Harry began and Narcissa stopped and turned around to look at him.

Harry looked at her before shrugging. “I’m going to get rid of this monstrosity. I wonder what dad thought when he brought this trash to wear to the party.”

Harry pulled at the collar of his costume as Narcissa snickered.

“I’ll be in my room if you need anything. It’s getting late anyway.” As he said that, Harry walked over to Narcissa and pulled her into a heated kiss. Narcissa moaned loud but her voice was muffled as Harry inserted his tongue inside her mouth.

As they continued to kiss each other passionately in the middle of the living room, Narcissa, who was already turned on from his actions in the car felt her arousal mounting. She clutched him tightly as he pulled her close, mashing her large tits roughly against his chest as his fingers grabbed two handfuls of her plump rear and squeezed hard.

Narcissa moaned into the kiss and just as she was about to rub her quivering snatch against his pelvis, Harry pulled back. He looked down at her smugly to see her dazed look slowly receding as she came to her senses.

“You asshole!” Narcissa muttered as she saw the smug look on his face. Harry simply gave her a smirk and with one final squeeze of her ass, he walked away.

Narcissa stood there, watching his retreating back in the hallway until he was finally out of sight before she released a deep breath and sighed. Fixing her dress the best she could, she looked up and walked over to her bedroom.


The door shut close with a soft click as the raven-haired wizard leaned back on it. Resting his head back against the wooden frame, Harry Potter released a deep breath as he replayed the events of the past few hours in his mind.

He recalled the fluttering he had felt in his chest when he first gazed at Narcissa’s figure when she had descended from the staircase just a few steps away from where he was currently standing.

His fingers grabbed hold of the collar of his costume and with a sharp tug, he lifted it over his head and dumped the top on the floor. His pants that resembled the broom followed suit as it joined its counterpart right by his legs.

He thought of how she had teased him in the beginning, and how he had reflected on his feelings back then in the male restroom, resolving to play her game.

Harry shook his head as he pulled off the door and kicked his discarded costume aside. Naked as he had been a few hours ago, he walked over to his cupboard. Brushing his fingers over the rune, he opened the door and pulled off the freshly scented towel and a pair of boxers, throwing the latter on his bed as he grabbed the former off the rack and slung it over his shoulder.

He reminisced of the way she had danced on that dance floor, how their bodies had blended close together as they plundered each other’s mouths right there in front of everyone, his hands squeezing her soft tits as she ground her plump rear on his rock hard erection.

Harry slid the door of the bathroom open, turning the lights on with a wave of his hand as he hung the towel on the bar right outside the glass door. Pushing the door gently, he crossed the threshold before he ran his fingers gently over the runes on the underside of the taps.

Warm, fresh water slowly started descending on the nape of his neck as he runes started doing their work, heating the fresh, chilly water, and as he stood there, drenched, he closed his eyes. His fingers brushed another rune over the tap and he braced himself on the wall under the slower, his hands supporting his frame as he let the water from the shower descend his body, covering every part of his frame. Harry shivered as murky water washed off his frame and steam arose from the surface of his skin, covering his entire body for a moment before dissipating entirely, as if it had never been there in the first place. The revitalizing rune, magically infused with the shower, was a highly sought-after commodity in the Wizarding world – its secret preserved and patented by the Swann family who was the premier manufacturer of all items of home comfort. As the name suggested, the rune infused the water with special properties that chased all evidence of fatigue away, leaving the user completely refreshed. It was heavily speculated that the properties of the pepper-up potion somehow played a part, but no one had been able to figure out how to replicate the formula yet.

Sighing, he stood back up and ran his fingers through his wet hair, and with his eyes still closed, he called up the memory of Narcissa seducing him in his father’s office. The sultry look in her eyes; the way her body bent against the door, inviting him, coaxing his inner desires out of him; the way she had bent over his father’s chair, fixing him with a gaze so intense and her posture so alluring; the way she had stalked over to him; all of it was more than enough to rouse him again.

His fingers found his semi-rigid cock and despite the events of the night; although he had already shot his load numerous times in the past few hours, Harry felt himself getting turned on yet again.

As his fingers slowly wrapped around his hardening cock, he immersed himself in the memory of Narcissa getting down on her knees and the thrill he had felt when she had wrapped her soft, ruby lips around his girth.

Harry released a sigh as he felt himself reach full mast and he wrapped his hand around his cock, taking his erection in a gentle grip, and gave himself a test stroke.

Narcissa took his cock inside her oral canal and Harry synchronized his movement over his organ with her own. Breathing steadily, he started stroking himself in tandem with Narcissa’s movements before he stopped.

Sighing, he took his hand away from his cock and grabbed the bar of soap from the small rack by the taps. Stepping a little bit aside, he wet the bar of soap under the dripping water from the shower. Once satisfied, he rubbed the bar against his chest, covering the entire expanse of his skin before doing the same to his arms. Covering his palms, he rubbed them all over his back as far as he could reach.

He closed his eyes once again, immersing himself in the memory of Narcissa mounting him right on the sofa as his soap-covered palm grabbed hold of his erect cock once again. He lathered his cock up entirely, making it slick and slippery as thick foam coated his palm before he started stroking himself.

He saw Narcissa taking him completely inside her and Harry’s breath quickened as he started stroking himself as firmly and as deeply as Narcissa bounced on his raging hard-on. His other hand grabbed hold of the shower wall as he braced himself while his other hand continued its ministrations on his cock in perfect sync with Narcissa’s alluring movements.

So immersed was he in his reminiscing that he didn’t hear the soft rustle of fabric right outside the shower stall. Neither did he see another figure enter the space, nor did he pay any attention to the water warming up slightly.

He was however broken out of his reverie when he felt the soft flesh of bountiful skin press up against his firm back. His eyes shot open when he felt someone behind him and he abruptly turned around to meet the grey eyes of his new lover.

There stood Narcissa in all her naked glory, and as Harry took her in, he was once again reminded of the fact that she was a total knockout.

Pearly white skin, perfectly illuminated in the bright glow of the lights as droplets of warm water slid down the curves of her soft, porcelain, ivory skin, combined with that half-lidded gaze of hers and Harry felt his knees going weak.

Harry looked down as he saw a single droplet of water trailing down the curve of her breast and his eyes trailed its path as it continued its descent until it reached the peak of her tender nubs and with nary a wink, splashed down on the floor.

“Enjoying the view?” Narcissa asked with a raised eyebrow and her lips quirked in an amused smirk.

“Eek...” She yelped when she felt him wrap his arm around her waist and with a firm tug, pull her flush against him. Her firm tits mashed against his equally naked chest and his hands rested on the swell of her hips as Harry kept her pressed up against his front firmly.

Narcissa had her palms holding on to his shoulders as she looked up into his eyes. Her eyes glinted in triumph when she saw the familiar glint of arousal lurking deep within those emerald pools, a glint which she was sure was being reflected in her grey orbs.

Harry opened his mouth to presumably answer her, but his words were but off when Narcissa stood up on her tiptoes and mashed her mouth against his in a hot, fierce kiss.

He felt his breath taken away as Narcissa vigorously kiss him, her fingers digging into his shoulders, and without missing a beat, he kissed her back passionately. The forbidden couple kept their lips locked together in an intense battle of attrition; each intent on finding out who would give up first, but not surrendering.

Harry felt himself being pushed back and his feet slid back on the wet floor. He grunted into the kiss, not breaking the contact as his arms grabbed her plush, naked ass. His back collided firmly against the cool glass surface of the shower walls and Narcissa wasted no time in lifting her left leg around his right, resting her heel against the back of his knee. This caused Harry’s painfully throbbing erection to rest against her navel and he groaned into the kiss when he felt the head of his cock gently brush against her soft skin.

This allowed Narcissa to pry his mouth open with her tongue and it was Harry’s turn to heat things up. He felt Narcissa’s tongue explore every aspect of his mouth and their tongues collided together in a battle for dominance. Neither of the two was ready to budge an inch and as they kept kissing each other, their bodies locked in a heated embrace right under the hot shower, they felt their combined arousal mounting as their heartbeats synchronized and sped up and their wet bodies rubbed together in all the right places.

Harry quickly turned the tables around and pinned her tongue under his own, furiously sucking the soft flesh between his upper lip and tongue Narcissa sucked on his lower lip. He gripped her asscheeks with both hands and smeared it in foam in all its entirety. The slippery plump flesh jiggled with each movement as Harry continued to rub it firmly, depositing layer after layer of soap foam over the entire expanse of her skin.

Narcissa moaned when she felt his fingers gently brush her wet folds and Harry wasted no time in pulling her up by her ass. Narcissa promptly wrapped her legs around his waist as he hoisted her up, keeping a firm grip on her ass as they continued to vigorously kiss each other. Their lips stayed locked together and Narcissa felt his throbbing erection prod her slick entrance.

However, it was at that inopportune moment that Harry’s grip on her soap-covered ass slipped. Narcissa tried to hold on to him with her legs around his waist but the water cascading down their bodies combined with the soap on their skin made her lose all the friction and she promptly dropped down on her feet. This had another unfortunate outcome as their lips that were previously interlocked in a furious duel parted.

Harry quickly exerted his control and grabbed her ass in order to steady her as Narcissa firmly held on to his frame by grabbing onto his shoulders. The couple stood there under the hot water, breathing deeply, as Harry drew her in closer. This caused his erect cock to firmly press up against her front, pointing upwards, and Narcissa wrapped her arms around his neck and rested her forehead against his chest. They stood there under the hot water with their bodies pressed firmly against one another for a while, not saying or doing anything, before Harry chuckled.

Narcissa looked up at him with an askance smile to which Harry simply shook his head and gave her a grin.

“So… I take it Dad’s not home yet?”

“Uh-huh…” Narcissa shook her head and gave him a mischievous grin that mirrored Harry’s own.

“You’re one insatiable woman,” Harry remarked with a grin as Narcissa laughed.

“I’m insatiable? Who’s the one who, one, is male, two, has come I don’t know how many times already, and three, is still standing here with an erect cock?” Narcissa finished with a whisper as she leaned up and nibbled on his ear.

Harry shuddered when she bit him on a sensitive spot and gave her a cocky grin.

“Well… you should thank the wonderful runes for that” He copied her actions, nuzzling the side of her neck before looking her in the eyes, “and the lust your lover has for you, so much that he can fuck you, once, twice, thrice, and even more, all in the span of less than a night, and still be ready for more…” and with each pause, he nipped at every sensitive part of her skin that he had found.

Narcissa shivered as her lust grew, and as she looked up at him with a familiar look in her eyes, Harry smirked.

Steam grew inside the shower room and Harry promptly shut the glass door, ready for their next adventure inside the small, glass-enclosed space of his shower, the lights illuminating the entire area brightly and showing things that were not visible in their tango previously in the dim light of his father’s office.


To be continued...



Damn this story so hot wish u had pictures of narcissa


Sorry mate, don't have enough skills to do artworks. You can, however, picture her the way you want. Personal choice for every reader. Personally, I go with Kate Upton.


Love the story . Can wait for more. Just wondering whats the schedule you updated?


Updates every 4 days. I've three fics in progress currently, so that's the schedule. One after the other.