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When they entered the well-lit room, they saw that there were quite a few people just standing there talking, various couples were dotted around and a few people were just walking around on their own, but everyone was dressed up. Wizards dressed up as Dumbledore, elves, werewolves, fairies, and whatnot. Narcissa swore she saw a few wizards wearing the Death Eater garb and had to stifle a gasp at the audacity.

Suddenly, two merpeople walked up to Narcissa and Harry.

"Ah! good evening Narcissa, James." The voice of Matthew Turpin said. He was the one hosting the party at his workplace. James was a member of the board and the two knew one another quite well.

"Matthew, Rosaline, so nice to see you." She replied with a bright smile, noting the older man's eye line straight at her cleavage, "Thank you for the invitation."

"Nonsense, nonsense, James here is always welcome here. He is one of the board members after all." He said without once taking his eyes from her tits. Harry clearly saw this as he tensed.

Suddenly, he spoke in a deep voice, emulating his father.

"Nice to see you too Matt. If you don’t mind, I would like to go get a drink." He said and walked away, leaving Narcissa the choice to follow or be dragged along.

She smiled at the Turpins as she walked away on Harry's arm, but when they were far enough away, she whispered angrily, "What was that all about?"

"Don’t act as if you don’t know it," He growled.

"You can't fault him for looking at me. Not when you've done it yourself." She said quickly and quietly.


She didn’t know what it was for though – for what he did or the fact that he ogled her as well. Narcissa didn’t bother much about that though.

The two simply went ahead into the main hall. It was dark except for the flickering lights of the dance area on the opposite half of the one they were standing in. The corridors led to various offices and cubicles on either side of the stage.

The room was pitch dark, and despite the occasional flicker of something owing to the lights from the disco ball, Narcissa could barely see various parts of the room or the walls.

"I'm getting a drink," Harry said when they entered the darkroom, "You want something?"

She smiled at him lovingly, "Sure, but keep the drinks under control. You have to drive back."

"Can’t you do it this time? Dad taught you last year," He said, looking at the bar.

"Well, I’m don’t think I could drive all that well at night. Also, I'm here to have a good time tonight so I don't see why I shouldn't drink." She said with a smile.

"Now, be a dear and go fetch me a drink, baby." And she gave him a little peck on the cheek.

Harry simply shook his head and left with a muttered, “I’ll be back”. He darted out of the room and into the restroom that he had seen earlier. To his relief, he found it empty.

Quickly he walked over to the sink. Splashing the cold water on his face, he soaked his face and then looked into the mirror.

He was so turned on right now! His cock was raging hard and the bulge was blatantly visible. Harry thought about going into the cubicle and jacking himself off while thinking about the blonde seductress that Narcissa had turned into.

No! She didn’t turn into anything. She’s been a seductress all the time. It’s just that I never saw her like that.

Boy, is she a knockout! That’s not a woman, no! That’s a succubus come to life! Sex on legs, yeah, that’s what she is.

Harry looked long and hard at himself in the mirror and tried to calm himself down. He was breathing heavily and his fingers were shaking where they were planted on the counter.

"She's only pretending." He told his reflection, "You understand? She's not flirting with you. Now man up and do what you're expected to do."

"Yes." He whispered, looking at his reflection and nodded. "I'm going to go out there and react normally. It's just a role. I can do this."

He repeated his words over and over again and splashed the cold water a few times more on his steaming face.

Control yourself, Potter. Get a grip, will you! Just keep calm and control your libido, damn it! She’s your stepmother. She's just pretending. This is all an act.

He told himself to calm down once again and continued to repeat that in his mind as he left and went back to get a drink for Narcissa.


Narcissa meanwhile had busied herself with talking to different people. Currently, she was with a couple who she had once met at a party but didn’t know personally. The man was the first who she had spoken to that had not only stared at her tits. Well, he had stared but had enough decency to control his gaze.

Why is it that the only man who could touch these tits when he wants to is the only one not here?’

She tried to tell herself that the feelings she was feeling right then were created by her annoyance at the situation and not because she was feeling horny.

For the umpteenth time, she looked around to see if she could see Harry anyway.

He’s been gone for what? 10 minutes now? Where is he?’ She wondered.

Suddenly she felt an arm around her waist pulling her side against someone, and she jumped, surprised.

She turned her head to look and tried to calm her racing heart when she saw who it was.

"Hey honey, you scared me! Where've you been?" She asked, taking a few deep breaths as she looked at him with questioning eyes.

"Oh, I just went to the restroom, love." He answered back, his voice deeper than normal yet again.

Narcissa stared at him for a moment and was tempted to take the mask off. She would’ve sworn this was James if she didn’t know that it was Harry instead. Harry had never spoken to her like that, and it looked like he didn't seem the least bit nervous of flirting with her anymore. The most astounding fact was that he even sounded the same as his father with the loud music blaring in the background.

He smiled at her as he handed her the glass of punch.

"Thought you might want this seeing as I'm driving. Goblin’s punch, they’re calling it. I’ve heard it’s quite, err… addictive, let’s say." He said with a smile and then turned that smile on the couple watching the two of them interacting, having no clue who this was.

"Hey, how’s everything?" He asked as if he actually knew who they were.

Narcissa took a gulp of the green liquid that Harry had handed to her, studying it for a bit as she pondered Harry and his sudden change in personality. He still had his arm around her waist as if that was an all-natural and normal occurrence. He even squeezed her side once or twice as he spoke, looking well and truly at home each time as he did so while continuing to lovingly smile at her.

So… you’re not flustered around me anymore, are you?’ Narcissa thought. ‘Well, we can’t have that now, can we dear?

Filled with a newfound resolve, she moved closer to her stepson and pressed her large tits tightly against his arm, burying his well-muscled arm deep inside her cleavage. As she did so, she ran her thumb across his lips, wiping a drop of punch away before pulling it down to rest it on his chest. She caressed his chest, feeling up his muscles, idly noticing how solid he was. Smiling adoringly up at him like a loving wife, she spoke teasingly, "Hey baby, I'm just going to get myself a refill. I won't be long, okay", she said, standing on her tiptoes slightly and gently kissing him on the chin.

To her surprise, Harry didn't move at all. Neither did he flinch nor did he seem the slightest bit flustered. He just simply turned to her and smiled, and she felt his hand fall down onto her ass and give it a squeeze. Her eyes widened comically at his forward gesture, and she looked at him in shock.

"Don’t worry babe, I'll go get you one," He said and with that infuriating grin on his lips, he slapped her hard on her ass before walking off towards the bar.

What the fuck!? What’s gotten into him!?’

She knew she should be disapproving of his actions, but his confidence lit a competitive fire inside of her.

So, you want to play this game, Harry? Well, too bad. I’m not going to be outdone by you. You think you’re such an alpha, don’t you? But I will make you flustered again, you’ll see.’

Keeping her face normal, Narcissa Potter simply smiled as her stepson, who walked off to get her a refill.


Harry came back to find Narcissa sitting alone at a table near where he had previously left her. Walking over, he handed her the glass which she took with a smile. The table was round with typical party decorations – white cloth and a flower bouquet in the middle. Harry took a seat in the chair beside her, their shoulders and thighs touching each other. Narcissa idly noticed that their table was in one of those darker spots that she had spotted previously when they first arrived. It obviously didn't seem much darker to Narcissa now that they were sitting there, but she was sure no one would have been able to make much out beyond the fact that two people were sitting there.

As Harry sat down, Narcissa leaned forward a little and smiled at him. Taking a sip of her punch she idly ran the fingernails of her left hand up and down his thigh under the table. That made him flinch, but to his credit, he regained his composure quickly.

Feeling bolder, she leaned closer until their faces were just a few inches apart. She could feel his warm breath on her own face and sense the warmth his body was exhibiting. She could also feel something gently flowing through her veins, unaware that her own level of lust was rising rapidly.

"Thank you, baby." She breathed out and leant in to gently brush his lips with hers.

Slowly, keeping her body steady, she pulled away slightly to look at his face. Her heart was hammering under her breasts, and she knew that he was not any better. To her absolute dismay, he didn't show the slightest hint of fluster, at all. She growled at herself in frustration, but outwardly she just smiled and then moved forward to press her lips against his, not hard enough to seem to pressurize, but firm enough. This was a proper peck on the lips, and neither one of them moved away.

Electricity began to course through Narcissa's veins, and a kiss that surely lasted only for a few seconds seemed to go on forever.

Slowly, she moved her face away and looked into his eyes. Her heart was pounding faster, and the thought that what she was doing was wrong didn’t cross her mind even once.

I didn't kiss him. It was only a peck. Nothing wrong with that.

Narcissa was visibly shocked when she saw that Harry didn’t look shaken or flustered at all; in fact, he appeared as if was had just happened was a completely normal occurrence. This time, Narcissa failed to keep her growl quiet.

"What's wrong?" Harry asked her, looking slightly concerned as he gazed at her.

"Since when did you become so bold that you actively started flirting with me?" She asked, visibly irritated.

"Wasn’t this what you wanted? I’m doing this for you. Believe me, it isn’t easy," He said and took a quick gulp of his punch, draining the entire glass in one.

So, I am getting to him. Good.

She definitely wasn't prepared to go any further, but she had an idea to make him squirm.

'No man can resist this. No one.'

With a smile, she said to him teasingly, "This chair isn't very comfortable, I think a change is needed." And with those words, she stood up and dropped her body sideways into his lap.

Harry’s eyes shot open and now Narcissa grinned in triumph. Now he was flustered. She put her arm around his neck and made herself comfortable on his lap, shifting her body so that her tits were right under his face in such a manner that he had no way of avoiding looking at her cleavage. Suddenly, she realized what the hardness underneath her was that was making her uncomfortable on his lap. Now it was her turn as her eyes shot open. She tried to stand up but Harry quickly wrapped his arms around her waist tightly and pulled her down on his hardness. Narcissa couldn’t help the moan that came out of her mouth and she was about to demand why he did that when she noticed two guys coming to sit down opposite them and smile at Harry. Quickly composing herself, Narcissa tried to sit very still and look like she was comfortable, but Harry’s rock-hard cock was pressed completely against her pussy, not to mention she was still horny from earlier and it made a rather inconvenient combination at that moment.

"Is that you James?" One of the guys said.

"Who else will come here wearing a broom, moron?" The other one added before turning back to the couple. “Is this your wife you keep talking about? Gotta admit you were right when you said how hot she was, man!”

"Well, you know, only the hottest woman for me, my Cissa’s the hottest there is." He smiled at her and bounced her on his lap a couple of times, which caused her pussy to collide against his hardened cock in quick succession. Narcissa tried with all her might to keep a straight face.

She saw and was not surprised at all to see the two creepy men ogling her. She opened her mouth to say something but was surprised when Harry spoke again.

"You know, she looks so sexy that I didn’t even want to come here. Now I have to wait until we get home to fuck her." He said, and Narcissa gawked at how explicit he was being in front of the two men who she didn’t even know. Narcissa was even more flabbergasted, and even more aroused when Harry dragged his hand from her waist, brushing upwards on her stomach and cupped her right tit, squeezing it hard several times.

Narcissa squeaked but she tried hard not to show anything on her face, she just buried her face in the crook of his neck and let her stepson grope her tits until he finally let go and spoke to the two again.

"I don't want to be rude guys but could you give me and my girl here a bit of privacy for a while." He said, replacing his hand back on her waist and once again bouncing her slightly on his lap. Her pussy pulsed and yearned for release, such was the tension within her.

The two guys smiled and nodded then said goodbye to Narcissa and walked away. As soon as the two were out of eyeshot Narcissa stood up, brandished her wand, cast a privacy charm around the table and rounded on Harry.

"What in the fuck do you think you're doing?" She demanded harshly, "You can't touch me like that, I'm your..."

He leaned forward and gently laid a finger on her lips and said, "I apologize but I had to. I saw those guys earlier when I went to the bar and they were always trying it on with the women, desperate creeps. I had to let them know that you were off-limits."

"You didn't have to..." She began but again he silenced her with that finger on her ruby red lips.

"I had to. We're pretending you're my wife, not anything else." He said looking at her flatly, "Isn't it what I'm supposed to do?"

There wasn't much she could say, she knew he was right, but he was her stepson. How could he be so calm about touching his father’s wife like that? He seemed to have been enjoying it!

He’s not my son though. He’s never considered me his mother.

"I think we should calm down before things get out of hand." She said as she looked at him.

"Ok, we'll just flirt lightly and no one will know." He reassured her. It should’ve relieved her, but it made her feel a sense of disappointment. She had enjoyed it, she knew it in her heart. Enjoyed the feel of his hard cock against her needing pussy. Missed it now that it wasn't there. ‘Calm down, Narcissa!

"Come on let's get another drink." Harry urged her.

"Yeah, let’s." She said trying to smile. She had to calm down, she couldn't let lust take over her, or they could end up doing something they would surely regret.


To be continued...


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